CHEN Yanxiao 1,2 , ZHANG Zhe 3 , WANG Fan 1,2 , DING Peng 1,2 , ZHAO Lei 2,4 , FU Yunfa 1,2
  • 1. Faculty of Information Engineering and Automation, Kunming University of Science and Technology, Kunming 650500, P. R. China;
  • 2. Brain Cognition and Brain-computer Intelligence Integration Group, Kunming University of Science and Technology, Kunming 650500, P. R. China;
  • 3. Faculty of Marxism, Kunming University of Science and Technology, Kunming 650500, P. R. China;
  • 4. Faculty of Science, Kunming University of Science and Technology, Kunming 650500, P. R. China;
FU Yunfa, Email:
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With the development of brain-computer interface (BCI) technology and its translational application in clinical medicine, BCI medicine has emerged, ushering in profound changes to the practice of medicine, while also bringing forth a series of ethical issues related to BCI medicine. BCI medicine is progressively emerging as a new disciplinary focus, yet to date, there has been limited literature discussing it. Therefore, this paper focuses on BCI medicine, firstly providing an overview of the main potential medical applications of BCI technology. It then defines the discipline, outlines its objectives, methodologies, potential efficacy, and associated translational medical research. Additionally, it discusses the ethics associated with BCI medicine, and introduces the standardized operational procedures for BCI medical applications and the methods for evaluating the efficacy of BCI medical applications. Finally, it anticipates the challenges and future directions of BCI medicine. In the future, BCI medicine may become a new academic discipline or major in higher education. In summary, this article is hoped to provide thoughts and references for the development of the discipline of BCI medicine.

Citation: CHEN Yanxiao, ZHANG Zhe, WANG Fan, DING Peng, ZHAO Lei, FU Yunfa. An emerging discipline: brain-computer interfaces medicine. Journal of Biomedical Engineering, 2024, 41(4): 641-649. doi: 10.7507/1001-5515.202310028 Copy

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