The magnamosis device for stage-one repair of the rectovaginal fistula consists of two arc magnets. Drawing the interrupting thread along the fistula margin via the vaginal side, and pulling the string to arrange the magnets at the fistula base along the long axis of the vagina, we made the magnamosis device automatically clipped to seal the fistula. After removing the threads we kept the device for 2~4 weeks till the natural detachment of it when the compressed tissue in between healed after vascular necrosis. This device utilizing the unique ability of magnamosis to fulfill anastomosis under inflammatory infected state reduces the current high relapse rate and colostomy drawbacks of the conventional rectovaginal neoplasty.
Citation: YANXiaopeng, GAOYanfeng, ZOUYuliang, XUEFei, YANGHuan, LIJianpeng, ZHAOGuangbin, LUJianwen, XUXianghua, LUYi. Rectovaginal Fistula Stage-one Repair Device Based on Magnetic Compression Technique. Journal of Biomedical Engineering, 2015, 32(5): 1096-1099. doi: 10.7507/1001-5515.20150194 Copy
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