- Respiratory Centre, The Second Affiliated Hospital of Xiamen Medical College, Xiamen, 361000, Fujian, P.R.China;
The majority of incidentally found and screen-detected lung cancer is manifested as ground-glass nodule (GGN), which is more likely to be detected in the young people, women and non-smokers. An appropriate management strategy for GGN can not only reduce the mortality of lung cancer but also minimize overtreatment. Although most of persistent GGNs are finally diagnosed as adenocarcinoma or precursor glandular lesions, the GGN-featured lung cancer is characterized as indolent growth or even non-growth. Therefore, scheduled follow-up might be safe for the special radiologic type under a certain condition. We should design the individualized diagnosis and treatment strategy for each patient. The treatment decision-making depends on various factors, including invasion, dynamic change, efficacy and safety of the treatment, as well as physical and psychic condition of the patients. Different from other types of lung cancer, the indolent feature of GGN-featured lung cancer allows a long time to intervene. Therefore, the determination of proper timing for intervention should be made cautiously. Surgical resection is still the principal treatment for GGN-featured lung cancer. However, there is still no consensus on the optimal surgical approach for GGN-featured lung adenocarcinoma. Currently, sublobar resection without lymphadenectomy has been recommended to the patients with precursor glandular lesions. In light of the GGN-featured lung cancer which generally represents a local lesion, local ablation therapies have been used in those patients, especially in the ones who are inoperable or refuse to undergo surgery. The percutaneous local ablation includes different techniques: radiofrequency ablation, microwave ablation and argon-helium cryoablation. The local ablation is safe, minimally invasive and repeatable. In addition, it offers the advantage to biopsy and treatment synchronously. Percutaneous ablation has the potential to be an alternative of surgery to cure GGN-featured lung cancer based on emerging evidences. The efficacy of transbronchial ablation guided by ultrasound or electromagnetic navigational system in the treatment of GGN-featured lung cancer has been primarily validated. As a developing technology, it might be a promising approach but needs further exploration. With the advance in ablation technology, we do believe that the interventional therapy will play an equal role as surgery in curative treatment of GGN-featured lung cancer in the future. Personalized treatment considering the condition of patients and the features of the lesion will maximize the benefit of every patient. This article will explore the diagnosis and treatment strategies of GGN on the basis of further understanding of GGN, and introduce the application of ablation therapy in GGN from the perspective of respiratory intervention.
Citation: KE Mingyao, CHEN Zhide, ZENG Junli, YONG Yazhi, LIN Liancheng. Management strategy and role of thermal ablation in ground-glass nodules. Chinese Journal of Clinical Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgery, 2022, 29(1): 11-22. doi: 10.7507/1007-4848.202110013 Copy
Copyright © the editorial department of Chinese Journal of Clinical Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgery of West China Medical Publisher. All rights reserved
1. | Hansell DM, Bankier AA, MacMahon H, et al. Fleischner Society: Glossary of terms for thoracic imaging. Radiology, 2008, 246(3): 697-722. |
2. | The National Lung Screening Trial Research Team. Reduced lung-cancer mortality with low-dose computed tomographic screening. N Engl J Med, 2011, 365(5): 395-409. |
3. | Silva M, Sverzellati N, Manna C, et al. Long-term surveillance of ground-glass nodules: Evidence from the MILD trial. J Thorac Oncol, 2012, 7(10): 1541-1546. |
4. | Scholten ET, de Jong PA, de Hoop B, et al. Towards a close computed tomography monitoring approach for screen detected subsolid pulmonary nodules? Eur Respir J, 2015, 45(3): 765-773. |
5. | Zhang Y, Jheon S, Li H, et al. Results of low-dose computed tomography as a regular health examination among Chinese hospital employees. J Thorac Cardiovasc Surg, 2020, 160(3): 824-831. |
6. | Fan L, Wang Y, Zhou Y, et al. Lung cancer screening with low-dose CT: Baseline screening results in Shanghai. Acad Radiol, 2019, 26(10): 1283-1291. |
7. | Park CM, Goo JM, Lee HJ, et al. Nodular ground-glass opacity at thin-section CT: Histologic correlation and evaluation of change at follow-up. Radiographics, 2007, 27(2): 391-408. |
8. | Kim HY, Shim YM, Lee KS, et al. Persistent pulmonary nodular ground-glass opacity at thin-section CT: Histopathologic comparisons. Radiology, 2007, 245(1): 267-275. |
9. | Lim HJ, Ahn S, Lee KS, et al. Persistent pure ground-glass opacity lung nodules ≥ 10 mm in diameter at CT scan: Histopathologic comparisons and prognostic implications. Chest, 2013, 144(4): 1291-1299. |
10. | Xing Y, Li Z, Jiang S, et al. Analysis of pre-invasive lung adenocarcinoma lesions on thin-section computerized tomography. Clin Respir J, 2015, 9(3): 289-296. |
11. | Seidelman JL, Myers JL, Quint LE. Incidental, subsolid pulmonary nodules at CT: Etiology and management. Cancer Imaging, 2013, 13(3): 365-373. |
12. | Succony L, Rassl DM, Barker AP, et al. Adenocarcinoma spectrum lesions of the lung: Detection, pathology and treatment strategies. Cancer Treat Rev, 2021, 99: 102237. |
13. | Lee HY, Choi YL, Lee KS, et al. Pure ground-glass opacity neoplastic lung nodules: Histopathology, imaging, and management. AJR Am J Roentgenol, 2014, 202(3): W224-W233. |
14. | Asamura H, Hishida T, Suzuki K, et al. Radiographically determined noninvasive adenocarcinoma of the lung: Survival outcomes of Japan Clinical Oncology Group 0201. J Thorac Cardiovasc Surg, 2013, 146(1): 24-30. |
15. | Callister ME, Baldwin DR, Akram AR, et al. British Thoracic Society guidelines for the investigation and management of pulmonary nodules. Thorax, 2015, 70 Suppl 2: Ⅱ1-Ⅱ54. |
16. | Aokage K, Miyoshi T, Ishii G, et al. Influence of ground glass opacity and the corresponding pathological findings on survival in patients with clinical stage Ⅰ non-small cell lung cancer. J Thorac Oncol, 2018, 13(4): 533-542. |
17. | Zhang Y, Fu F, Chen H. Management of ground-glass opacities in the lung cancer spectrum. Ann Thorac Surg, 2020, 110(6): 1796-1804. |
18. | Henschke CI, Yankelevitz DF, Mirtcheva R, et al. CT screening for lung cancer: Frequency and significance of part-solid and nonsolid nodules. AJR Am J Roentgenol, 2002, 178(5): 1053-1057. |
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20. | Matsunaga T, Suzuki K, Takamochi K, et al. What is the radiological definition of part-solid tumour in lung cancer? Eur J Cardiothorac Surg, 2017, 51(2): 242-247. |
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- 1. Hansell DM, Bankier AA, MacMahon H, et al. Fleischner Society: Glossary of terms for thoracic imaging. Radiology, 2008, 246(3): 697-722.
- 2. The National Lung Screening Trial Research Team. Reduced lung-cancer mortality with low-dose computed tomographic screening. N Engl J Med, 2011, 365(5): 395-409.
- 3. Silva M, Sverzellati N, Manna C, et al. Long-term surveillance of ground-glass nodules: Evidence from the MILD trial. J Thorac Oncol, 2012, 7(10): 1541-1546.
- 4. Scholten ET, de Jong PA, de Hoop B, et al. Towards a close computed tomography monitoring approach for screen detected subsolid pulmonary nodules? Eur Respir J, 2015, 45(3): 765-773.
- 5. Zhang Y, Jheon S, Li H, et al. Results of low-dose computed tomography as a regular health examination among Chinese hospital employees. J Thorac Cardiovasc Surg, 2020, 160(3): 824-831.
- 6. Fan L, Wang Y, Zhou Y, et al. Lung cancer screening with low-dose CT: Baseline screening results in Shanghai. Acad Radiol, 2019, 26(10): 1283-1291.
- 7. Park CM, Goo JM, Lee HJ, et al. Nodular ground-glass opacity at thin-section CT: Histologic correlation and evaluation of change at follow-up. Radiographics, 2007, 27(2): 391-408.
- 8. Kim HY, Shim YM, Lee KS, et al. Persistent pulmonary nodular ground-glass opacity at thin-section CT: Histopathologic comparisons. Radiology, 2007, 245(1): 267-275.
- 9. Lim HJ, Ahn S, Lee KS, et al. Persistent pure ground-glass opacity lung nodules ≥ 10 mm in diameter at CT scan: Histopathologic comparisons and prognostic implications. Chest, 2013, 144(4): 1291-1299.
- 10. Xing Y, Li Z, Jiang S, et al. Analysis of pre-invasive lung adenocarcinoma lesions on thin-section computerized tomography. Clin Respir J, 2015, 9(3): 289-296.
- 11. Seidelman JL, Myers JL, Quint LE. Incidental, subsolid pulmonary nodules at CT: Etiology and management. Cancer Imaging, 2013, 13(3): 365-373.
- 12. Succony L, Rassl DM, Barker AP, et al. Adenocarcinoma spectrum lesions of the lung: Detection, pathology and treatment strategies. Cancer Treat Rev, 2021, 99: 102237.
- 13. Lee HY, Choi YL, Lee KS, et al. Pure ground-glass opacity neoplastic lung nodules: Histopathology, imaging, and management. AJR Am J Roentgenol, 2014, 202(3): W224-W233.
- 14. Asamura H, Hishida T, Suzuki K, et al. Radiographically determined noninvasive adenocarcinoma of the lung: Survival outcomes of Japan Clinical Oncology Group 0201. J Thorac Cardiovasc Surg, 2013, 146(1): 24-30.
- 15. Callister ME, Baldwin DR, Akram AR, et al. British Thoracic Society guidelines for the investigation and management of pulmonary nodules. Thorax, 2015, 70 Suppl 2: Ⅱ1-Ⅱ54.
- 16. Aokage K, Miyoshi T, Ishii G, et al. Influence of ground glass opacity and the corresponding pathological findings on survival in patients with clinical stage Ⅰ non-small cell lung cancer. J Thorac Oncol, 2018, 13(4): 533-542.
- 17. Zhang Y, Fu F, Chen H. Management of ground-glass opacities in the lung cancer spectrum. Ann Thorac Surg, 2020, 110(6): 1796-1804.
- 18. Henschke CI, Yankelevitz DF, Mirtcheva R, et al. CT screening for lung cancer: Frequency and significance of part-solid and nonsolid nodules. AJR Am J Roentgenol, 2002, 178(5): 1053-1057.
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