荧光素眼底血管造影过程中个别受检者可能会出现局部或全身不良反应, 其发生机制不完全清楚。目前认为主要与迷走神经反应有关, 其次与过敏性药物反应有关。影响不良反应发生率高低以及轻重程度不一的相关因素还包括人种、年龄、性别, 荧光素钠配方及其所含污染物, 荧光素钠注射液的浓度、剂量、温度和注射速度, 给药途径, 造影次数以及受检者精神心理因素、过敏史、心血管病史、晕动病史等。除了过去造影有过敏性反应的患者可考虑检查前皮肤敏感试验外, 皮肤敏感试验不能排除非免疫性反应。无证据表明预防性用药能影响不良反应发生率高低及其程度轻重, 除了利弊不一和药物的副作用, 还可能引起患者不必要的忧虑, 所以不建议常规使用。
Citation: 杨怡. 荧光素眼底血管造影不良反应观察研究现状概述. Chinese Journal of Ocular Fundus Diseases, 2015, 31(5): 507-512. doi: 10.3760/cma.j.issn.1005-1015.2015.05.030 Copy
Copyright © the editorial department of Chinese Journal of Ocular Fundus Diseases of West China Medical Publisher. All rights reserved
1. | Fuhrman FT, Crismon JM. Studies of gangrene following cold injureⅨ: the effect of rutin and other chemical agents on the course of experimental frostbite in rabbits[J]. J Clin Invest, 1948, 27(3 Pt 1):364-371. |
2. | Hodge JV, Dollery CT. Retinal soft exudates:a clinical study by colour and fluorescence photography[J]. Quart J Med, 1964, 33:117-131. |
3. | Maeda H, Ishida N, Kawauchi H, et al. Reaction of fluorescein isothiocyanate with proteins and amino acids.Ⅰ. Covalent and non-covalent binding of fluorescein isothiocyanate and fluorescein to proteins[J]. J Biochem, 1969, 65(5):777-783. |
4. | Wessing A. Fluorescein angiography of the retina[M]. St Louis, CV:Mosby, 1969:14. |
5. | Dollery CT, Hodge JV, Eengel M. Studies of the retinal circulation with fluorescein[J]. Brit Med J, 1962, 2(5314):1210-1215. |
6. | Webb JM, Fonda M, Brouwer EA. Metabolism and excretion patterns of fluorescein and certain halogenated fluorescein dyes in rats[J]. J Pharmacol Exp Ther, 1962, 137:141-147. |
7. | 梁树今, 廖菊生, 高育英, 等.眼底荧光血管造影释义[M].石家庄:河北人民出版社, 1980:5-7. |
8. | Bindewald A, Stubhrmann O, Roth F, et al. Lower limits of fluorescein and indocyanine green dye for digital cSLO fluoresecence angiography[J]. Br J Ophthalmol, 2005, 89(12):1609-1615. |
9. | Buchanan RT, Levine NS. Blood pressure drop as a result of fluorescein injection[J]. Plast Reconstr Surg, 1982, 70(3): 363-368. |
10. | Salem H, Loux JJ, Smith S, et al. Evaluation of the toxicologic and teratogenic potentials of sodium fluorescein in the rat[J]. Toxicology, 1979, 12(2):143-150. |
11. | Shekleton P, Fidler J, Grimwade J. A case of benign intracranial hypertension in pregnancy[J]. Br J Obstet Gynecol, 1980, 87(4):345-347. |
12. | Halperin LS, Olk RJ, Soubrane G, et al. Safety of fluorescein angiography during pregnancy[J]. Am J Ophthalmol, 1990, 109(5):563-566. |
13. | Yannuzzzi LA, Rohrer KT, Tindel LJ, et al. Fluorescin angiography complication survey[J]. Ophthalmology, 1986, 93(5):611-617. |
14. | McClellan SL, Perry BW, Doumas BT. Effect of fluorescein on clinical laboratory tests[J]. Clin Chem, 1982, 28(11):2335-2336. |
15. | Pinkerton RMH. Fluorescein angiography as a source of artifact in the investigation of hypertension[J]. Can J Ophthalmol, 1969, 4(4):379-381. |
16. | Bloom JN, Herman DC, Elin RJ, et al. Intravenous fluorescein interference with clinical laboratory tests[J]. Am J Ophthalmol, 1989, 108(4):375-379. |
17. | Jost BF, Olk RJ, Spurrier MH, et al. Effect of intravenous fluorescein on fluorescent treponemal antibody testing[J]. Am J Ophthalmol, 1986, 102(2):278-279. |
18. | Chahal PS, Neal MJ, Kohner EM. Metabolism of fluorescein after intravenous administration[J]. Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci, 1985, 26(5):764-768. |
19. | Inloes T, Clark D, Drobnise A. Interference of fluorescein, used in retinal angiography with certain clinical laboratory tests[J]. Clin Chem, 1987, 33(11):2126-2127. |
20. | Sperling HG, Johnson C, Harwerth RS. Differrential spectral photic damage to primate cones[J]. Vision Res, 1980, 20(12):1117-1125. |
21. | Sankeralli MJ, Chen JC, Metha AB, et al. Evidence for mild blue-yellow colour vision deficits immediately following fluorescein angiography[J]. Ophthalmic Physiol Opt, 2000, 20(2):137-141. |
22. | Hochheimer BF, Lutty GA, D'Anna SA. Ocular fuorescein phototoxicity[J]. Appl Opt, 1987, 26(8):1473-1479. |
23. | Friedman N, Haegerstrom-Portnoy G, Paul O, et al. Foveal vision function before and after fluorescein angiography[J]. Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci, 1994, 35(9):3566-3570. |
24. | Haegerstrom-Portnoy G, Verdon W. Two-color increment thresholds in early age related maculopathy[J]. Clin Vision Sci, 1989, 4: 165-172. |
25. | Young RW. The family of sunlight-related eye diseases[J]. Optom Vis Sci, 1994, 71(2):125-144. |
26. | Sankeralli MJ, Mullen KT. Estimation of the L-, M-, and S-cone weights of the postreceptoral detection mechanisms[J]. J Opt Soc Am A, 1996, 13:906-915. |
27. | Collins M, Brown B. Glare recovery and age related maculopathy[J]. Clin Vision Sci, 1989, 4:145-153. |
28. | Marshall J. Light damage and the practice of ophthalmology[M]//Rosen ES, Haining WM, Arnott EJ. Intraocular lens implantation. St Louis: CV Mosby, 1984: 182-207. |
29. | Chazan BI, Balodimos MC, Koncz L. Untoward effects of fluorescein retinal angiography in diabetic patients[J]. Ann Ophthalmol, 1971, 3(1):42. |
30. | Stein MR, Parker CW. Reactions following intravenous fluorescein[J]. Am J Ophthalmol, 1971, 72(5):861-868. |
31. | Arroyave CM, Wolbers R, Ellis PP. Plasma complement and histamine changes after intravenous administration of sodium fluorescein[J]. Am J Ophthalmol, 1979, 87(4):474-479. |
32. | Brown RE, Sabates R, Drew SJ. Metoclopramide as prophylaxis for nausea and vomiting induced by fluorescein[J]. Arch Ophthalol, 1987, 105(5):658-659. |
33. | Kwiterovich KA, Maguire MG, Murphy RP, et al. Frequency of adverse systemic reactions after fluorescein angiography: results of a prospective study[J]. Ophthalmology, 1991, 98(7):1139-1142. |
34. | Kwan ASL, Barry C, McAllister TL, et al. Fluorescein angiography and adverse drug reactions revisited: the lions eye experience[J]. Clin Experiment Ophthalmol, 2006, 34(1):33-38. |
35. | Musa F, Muen WJ, Hancock R, et al. Adverse effects of fluorescein angiography in hypertensive and elderly patients[J]. Acta Ophthalmol Scand, 2006, 84(6):740-742. |
36. | Lira RPC, Oliveira CLA, Marques MVRR, et al. Adverse reactions of fluorescein angiography: a prospective study[J]. Arq Bras Oftalmol, 2007, 70(4):615-618. |
37. | Kurli M, Hollingworth K, Kumar V, et al. Fluorescein angiography and patchy skin discoloration: a case report[J]. Eye, 2003, 17(3):422-424. |
38. | Karhunen U, Raitta C, Kala R. Adverse reactions to fluorescein angiography[J]. Acta Ophthalmologica, 1986, 64(3): 282-286. |
39. | McLauchlan R, Waterman H, Waterman C, et al. Ethnic variation in fluorescein angiography induced nausea and vomiting[J]. Eye (Lond), 2001, 15(Pt 2):159-162. |
40. | Antoszyk AN, de Juan E Jr, Landers MB. Subretinal hemorrhage during fluorescein angiography[J]. Am J Ophthalmol, 1987, 103(1):111-112. |
41. | Pacurariu RI. Low incidence of side effects following intravenous fluorescein angiography[J]. Ann Ophthalmol, 1982, 14(1):32-36. |
42. | Acheson R, Serjeant G. Painful crises in sickle cell disease after fluorescein angiography[J]. Lancet, 1985, 1(8439):1222. |
43. | Kimura K. A case of drug eruption induced by fluorescein[J]. Rinsyo Derma (Tokyo), 1985, 27:427-429. |
44. | Danis RP, Stephens T. Phototoxic reactions caused by sodium fluorescein[J]. Am J Ophthalmol, 1997, 123(5):694-696. |
45. | Johnson RN, McDonalds HR, Schatz H. Rash, fever and chills after intravenous fluorescein angiography[J]. Am J Ophthalmol, 1998, 126(6):837-838. |
46. | Mayama M, Hirayama K, Nakano H, et al. Psoriasiform drug eruption induced by fluorescein sodium used for fluorescein angiography[J]. Br J Dermatol, 1999, 140(5):982-984. |
47. | Chappell AJ, Della NG. Back pain reactions to intravenous sodium fluorescein[J]. J Ophthal Photog, 2001, 23:54-59. |
48. | Cheng JYC, Yap EY, Chao AKH, et al. Extensive upper-extremity venous thrombosis after fluorescein angiography[J]. Am J Ophthalmol, 2005, 139(5):928-930. |
49. | Kalogeromitros DC, Makris MP, Aggelides XS, et al. Allergy skin testing in predictions adverse reactions to fluorescein: a prospective clinical study[J]. Actc Ophthalmol, 2011, 89(5):480-483. |
50. | Zografos L. International survey on the incidence of severe or fatal complications which may occur during fluorescein angiography[J]. J Fr Ophthalmol, 1983, 6(5):495-506. |
51. | Kelly SP, MacDermott NJG, Saunders DC, et al. Convulsion following intravenous fluorescein angiography[J]. Br J Ophthalmol, 1989, 73(8):655-656. |
52. | Munizza M, Kavitsky D, Schainker BA, et al. Hemolytic anemia associated with injection of fluorescein[J]. Transfusion, 1993, 33(8): 689-692. |
53. | Heffner JE. Reactions to fluorescein[J]. JAMA, 1980, 243(20):2029-2030. |
54. | Cunningham EE, Balu V. Cardiac arrest following fluoescein angiography[J]. JAMA, 1979, 242(22):2431. |
55. | Wesley RE, Blount WC, Arterberry JF. Acute myocardial infarction after fluorescein angiography[J]. Am J Ophthalmol, 1979, 87(6):834-835. |
56. | Hitosugi M, Omura K, Yokoyama T, et al. An autopsy of fatal anaphylactic shock following fluorescein angiography: a case report[J]. Med Sci Law, 2004, 44(3): 264-265. |
57. | Wood CD. Antimotion sickness and antiemetic drugs[J]. Drugs, 1979, 17(6): 471-479. |
58. | van den Berg AA, Lambourne A, Clyburn PA. The oculo-emetic reflex: a rationalization of postophthalmic anaesthesia vomiting[J]. Anaesthesia, 1989, 44(2): 110-117. |
59. | Greene GS, Bell LW, Hitching RA, et al. Adverse reaction to intravenous fluorescein: evidence for sex difference[J]. Ann Opthalmol, 1976, 8(5):533-536. |
60. | 刘彩娇, 关天芹, 黄时洲, 等.荧光眼底血管造影不良反应特性的观察[J].中国实用眼科杂志, 2008, 26(2):122-125. |
61. | Yannuzzi LA, Justice J Jr, Baldwin HA. Effective differences in the formulation of intravenous fluorescein and related side effects[J]. Am J Ophthalmol, 1974, 78(2): 217-221. |
62. | Jacob JS, Rosen ES, Young E. Report on the presence of a toxic substance, dimethyl formamide, in sodium fluorescein used for fluorescein angiography[J]. Br J Ophthalmol, 1982, 66(9): 567-568. |
63. | Goodman LS, Gilman A. The pharmacological basis of therapeutics[M]. New York: Macmillan, 1970: 974. |
64. | Justice J, Paton D, Beyrer CR, et al. Cllinical comparison of 10% and 25% intravenous sodium fluorescein solutions[J]. Arch Ophthalmol, 1977, 95(11):2015-2016. |
65. | Schatz H. Fluorescein angiography:basic principles and interpretation[M]//Ryan SJ. Retina. St Louis: Mosby, 1994: 911-984. |
66. | Lee LR, Hainsworth DP, Hamm CW, et al. Temperature effect on nausea during fluorescein angiography[J]. Ophthalmology, 2001, 108(7): 1193-1195. |
67. | Sullivan TJ. Drug allergy[M]//Middleton E Jr, Reed CE, Ellis EF, et al. Allergy: principles and practice[M]. St Louis: Mosby, 1993:69. |
68. | Watson AP, Rosen ES. Oral fluorescein angiography: reassessment of its relative safety and evaluation of optimum conditions with use of capsules[J]. Br J Ophthalmol, 1990, 74(8):458-461. |
69. | Hara T, Inami M, Hara T. Efficacy and safety of fluorescein angiography with orally administered sodium fluorescein[J]. Am J Ophthalmol, 1998, 126(4): 560-564. |
70. | Garcia CR, Rivero ME, Bartsch DU, et al. Oral fluorescein angiography with the confocal scanning laser ophthalmoscope[J]. Ophthalmology, 1999, 106(6):1114-1118. |
71. | Kinsella FP, Mooney DJ. Anaphylaxis following oral fluorescein angiography[J]. Am J Ophthalmol, 1988, 106(6):745-746. |
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75. | Valvano MN, Martin TP. Periorbital urticaria and topical fluorescein[J]. Am J Emerg Med, 1998, 16(5):525-526. |
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83. | 翁文庆, 邵蝶依.荧光素眼底血管造影不良反应的观察及思考[J].中国中医眼科杂志, 2008, 10(3):167-170. |
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87. | Rohr AS, Pappano JE Jr. Prophylaxis against fluorescein-induced anaphylactoid reactions[J]. J Allergy Clin Immunol, 1992, 90(3 Pt 1): 407-408. |
88. | Lira RP, Moraes LF, Oliveira Júunior Md, et al. Influence of bromopride in the prophylaxis of nasea associated with fluorescein angiography[J]. Arq Bras Oftalmol, 2007, 70(1):105-108. |
89. | Knowles S, Weber E, Berbrayer C. Allergic reactions to fluorescein dye: successful one-day desensitization[J]. Can J Ophthalmol, 2007, 42(2):329-330. |
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- 1. Fuhrman FT, Crismon JM. Studies of gangrene following cold injureⅨ: the effect of rutin and other chemical agents on the course of experimental frostbite in rabbits[J]. J Clin Invest, 1948, 27(3 Pt 1):364-371.
- 2. Hodge JV, Dollery CT. Retinal soft exudates:a clinical study by colour and fluorescence photography[J]. Quart J Med, 1964, 33:117-131.
- 3. Maeda H, Ishida N, Kawauchi H, et al. Reaction of fluorescein isothiocyanate with proteins and amino acids.Ⅰ. Covalent and non-covalent binding of fluorescein isothiocyanate and fluorescein to proteins[J]. J Biochem, 1969, 65(5):777-783.
- 4. Wessing A. Fluorescein angiography of the retina[M]. St Louis, CV:Mosby, 1969:14.
- 5. Dollery CT, Hodge JV, Eengel M. Studies of the retinal circulation with fluorescein[J]. Brit Med J, 1962, 2(5314):1210-1215.
- 6. Webb JM, Fonda M, Brouwer EA. Metabolism and excretion patterns of fluorescein and certain halogenated fluorescein dyes in rats[J]. J Pharmacol Exp Ther, 1962, 137:141-147.
- 7. 梁树今, 廖菊生, 高育英, 等.眼底荧光血管造影释义[M].石家庄:河北人民出版社, 1980:5-7.
- 8. Bindewald A, Stubhrmann O, Roth F, et al. Lower limits of fluorescein and indocyanine green dye for digital cSLO fluoresecence angiography[J]. Br J Ophthalmol, 2005, 89(12):1609-1615.
- 9. Buchanan RT, Levine NS. Blood pressure drop as a result of fluorescein injection[J]. Plast Reconstr Surg, 1982, 70(3): 363-368.
- 10. Salem H, Loux JJ, Smith S, et al. Evaluation of the toxicologic and teratogenic potentials of sodium fluorescein in the rat[J]. Toxicology, 1979, 12(2):143-150.
- 11. Shekleton P, Fidler J, Grimwade J. A case of benign intracranial hypertension in pregnancy[J]. Br J Obstet Gynecol, 1980, 87(4):345-347.
- 12. Halperin LS, Olk RJ, Soubrane G, et al. Safety of fluorescein angiography during pregnancy[J]. Am J Ophthalmol, 1990, 109(5):563-566.
- 13. Yannuzzzi LA, Rohrer KT, Tindel LJ, et al. Fluorescin angiography complication survey[J]. Ophthalmology, 1986, 93(5):611-617.
- 14. McClellan SL, Perry BW, Doumas BT. Effect of fluorescein on clinical laboratory tests[J]. Clin Chem, 1982, 28(11):2335-2336.
- 15. Pinkerton RMH. Fluorescein angiography as a source of artifact in the investigation of hypertension[J]. Can J Ophthalmol, 1969, 4(4):379-381.
- 16. Bloom JN, Herman DC, Elin RJ, et al. Intravenous fluorescein interference with clinical laboratory tests[J]. Am J Ophthalmol, 1989, 108(4):375-379.
- 17. Jost BF, Olk RJ, Spurrier MH, et al. Effect of intravenous fluorescein on fluorescent treponemal antibody testing[J]. Am J Ophthalmol, 1986, 102(2):278-279.
- 18. Chahal PS, Neal MJ, Kohner EM. Metabolism of fluorescein after intravenous administration[J]. Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci, 1985, 26(5):764-768.
- 19. Inloes T, Clark D, Drobnise A. Interference of fluorescein, used in retinal angiography with certain clinical laboratory tests[J]. Clin Chem, 1987, 33(11):2126-2127.
- 20. Sperling HG, Johnson C, Harwerth RS. Differrential spectral photic damage to primate cones[J]. Vision Res, 1980, 20(12):1117-1125.
- 21. Sankeralli MJ, Chen JC, Metha AB, et al. Evidence for mild blue-yellow colour vision deficits immediately following fluorescein angiography[J]. Ophthalmic Physiol Opt, 2000, 20(2):137-141.
- 22. Hochheimer BF, Lutty GA, D'Anna SA. Ocular fuorescein phototoxicity[J]. Appl Opt, 1987, 26(8):1473-1479.
- 23. Friedman N, Haegerstrom-Portnoy G, Paul O, et al. Foveal vision function before and after fluorescein angiography[J]. Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci, 1994, 35(9):3566-3570.
- 24. Haegerstrom-Portnoy G, Verdon W. Two-color increment thresholds in early age related maculopathy[J]. Clin Vision Sci, 1989, 4: 165-172.
- 25. Young RW. The family of sunlight-related eye diseases[J]. Optom Vis Sci, 1994, 71(2):125-144.
- 26. Sankeralli MJ, Mullen KT. Estimation of the L-, M-, and S-cone weights of the postreceptoral detection mechanisms[J]. J Opt Soc Am A, 1996, 13:906-915.
- 27. Collins M, Brown B. Glare recovery and age related maculopathy[J]. Clin Vision Sci, 1989, 4:145-153.
- 28. Marshall J. Light damage and the practice of ophthalmology[M]//Rosen ES, Haining WM, Arnott EJ. Intraocular lens implantation. St Louis: CV Mosby, 1984: 182-207.
- 29. Chazan BI, Balodimos MC, Koncz L. Untoward effects of fluorescein retinal angiography in diabetic patients[J]. Ann Ophthalmol, 1971, 3(1):42.
- 30. Stein MR, Parker CW. Reactions following intravenous fluorescein[J]. Am J Ophthalmol, 1971, 72(5):861-868.
- 31. Arroyave CM, Wolbers R, Ellis PP. Plasma complement and histamine changes after intravenous administration of sodium fluorescein[J]. Am J Ophthalmol, 1979, 87(4):474-479.
- 32. Brown RE, Sabates R, Drew SJ. Metoclopramide as prophylaxis for nausea and vomiting induced by fluorescein[J]. Arch Ophthalol, 1987, 105(5):658-659.
- 33. Kwiterovich KA, Maguire MG, Murphy RP, et al. Frequency of adverse systemic reactions after fluorescein angiography: results of a prospective study[J]. Ophthalmology, 1991, 98(7):1139-1142.
- 34. Kwan ASL, Barry C, McAllister TL, et al. Fluorescein angiography and adverse drug reactions revisited: the lions eye experience[J]. Clin Experiment Ophthalmol, 2006, 34(1):33-38.
- 35. Musa F, Muen WJ, Hancock R, et al. Adverse effects of fluorescein angiography in hypertensive and elderly patients[J]. Acta Ophthalmol Scand, 2006, 84(6):740-742.
- 36. Lira RPC, Oliveira CLA, Marques MVRR, et al. Adverse reactions of fluorescein angiography: a prospective study[J]. Arq Bras Oftalmol, 2007, 70(4):615-618.
- 37. Kurli M, Hollingworth K, Kumar V, et al. Fluorescein angiography and patchy skin discoloration: a case report[J]. Eye, 2003, 17(3):422-424.
- 38. Karhunen U, Raitta C, Kala R. Adverse reactions to fluorescein angiography[J]. Acta Ophthalmologica, 1986, 64(3): 282-286.
- 39. McLauchlan R, Waterman H, Waterman C, et al. Ethnic variation in fluorescein angiography induced nausea and vomiting[J]. Eye (Lond), 2001, 15(Pt 2):159-162.
- 40. Antoszyk AN, de Juan E Jr, Landers MB. Subretinal hemorrhage during fluorescein angiography[J]. Am J Ophthalmol, 1987, 103(1):111-112.
- 41. Pacurariu RI. Low incidence of side effects following intravenous fluorescein angiography[J]. Ann Ophthalmol, 1982, 14(1):32-36.
- 42. Acheson R, Serjeant G. Painful crises in sickle cell disease after fluorescein angiography[J]. Lancet, 1985, 1(8439):1222.
- 43. Kimura K. A case of drug eruption induced by fluorescein[J]. Rinsyo Derma (Tokyo), 1985, 27:427-429.
- 44. Danis RP, Stephens T. Phototoxic reactions caused by sodium fluorescein[J]. Am J Ophthalmol, 1997, 123(5):694-696.
- 45. Johnson RN, McDonalds HR, Schatz H. Rash, fever and chills after intravenous fluorescein angiography[J]. Am J Ophthalmol, 1998, 126(6):837-838.
- 46. Mayama M, Hirayama K, Nakano H, et al. Psoriasiform drug eruption induced by fluorescein sodium used for fluorescein angiography[J]. Br J Dermatol, 1999, 140(5):982-984.
- 47. Chappell AJ, Della NG. Back pain reactions to intravenous sodium fluorescein[J]. J Ophthal Photog, 2001, 23:54-59.
- 48. Cheng JYC, Yap EY, Chao AKH, et al. Extensive upper-extremity venous thrombosis after fluorescein angiography[J]. Am J Ophthalmol, 2005, 139(5):928-930.
- 49. Kalogeromitros DC, Makris MP, Aggelides XS, et al. Allergy skin testing in predictions adverse reactions to fluorescein: a prospective clinical study[J]. Actc Ophthalmol, 2011, 89(5):480-483.
- 50. Zografos L. International survey on the incidence of severe or fatal complications which may occur during fluorescein angiography[J]. J Fr Ophthalmol, 1983, 6(5):495-506.
- 51. Kelly SP, MacDermott NJG, Saunders DC, et al. Convulsion following intravenous fluorescein angiography[J]. Br J Ophthalmol, 1989, 73(8):655-656.
- 52. Munizza M, Kavitsky D, Schainker BA, et al. Hemolytic anemia associated with injection of fluorescein[J]. Transfusion, 1993, 33(8): 689-692.
- 53. Heffner JE. Reactions to fluorescein[J]. JAMA, 1980, 243(20):2029-2030.
- 54. Cunningham EE, Balu V. Cardiac arrest following fluoescein angiography[J]. JAMA, 1979, 242(22):2431.
- 55. Wesley RE, Blount WC, Arterberry JF. Acute myocardial infarction after fluorescein angiography[J]. Am J Ophthalmol, 1979, 87(6):834-835.
- 56. Hitosugi M, Omura K, Yokoyama T, et al. An autopsy of fatal anaphylactic shock following fluorescein angiography: a case report[J]. Med Sci Law, 2004, 44(3): 264-265.
- 57. Wood CD. Antimotion sickness and antiemetic drugs[J]. Drugs, 1979, 17(6): 471-479.
- 58. van den Berg AA, Lambourne A, Clyburn PA. The oculo-emetic reflex: a rationalization of postophthalmic anaesthesia vomiting[J]. Anaesthesia, 1989, 44(2): 110-117.
- 59. Greene GS, Bell LW, Hitching RA, et al. Adverse reaction to intravenous fluorescein: evidence for sex difference[J]. Ann Opthalmol, 1976, 8(5):533-536.
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