• The 2nd Department of Body Coutouring and Fat Grafting, Plastic Surgery Hospital, Chinese Academy of Medical Science and Peking Union Medical College, Beijing, 100144, P. R. China;
LI Facheng, Email: drlfc@sina.com
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Objective To review the research progress of the application of autologous fat grafting in perioral and lower face rejuvenation. Methods  By extensively reviewing related articles and combining the clinical experiences, the anatomic features (fat compartments and blood supply), aging features of the perioral and lower face, and the application advancement and related complications of autologous fat grafting in this area were generally summarized. Results  The aesthetic features of perioral and lower face include the lip, chin, and so on, and the anatomic structures relating autologous fat grafting include the mandibular fat compartments, chin fat compartments, and other fat compartments. Meanwhile, the facial artery passes through this area and spreads out several important branches. The aging features of perioral and lower face include the depening of nasolabial fold, the aging lip, perioral wrinkles, “marionette lines”, and so on. Autologous fat grafting can improve perioral and lower face rejuvenation by restoring volume loss of facial fat compartments, correcting aging malformation, and improving skin quality. But there are neurovascular injuries, facial aesthetic problems, and other related complications. Conclusion Autologous fat grafting can be applied in perioral and lower face rejuvenation, and it can effectively improve related aging features. There are several aspects developing aggressively, including the research of facial asthetics features of Chinese people, combining autologous fat grafting with surgery as well as other methods to comprehensively treat facial aging, and the application of fat tissue related derivatives in perioral and lower face rejuvenation. However, the resorption rate of facial grafted fat tissue is still too high, and the long-term effectiveness can not be assured. In the future, the solutions related to improving the survival rate of grafted fat tissue need to be explored in the future.

Citation: MA Xuan, LI Facheng. Autologous fat grafting for perioral and lower face rejuvenation. Chinese Journal of Reparative and Reconstructive Surgery, 2022, 36(12): 1542-1548. doi: 10.7507/1002-1892.202207044 Copy

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