• 1. Department of Thoracic Surgery, Ningbo First Hospital, Ningbo, 315000, Zhejiang, P.R.China;
  • 2. Department of Cardiothoracic Surgery, Xinhua Hospital, School of Medicine, Shanghai Jiaotong University, Shanghai, 200092, P.R.China;
XIAO Haibo, Email: xiaohaibo@xinhuamed.com.cn
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Objective To share the clinical experience of thoracoscopic unidirectional posterolateral basal segmentectomy via inferior pulmonary ligament.Methods All the patients were in the healthy lateral position, with endoscopy holes in the 8th intercostal space of the middle axillary line and 2-3 cm operation holes in the 5th intercostal space of the front axillary line. Anatomical segmentectomy of the posterolateral basal vein, bronchus and artery was performed through the inferior pulmonary ligament upward in turn. The clinical data of this group were analyzed retrospectively.Results From December 2015 to October 2018, 32 patients underwent thoracoscopic unidirectional posterolateral basal segmentectomy, including 8 males and 24 females, aged 13-71 (52.6±13.7) years. All patients successfully completed the operation, including 9 patients of left lower pulmonary posterolateral basal segmentectomy, 23 patients of right lower pulmonary posterolateral basal segmentectomy. The operation time was 80-295 (133.4 ±40.5) minutes, intraoperative bleeding volume was 20-300 (52.6±33.8) mL, drainage time was 2-14 (4.2±2.3) days, hospitalization time was 4-15 (6.9 ±2.4) days. No death occurred during hospitalization. Postoperative complications included atelectasis in 1 patient and persistent pulmonary leakage over 3 days (4 or 6 days respectively) in 2 patients , chylothorax in 1 patient. All of them recovered smoothly after non-operative treatments. Postoperative pathology showed that 29 patients of primary adenocarcinoma or atypical adenomatoid hyperplasia, including 5 patients of adenocarcinoma in situ, 9 patients of micro-invasive adenocarcinoma, 12 patients of invasive adenocarcinoma, 3 patients of atypical adenomatoid hyperplasia. One patient was of intestinal metastatic adenocarcinoma, 1 patient of inflammatory lesion and 1 patient of bronchiectasis. 3-21(9.6±4.6) lymph nodes were resected in the patients with primary pulmonary malignant tumors. And no metastasis was found.Conclusion The operation of thoracoscopic unidirectional posterolateral basal segmentectomy via inferior pulmonary ligament is easy. There is no need to open intersegmental tissue. It can protect lung tissue better. The operative method is worthy of clinical promotion.

Citation: LIANG Zhigang, JIANG Lianyong, XIE Xiao, LI Xinjian, BI Rui, WANG Lei, WANG Mingsong, MEI Ju, XIAO Haibo. Application of thoracoscopic unidirectional posterolateral basal segmentectomy via inferior pulmonary ligament. Chinese Journal of Clinical Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgery, 2019, 26(12): 1176-1179. doi: 10.7507/1007-4848.201903040 Copy

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