目的 探讨针刺治疗在防治术后恶心呕吐(PONV)中的作用与疗效。 方法 通过对2012年6月收治的1例全身麻醉下行小脑血肿清除术后出现持续性恶心呕吐症状,后辅以针刺治疗好转的病例报道,就针刺治疗对PONV的穴位选择,刺激方式,介入时间等相关研究进行复习和总结。 结果 患者恶心呕吐症状在选取中脘、足三里(双)、内关(双)穴针刺治疗3次后(30 min/次)明显减少,自诉恶心程度较前缓解,连续针灸6次后呕吐现象得到有效控制。 结论 目前有关针刺治疗PONV的研究越来越多,但尚无统一的治疗标准。
Citation: LUuml,Jianqin,PAN Hui,LI Ning.. Acupuncture in the Treatment of Postoperative Nausea and Vomiting: A Report of One Case and Review of Related Literature. West China Medical Journal, 2013, 28(11): 1726-1730. doi: 10.7507/1002-0179.20130543 Copy
Copyright © the editorial department of West China Medical Journal of West China Medical Publisher. All rights reserved
1. | Macario A, Weinger M, Carney S, et al. Which clinical anesthesia outcomes are important to avoid? The perspective of patients[J]. Anesth Analg, 1999, 89(3): 652-658. |
2. | Irefin SA, Schubert A, Bloomfield EL, et al. The effect of craniotomy location on postoperative pain and nausea[J]. J Anesth, 2003, 17(4): 227-231. |
3. | Latz B, Mordhorst C, Kerz T, et al. Postoperative nausea and vomiting in patients after craniotomy: incidence and risk factors[J]. J Neurosurg, 2011, 114(2): 491-496. |
4. | Gan TJ. Postoperative nausea and vomiting-can it be eliminated?[J]. JAMA, 2002, 287(10): 1233-1236. |
5. | Kovac AL. Prevention and treatment of postoperative nausea and vomiting[J]. Drugs, 2000, 59(2): 213-243. |
6. | Couture DJ, Maye JP, O’brien D, et al. Therapeutic modalities for the prophylactic management of postoperative nausea and vomiting[J]. J Perianesth Nurs, 2006, 21(6): 398-403. |
7. | White PF. Consensus guidelines for managing postoperative nausea and vomiting: is there a conflict of interest?[J]. Anesth Analg, 2004, 98(2): 550-551. |
8. | Habib AS, Gan TJ. Evidence-based management of postoperative nausea and vomiting:a review[J]. Can J Anaesth, 2004, 51(4): 326-341. |
9. | Nunley C, Wakim J, Guinn C. The effects of stimulation of acupressure point p6 on postoperative nausea and vomiting: a review of literature[J]. J Perianesth Nurs, 2008, 23(4): 247-261. |
10. | Kotani N, Hashimoto H, Sato Y, et al. Preoperative intradermal acupuncture reduces postoperative pain, nausea and vomiting, analgesic requirement, and sympathoadrenal responses[J]. Anesthesiology, 2001, 95(2): 349-356. |
11. | Rusy LM, Hoffman GM, Weisman SJ. Electroacupuncture prophylaxis of postoperative nausea and vomiting following pediatric tonsillectomy with or without adenoidectomy[J]. Anesthesiology, 2002, 96(2): 300-305. |
12. | American Society of PeriAnesthesia Nurses PONV/PDNV Strategic Work Team. ASPAN’S evidence-based clinical practice guideline for the prevention and/or management of PONV/PDNV[J]. J Perianesth Nurs, 2006, 21(4): 230-250. |
13. | 刘伟, 赵民, 祝力群, 等. 术后恶心呕吐相关因素的临床调查分析[J]. 中国医师进修杂志, 2007, 30(3): 42-43. |
14. | 吴会生, 刘丹彦. 术后恶心呕吐(PONV)的风险因素及防治[J]. 医学教育探索, 2008, 7(8): 888-891. |
15. | 李宝贵, 陶富盛. 术后恶心呕吐的中西医认识和临床对策[J]. 辽宁中医药大学学报, 2011(2): 135-138. |
16. | 李学斌, 王会文, 张雪梅, 等. 颅脑手术麻醉后恢复室常见并发症[J]. 中国康复理论与实践, 2010, 16(5): 489-491. |
17. | 宋先荣, 张咸虎, 程学敏. 术后恶心呕吐相关因素的临床调查[J]. 中华全科医学, 2008, 6(7): 730-731. |
18. | Alkaissi A, Evertsson K, Johnsson VA, et al. P6 acupressure May relieve nausea and vomiting after gynecological surgery: an effectiveness study in 410 women[J]. Can J Anaesth, 2002, 49(10): 1034-1039. |
19. | Alkaissi AE, Stålnert M, Kalman S. Effect and placebo effect of acupressure(P6) on nausea and vomiting after outpatient gynaecological surgery[J]. Acta Anaesthesiol Scand, 1999, 43(3): 270-274. |
20. | Streitberger K, Diefenbacher M, Bauer A, et al. Acupuncture compared to placebo-acupuncture for postoperative nausea and vomiting prophylaxis: a randomised placebo-controlled patient and observer blind trial[J]. Anaesthesia, 2004, 59(2): 142-149. |
21. | 徐韶怡, 郑士立, 王庆来, 等. 耳穴针刺贴压对妇科术后恶心呕吐的抑制作用疗效观察[J]. 针刺研究, 2009, 34(2): 143-144. |
22. | 刘焱红, 于辉, 王博, 等. 经皮穴位电刺激对女性乳腺癌术后恶心呕吐的影响[J]. 中国中医药科技, 2011, 18(1): 67-68. |
23. | 裴英, 胡明, 王丽霞, 等. 针刺预防术后恶心呕吐的临床观察[J]. 新疆中医药, 2010, 28(4): 36-37. |
24. | 欧阳铭文, 秦再生, 林春水, 等. 针刺对腹腔镜术后恶心、呕吐的预防作用[J]. 中国针灸, 2009, 29(11): 915-918. |
25. | 彭小兰, 李政文, 吕黄勇, 等. 穴位敷葱缓解内镜下黏膜剥离术后恶心呕吐的疗效观察[J]. 西南国防医药, 2011, 21(7): 754-755. |
26. | 刘志顺, 于金娜, 张瑞锋, 等. 电针内关穴防治胃镜检查不良反应的疗效和安全性评价[J]. 北京中医, 2007, 26(1): 18-20. |
27. | Xu M, Zhou SJ, Jiang CC, et al. The effects of P6 electrical acustimulation on postoperative nausea and vomiting in patients after infratentorial craniotomy[J]. J Neurosurg Anesthesiol, 2012, 24(4): 312-316. |
28. | Wang SM, Kain ZN. P6 acupoint injections are as effective as droperidol in controlling early postoperative nausea and vomiting in children[J]. Anesthesiology, 2002, 97(2): 359-366. |
29. | Butkovic D, Toljan S, Matolic M, et al. Comparison of laser acupuncture and metoclopramide in PONV prevention in children[J]. Paediatr Anaesth, 2005, 15(1): 37-40. |
30. | 姜玲. 穴位按压缓解甲状腺术后恶心呕吐66例效果观察[J]. 齐鲁护理杂志, 2012, 18(5): 3. |
31. | 唐敏芳, 严闪红. 穴位按压对甲状腺术后呕吐的防治效果观察[J]. 中外健康文摘, 2011, 8(22): 438-438. |
32. | 许占宏, 董全玲, 王国年, 等. 韩氏穴位神经刺激仪对甲状腺术后的影响[J]. 哈尔滨医科大学学报, 2005, 39(4): 364-366. |
33. | 商军科, 杨志光, 薛丽. 针刺对62例硬膜外阻滞下行腹部手术后胃肠功能恢复的影响[J]. 陕西中医, 2001, 22(7): 416. |
34. | 戈宏焱, 陈博, 李有田. 针刺对肾移植术后患者胃肠道反应的影响[J]. 中国针灸, 2008, 28(3): 177-178. |
35. | 冯璐, 王君. 针药结合治疗术后恶心呕吐疗效观察[J]. 天津中医药, 2008, 25(2): 108-110. |
36. | 袁素洁. 穴位按摩在缓解骨科术后恶心呕吐中的应用体会[J]. 天津护理, 2012, 20(2): 106. |
37. | Habib AS, Itchon-Ramos N, Phillips-Bute BG, et al. Transcutaneous acupoint electrical stimulation with the ReliefBand for the prevention of nausea and vomiting during and after cesarean delivery under spinal anesthesia[J]. Anesth Analg, 2006, 102(2): 581-584. |
38. | Harmon D, Gardiner J, Harrison R, et al. Acupressure and the prevention of nausea and vomiting after laparoscopy[J]. Br J Anaesth, 1999, 82(3): 387-390. |
39. | Agarwal A, Pathak A, Gaur A. Acupressure wristbands do not prevent postoperative nausea and vomiting after urological endoscopic surgery[J]. Can J Anaesth, 2000, 47(4): 319-324. |
40. | Harmon D, Ryan M, Kelly A, et al. Acupressure and prevention of nausea and vomiting during and after spinal anaesthesia for caesarean section[J]. Br J Anaesth, 2000, 84(4): 463-467. |
41. | 潘海英. 按压内关穴防治阑尾切除术后恶心呕吐46例[J]. 浙江中医杂志, 2012, 47(3): 213. |
42. | 朱丹, 吕黄伟. P6刺激对术后恶心呕吐有效性的Meta分析[J]. 中国循证医学杂志, 2010, 10(8): 923-931. |
43. | 李静. 双侧内关和足三里穴位封闭治疗TACE术后恶心呕吐77例临床效果观察[J]. 齐鲁护理杂志, 2011, 17(26): 122-123. |
44. | 汪仕千. 穴位敷贴加穴位按摩防治全麻术后恶心呕吐[J]. 护理学杂志, 2012, 27(6): 49-50. |
45. | 彭小兰, 李政文, 吕黄勇, 等. 穴位敷葱缓解内镜下黏膜剥离术后恶心呕吐的疗效观察[J]. 西南国防医药, 2011, 21(7): 754-755. |
46. | Schlager A, Boehler M, Pühringer F. Korean hand acupressure reduces postoperative vomiting in children after strabismus surgery[J]. Br J Anaesth, 2000, 85(2): 267-270. |
47. | Boehler M, Mitterschiffthaler G, Schlager A. Korean hand acupressure reduces postoperative nausea and vomiting after gynecological laparoscopic surgery[J]. Anesth Analg, 2002, 94(4): 872-875. |
48. | Agarwal A, Dhiraaj S, Tandon M, et al. Evaluation of capsaicin ointment at the Korean hand acupressure point K-D2 for prevention of postoperative nausea and vomiting[J]. Anaesthesia, 2005, 60(12): 1185-1188. |
49. | Sumit KT. Evaluation of capsaicin ointment at the Korean hand acupressure point K-D2 for prevention of postoperative nausea and vomiting[J]. Anaesthesia, 2006, 61(6): 617. |
50. | 李井柱, 刘延莉, 马福国, 等. 自控经皮电刺激耳神门穴对剖宫产术恶心及呕吐发生率的影响[J]. 针灸临床杂志, 2012, 28(3): 1-4. |
51. | 欧阳铭文, 秦再生, 林春水, 等. 针刺对腹腔镜术后恶心、呕吐的预防作用[J]. 中国针灸, 2009, (11): 915-918. |
52. | 林美珍, 黄笑玉, 谭丽婵, 等. 足三里穴位注射维生素B6预防腹式全子宫切除术后恶心呕吐临床观察[J]. 新中医, 2011, 43(7): 104-105. |
53. | 朱红霞, 徐艳洁, 孟素峰, 等. 内关穴注射预防妇科腹腔镜手术后恶心呕吐[J]. 中国针灸, 2010, 30(1): 72-74. |
54. | 黄进淑. 艾箱灸中脘穴减少妇科盆腔术后胃肠道并发症的临床观察[J]. 光明中医, 2010, 25(1): 73-74. |
55. | 韩叶芬, 胡艳宁, 赖丽娟, 等. 穴位按摩联合艾灸减轻妇科腹腔镜术后患者恶心呕吐的效果[J]. 护理管理杂志, 2010, 10(8): 589-590. |
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58. | 徐燕, 金煜峰, 石卫琳, 等. 经皮电刺激预防开颅术后恶心呕吐的效果评价[J]. 上海护理, 2012, 12(4): 21-23. |
59. | 周璇, 王琦. 穴位按压腕带缓解术后恶心呕吐随机对照试验的Meta分析[J]. 护理学杂志, 2011, 26(6): 81-84. |
60. | 彭秀晴, 董素婷, 王书霞, 等. 无创穴位刺激防治术后恶心呕吐的临床观察[J]. 中国全科医学, 2010, 13(13): 1472-1473. |
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- 1. Macario A, Weinger M, Carney S, et al. Which clinical anesthesia outcomes are important to avoid? The perspective of patients[J]. Anesth Analg, 1999, 89(3): 652-658.
- 2. Irefin SA, Schubert A, Bloomfield EL, et al. The effect of craniotomy location on postoperative pain and nausea[J]. J Anesth, 2003, 17(4): 227-231.
- 3. Latz B, Mordhorst C, Kerz T, et al. Postoperative nausea and vomiting in patients after craniotomy: incidence and risk factors[J]. J Neurosurg, 2011, 114(2): 491-496.
- 4. Gan TJ. Postoperative nausea and vomiting-can it be eliminated?[J]. JAMA, 2002, 287(10): 1233-1236.
- 5. Kovac AL. Prevention and treatment of postoperative nausea and vomiting[J]. Drugs, 2000, 59(2): 213-243.
- 6. Couture DJ, Maye JP, O’brien D, et al. Therapeutic modalities for the prophylactic management of postoperative nausea and vomiting[J]. J Perianesth Nurs, 2006, 21(6): 398-403.
- 7. White PF. Consensus guidelines for managing postoperative nausea and vomiting: is there a conflict of interest?[J]. Anesth Analg, 2004, 98(2): 550-551.
- 8. Habib AS, Gan TJ. Evidence-based management of postoperative nausea and vomiting:a review[J]. Can J Anaesth, 2004, 51(4): 326-341.
- 9. Nunley C, Wakim J, Guinn C. The effects of stimulation of acupressure point p6 on postoperative nausea and vomiting: a review of literature[J]. J Perianesth Nurs, 2008, 23(4): 247-261.
- 10. Kotani N, Hashimoto H, Sato Y, et al. Preoperative intradermal acupuncture reduces postoperative pain, nausea and vomiting, analgesic requirement, and sympathoadrenal responses[J]. Anesthesiology, 2001, 95(2): 349-356.
- 11. Rusy LM, Hoffman GM, Weisman SJ. Electroacupuncture prophylaxis of postoperative nausea and vomiting following pediatric tonsillectomy with or without adenoidectomy[J]. Anesthesiology, 2002, 96(2): 300-305.
- 12. American Society of PeriAnesthesia Nurses PONV/PDNV Strategic Work Team. ASPAN’S evidence-based clinical practice guideline for the prevention and/or management of PONV/PDNV[J]. J Perianesth Nurs, 2006, 21(4): 230-250.
- 13. 刘伟, 赵民, 祝力群, 等. 术后恶心呕吐相关因素的临床调查分析[J]. 中国医师进修杂志, 2007, 30(3): 42-43.
- 14. 吴会生, 刘丹彦. 术后恶心呕吐(PONV)的风险因素及防治[J]. 医学教育探索, 2008, 7(8): 888-891.
- 15. 李宝贵, 陶富盛. 术后恶心呕吐的中西医认识和临床对策[J]. 辽宁中医药大学学报, 2011(2): 135-138.
- 16. 李学斌, 王会文, 张雪梅, 等. 颅脑手术麻醉后恢复室常见并发症[J]. 中国康复理论与实践, 2010, 16(5): 489-491.
- 17. 宋先荣, 张咸虎, 程学敏. 术后恶心呕吐相关因素的临床调查[J]. 中华全科医学, 2008, 6(7): 730-731.
- 18. Alkaissi A, Evertsson K, Johnsson VA, et al. P6 acupressure May relieve nausea and vomiting after gynecological surgery: an effectiveness study in 410 women[J]. Can J Anaesth, 2002, 49(10): 1034-1039.
- 19. Alkaissi AE, Stålnert M, Kalman S. Effect and placebo effect of acupressure(P6) on nausea and vomiting after outpatient gynaecological surgery[J]. Acta Anaesthesiol Scand, 1999, 43(3): 270-274.
- 20. Streitberger K, Diefenbacher M, Bauer A, et al. Acupuncture compared to placebo-acupuncture for postoperative nausea and vomiting prophylaxis: a randomised placebo-controlled patient and observer blind trial[J]. Anaesthesia, 2004, 59(2): 142-149.
- 21. 徐韶怡, 郑士立, 王庆来, 等. 耳穴针刺贴压对妇科术后恶心呕吐的抑制作用疗效观察[J]. 针刺研究, 2009, 34(2): 143-144.
- 22. 刘焱红, 于辉, 王博, 等. 经皮穴位电刺激对女性乳腺癌术后恶心呕吐的影响[J]. 中国中医药科技, 2011, 18(1): 67-68.
- 23. 裴英, 胡明, 王丽霞, 等. 针刺预防术后恶心呕吐的临床观察[J]. 新疆中医药, 2010, 28(4): 36-37.
- 24. 欧阳铭文, 秦再生, 林春水, 等. 针刺对腹腔镜术后恶心、呕吐的预防作用[J]. 中国针灸, 2009, 29(11): 915-918.
- 25. 彭小兰, 李政文, 吕黄勇, 等. 穴位敷葱缓解内镜下黏膜剥离术后恶心呕吐的疗效观察[J]. 西南国防医药, 2011, 21(7): 754-755.
- 26. 刘志顺, 于金娜, 张瑞锋, 等. 电针内关穴防治胃镜检查不良反应的疗效和安全性评价[J]. 北京中医, 2007, 26(1): 18-20.
- 27. Xu M, Zhou SJ, Jiang CC, et al. The effects of P6 electrical acustimulation on postoperative nausea and vomiting in patients after infratentorial craniotomy[J]. J Neurosurg Anesthesiol, 2012, 24(4): 312-316.
- 28. Wang SM, Kain ZN. P6 acupoint injections are as effective as droperidol in controlling early postoperative nausea and vomiting in children[J]. Anesthesiology, 2002, 97(2): 359-366.
- 29. Butkovic D, Toljan S, Matolic M, et al. Comparison of laser acupuncture and metoclopramide in PONV prevention in children[J]. Paediatr Anaesth, 2005, 15(1): 37-40.
- 30. 姜玲. 穴位按压缓解甲状腺术后恶心呕吐66例效果观察[J]. 齐鲁护理杂志, 2012, 18(5): 3.
- 31. 唐敏芳, 严闪红. 穴位按压对甲状腺术后呕吐的防治效果观察[J]. 中外健康文摘, 2011, 8(22): 438-438.
- 32. 许占宏, 董全玲, 王国年, 等. 韩氏穴位神经刺激仪对甲状腺术后的影响[J]. 哈尔滨医科大学学报, 2005, 39(4): 364-366.
- 33. 商军科, 杨志光, 薛丽. 针刺对62例硬膜外阻滞下行腹部手术后胃肠功能恢复的影响[J]. 陕西中医, 2001, 22(7): 416.
- 34. 戈宏焱, 陈博, 李有田. 针刺对肾移植术后患者胃肠道反应的影响[J]. 中国针灸, 2008, 28(3): 177-178.
- 35. 冯璐, 王君. 针药结合治疗术后恶心呕吐疗效观察[J]. 天津中医药, 2008, 25(2): 108-110.
- 36. 袁素洁. 穴位按摩在缓解骨科术后恶心呕吐中的应用体会[J]. 天津护理, 2012, 20(2): 106.
- 37. Habib AS, Itchon-Ramos N, Phillips-Bute BG, et al. Transcutaneous acupoint electrical stimulation with the ReliefBand for the prevention of nausea and vomiting during and after cesarean delivery under spinal anesthesia[J]. Anesth Analg, 2006, 102(2): 581-584.
- 38. Harmon D, Gardiner J, Harrison R, et al. Acupressure and the prevention of nausea and vomiting after laparoscopy[J]. Br J Anaesth, 1999, 82(3): 387-390.
- 39. Agarwal A, Pathak A, Gaur A. Acupressure wristbands do not prevent postoperative nausea and vomiting after urological endoscopic surgery[J]. Can J Anaesth, 2000, 47(4): 319-324.
- 40. Harmon D, Ryan M, Kelly A, et al. Acupressure and prevention of nausea and vomiting during and after spinal anaesthesia for caesarean section[J]. Br J Anaesth, 2000, 84(4): 463-467.
- 41. 潘海英. 按压内关穴防治阑尾切除术后恶心呕吐46例[J]. 浙江中医杂志, 2012, 47(3): 213.
- 42. 朱丹, 吕黄伟. P6刺激对术后恶心呕吐有效性的Meta分析[J]. 中国循证医学杂志, 2010, 10(8): 923-931.
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