- Department of General Surgery, The Second Artillery General Hospital PLA, Beijing 100088, China;
Citation: LIZhen-kai, DONGMao-sheng. Research Progress of Preoperative Regional-arterial Chemotherapy in Advanced Gastric Cancer. CHINESE JOURNAL OF BASES AND CLINICS IN GENERAL SURGERY, 2015, 22(11): 1410-1415. doi: 10.7507/1007-9424.20150369 Copy
Copyright © the editorial department of CHINESE JOURNAL OF BASES AND CLINICS IN GENERAL SURGERY of West China Medical Publisher. All rights reserved
1. | 季加孚.胃肠道肿瘤的新辅助治疗.中国实用外科杂志, 2005, 5(25):261-263. |
2. | 左朝晖, 欧阳永忠, 汤明, 等.胃癌的综合治疗研究的进展.中华普外科手术学杂志:电子版, 2012, 6(3):319-324. |
3. | Kong SH, Yang HK. Surgical treatment of gastric gastrointestinal stromal tumor. J Gastric Cancer, 2013, 13(1):3-18. |
4. | Kosaka T, Ueshige N, Sugaya J, et al. Evaluation of intra-arterial infusion chemotherapy for advanced gastric cancer. Gan To Kagaku Ryoho, 1998, 25(9):1288-1291. |
5. | Sugarbaker PH. Adjuvant intraperitoneal chemotherapy for advanced primary gastric cancer. Scand J Surg, 2006, 95(4):270-273. |
6. | 王义平, 王金林, 何世保, 等.介入动脉灌注化疗在晚期胃癌中的疗效观察.中外医疗, 2013, 33(33):22-23. |
7. | 李东, 吴萍山.术前动脉介入化疗治疗进展期胃癌的病例对照研究.中国癌症杂志, 2010, 20(4):290-294. |
8. | Ensminger WD. Intrahepatic arterial infusion of chemotherapy:pharmacologic principles. Semin Oncol, 2002, 29(2):119-125. |
9. | Pohlen U, Rieger H, Kunick-Pohlen S, et al. PhaseⅡstudy of regional chemotherapy using the hypoxic abdominal perfusion technique in advanced abdominal carcinoma. 5-FU pharmacokinetics, complications and outcome. Anticancer Res, 2007, 27(1B):667-674. |
10. | 詹晓星, 颜小琼.介入放射学中的药代动力学研究.国外医学:临床放射学分册, 1989, 126(6):327-329. |
11. | 邹寿椿, 裘华森, 陈方宏, 等.胃癌血供与供血动脉插管化疗的临床观察.中国实用外科杂志, 1996, 16(11):20-21. |
12. | Link H, Aigner KR, Kuehn W, et al. Prospective correlative chemosensitivity testing in high-dose intraarterial chemotherapy for liver metastases. Cancer Res, 1986, 46(9):4837-4840. |
13. | Araki K, Yamamoto H, Kobayashi M, et al. Experimental and clinical study on intraoperative local infusion chemotherapy (ILIC) for advanced gastric carcinoma. Gan To Kagaku Ryoho, 1995, 22(11):1531-1534. |
14. | Maurer CA, Borner M, Buchler MW, et al. Regional chemotherapy of gastrointestinal cancer. Dig Surg, 1997, 14(1):9-22. |
15. | 李澍.进展期胃癌术中实施区域性缓释化疗安全性和远期疗效观察.临床和实验医学杂志, 2014, 13(22):1863-1865. |
16. | Shchepotin IB, Chorny V, Hanfelt J, et al. Palliative superselective intra-arterial chemotherapy for advanced nonresectable gastric cancer. J Gastrointest Surg, 2000, 3(4):426-431. |
17. | 朱志东, 蒲永东.氟尿嘧啶经胃左动脉和外周静脉化疗的药代动力学比较.中国胃肠外科杂志, 2000, 3(1):28-30. |
18. | 吴鹏, 朱正纲, 叶正宝, 等. 5-氟尿嘧啶-2'-脱氧核苷经胃左动脉介入灌注后的药代动力学实验研究.外科理论与实践, 2004, 9(2):135-139. |
19. | 徐光炜.胃癌手术辅助化学疗法.北京:人民卫生出版社, 1987:251-259. |
20. | 刘福坤, 陈忠豪, 李国立, 等.胃癌术前介入治疗后血管变化与癌组织坏死的关系.世界华人消化杂志, 1998, 6(8):686-688. |
21. | 孙碎康, 蒲青凡, 严律南, 等.胃癌病人术前选择性动脉栓塞化疗对肿瘤血管的影响.中国普通外科杂志, 2002, 11(4):202-204. |
22. | 杨秀超, 崔振玉, 李正华.经动脉插管灌注抗癌药提高胃癌手术疗效.中华外科杂志, 1994, 32(7):403-404. |
23. | 徐工学, 李志霞, 陈佛来, 等.术前区域性动脉灌注化疗对大肠癌细胞凋亡相关基因的影响.中华外科杂志, 2001, 39(6):436-439. |
24. | 蒲青凡, 孙碎康, 刘占培, 等.术前胃动脉化疗栓塞对胃癌淋巴结转移灶癌细胞凋亡的影响.中国普外基础与临床杂志, 2006, 13(4):427-430. |
25. | 徐圣德, 高斌, 文刚, 等.术前动脉化疗对进展期胃癌细胞凋亡和增殖的影响.介入放射学杂志, 2007, 16(5):353-356. |
26. | 彭飞, 陈冬峨, 陈华.胃癌p53癌基因表达的Meta分析.数理医药学杂志, 2004, 17(6):540-542. |
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29. | 刘锐锋, 王小琦, 王小虎, 等.术前动脉灌注化疗治疗局部晚期胃癌的系统评价.肿瘤防治研究, 2012, 39(9):1098-1106. |
30. | 吴震峰, 朱文强, 曹勤洪, 等.区域动脉灌注化疗在进展期胃癌短程新辅助化疗中的应用.中华胃肠外科杂志, 2014, 17(11):1092-1095. |
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- 1. 季加孚.胃肠道肿瘤的新辅助治疗.中国实用外科杂志, 2005, 5(25):261-263.
- 2. 左朝晖, 欧阳永忠, 汤明, 等.胃癌的综合治疗研究的进展.中华普外科手术学杂志:电子版, 2012, 6(3):319-324.
- 3. Kong SH, Yang HK. Surgical treatment of gastric gastrointestinal stromal tumor. J Gastric Cancer, 2013, 13(1):3-18.
- 4. Kosaka T, Ueshige N, Sugaya J, et al. Evaluation of intra-arterial infusion chemotherapy for advanced gastric cancer. Gan To Kagaku Ryoho, 1998, 25(9):1288-1291.
- 5. Sugarbaker PH. Adjuvant intraperitoneal chemotherapy for advanced primary gastric cancer. Scand J Surg, 2006, 95(4):270-273.
- 6. 王义平, 王金林, 何世保, 等.介入动脉灌注化疗在晚期胃癌中的疗效观察.中外医疗, 2013, 33(33):22-23.
- 7. 李东, 吴萍山.术前动脉介入化疗治疗进展期胃癌的病例对照研究.中国癌症杂志, 2010, 20(4):290-294.
- 8. Ensminger WD. Intrahepatic arterial infusion of chemotherapy:pharmacologic principles. Semin Oncol, 2002, 29(2):119-125.
- 9. Pohlen U, Rieger H, Kunick-Pohlen S, et al. PhaseⅡstudy of regional chemotherapy using the hypoxic abdominal perfusion technique in advanced abdominal carcinoma. 5-FU pharmacokinetics, complications and outcome. Anticancer Res, 2007, 27(1B):667-674.
- 10. 詹晓星, 颜小琼.介入放射学中的药代动力学研究.国外医学:临床放射学分册, 1989, 126(6):327-329.
- 11. 邹寿椿, 裘华森, 陈方宏, 等.胃癌血供与供血动脉插管化疗的临床观察.中国实用外科杂志, 1996, 16(11):20-21.
- 12. Link H, Aigner KR, Kuehn W, et al. Prospective correlative chemosensitivity testing in high-dose intraarterial chemotherapy for liver metastases. Cancer Res, 1986, 46(9):4837-4840.
- 13. Araki K, Yamamoto H, Kobayashi M, et al. Experimental and clinical study on intraoperative local infusion chemotherapy (ILIC) for advanced gastric carcinoma. Gan To Kagaku Ryoho, 1995, 22(11):1531-1534.
- 14. Maurer CA, Borner M, Buchler MW, et al. Regional chemotherapy of gastrointestinal cancer. Dig Surg, 1997, 14(1):9-22.
- 15. 李澍.进展期胃癌术中实施区域性缓释化疗安全性和远期疗效观察.临床和实验医学杂志, 2014, 13(22):1863-1865.
- 16. Shchepotin IB, Chorny V, Hanfelt J, et al. Palliative superselective intra-arterial chemotherapy for advanced nonresectable gastric cancer. J Gastrointest Surg, 2000, 3(4):426-431.
- 17. 朱志东, 蒲永东.氟尿嘧啶经胃左动脉和外周静脉化疗的药代动力学比较.中国胃肠外科杂志, 2000, 3(1):28-30.
- 18. 吴鹏, 朱正纲, 叶正宝, 等. 5-氟尿嘧啶-2'-脱氧核苷经胃左动脉介入灌注后的药代动力学实验研究.外科理论与实践, 2004, 9(2):135-139.
- 19. 徐光炜.胃癌手术辅助化学疗法.北京:人民卫生出版社, 1987:251-259.
- 20. 刘福坤, 陈忠豪, 李国立, 等.胃癌术前介入治疗后血管变化与癌组织坏死的关系.世界华人消化杂志, 1998, 6(8):686-688.
- 21. 孙碎康, 蒲青凡, 严律南, 等.胃癌病人术前选择性动脉栓塞化疗对肿瘤血管的影响.中国普通外科杂志, 2002, 11(4):202-204.
- 22. 杨秀超, 崔振玉, 李正华.经动脉插管灌注抗癌药提高胃癌手术疗效.中华外科杂志, 1994, 32(7):403-404.
- 23. 徐工学, 李志霞, 陈佛来, 等.术前区域性动脉灌注化疗对大肠癌细胞凋亡相关基因的影响.中华外科杂志, 2001, 39(6):436-439.
- 24. 蒲青凡, 孙碎康, 刘占培, 等.术前胃动脉化疗栓塞对胃癌淋巴结转移灶癌细胞凋亡的影响.中国普外基础与临床杂志, 2006, 13(4):427-430.
- 25. 徐圣德, 高斌, 文刚, 等.术前动脉化疗对进展期胃癌细胞凋亡和增殖的影响.介入放射学杂志, 2007, 16(5):353-356.
- 26. 彭飞, 陈冬峨, 陈华.胃癌p53癌基因表达的Meta分析.数理医药学杂志, 2004, 17(6):540-542.
- 27. Fujimoto S, Watanabe Y, Enomoto K, et al. Studies on preoperative cancer chemotherapy. Methods of preoperative intra-arterial infusion by the use of methotrexate or vinblastine. Cancer, 1969, 24(3):433-441.
- 28. Peng Z, Xu S, Li H, et al. Advanced gastric cancer with brain metastasis effectively treated by arterial infusionchemotherapy:A case report. Oncol Lett, 2014, 7(2):449-451.
- 29. 刘锐锋, 王小琦, 王小虎, 等.术前动脉灌注化疗治疗局部晚期胃癌的系统评价.肿瘤防治研究, 2012, 39(9):1098-1106.
- 30. 吴震峰, 朱文强, 曹勤洪, 等.区域动脉灌注化疗在进展期胃癌短程新辅助化疗中的应用.中华胃肠外科杂志, 2014, 17(11):1092-1095.
- 31. Zhang CW, Zou SC, Shi D, et al. Clinical significance of preoperative regional intra-arterial infusion chemotherapy for advanced gastric cancer. World J Gastroenterol, 2004, 10(20):3070-3072.
- 32. Flörcken A, Schaefer C, Bichev D, et al. Hepatic arterial infusion chemotherapy for liver metastases from gastric cancer:an analysis in Western patients. Tumori, 2011, 97(1):19-24.
- 33. Wang YY, Zhang W, Qian S, et al. The effect of locoregional transarterial infusion chemotherapy on liver metastasis after gastric cancer resection. J Int Med Res, 2012, 40(3):1141-1148.
- 34. 高登鹏, 张霄成, 石秀玲, 等.胃癌术中术后局部化疗对癌细胞及患者预后的影响.现代中西医结合杂志, 2005, 14(19):2535-2537.
- 35. 李东, 吴萍山, 赵宏.进展期胃癌术前介入化疗的疗效观察.肿瘤学杂志, 2003, 9(4):201-203.
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