Citation: 高云, 高杰, 罗凤鸣. 孕期摄入维生素 E 对哮喘的影响. Chinese Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine, 2018, 17(2): 214-218. doi: 10.7507/1671-6205.201802008 Copy
Copyright © the editorial department of Chinese Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine of West China Medical Publisher. All rights reserved
1. | Warner JA, Jones CA, Jones AC, et al. Prenatal origins of allergic disease. J Allergy Clin Immunol, 2000, 105(2 Pt 2): S493-8. |
2. | 中华医学会儿科学分会呼吸学组, 《中华儿科杂志》编辑委员会. 儿童支气管哮喘诊断与防治指南(2016 年版). 中国病理生理杂志, 2016, 54(3): 167-180. |
3. | Masoli M, Fabian D, Holt S, et al. The global burden of asthma: executive summary of the GINA Dissemination Committee report. Allergy, 2004, 59(5): 469-478. |
4. | Saadeh D, Salameh P, Baldi I, et al. Diet and allergic diseases among population aged 0 to 18 years: myth or reality? .Nutrients, 2013, 5(9): 3399-423. |
5. | 全国儿科哮喘协作组.第三次中国城市儿童哮喘流行病学调查. 中华儿科杂志, 2013, 51(10): 729-734. |
6. | Moorman JE, Akinbami LJ, Bailey CM et al. National surveillance of asthma: United States, 2001-2010. Vital Health Stat 3, 2012, (35): 1-58. |
7. | Akinbami LJ, Moorman JE, Bailey C, et al. Trends in asthma prevalence, health care use, and mortality in the United States, 2001-2010. NCHS Data Brief, 2012, (94): 1-8. |
8. | The Global Asthma Report 2014 []. |
9. | Akinbami LJ, Simon AE, Rossen LM.Changing Trends in Asthma Prevalence Among Children. Pediatrics, 2016, 137(1). |
10. | Devereux G.The increase in the prevalence of asthma and allergy: food for thought. Nat Rev Immunol, 2006, 6(11): 869-74. |
11. | DeFrances CJ, Cullen KA, Kozak LJ.National Hospital Discharge Survey: 2005 annual summary with detailed diagnosis and procedure data. Vital Health Stat 13, 2007, (165): 1-209. |
12. | Dougherty RH, Fahy JV.Acute exacerbations of asthma: epidemiology, biology and the exacerbation-prone phenotype. Clin Exp Allergy, 2009, 39(2): 193-202. |
13. | Kramer U, Schmitz R, Ring J, et al. What can reunification of East and West Germany tell us about the cause of the allergy epidemic?. Clin Exp Allergy, 2015, 45(1): 94-107. |
14. | Al-Abdulla NO, Al Naama LM, Hassan MK.Antioxidant status in acute asthmatic attack in children. J Pak Med Assoc, 2010, 60(12): 1023-1027. |
15. | Turner SW, Campbell D, Smith N, et al. ssociations between fetal size, maternal alpha-tocopherol and childhood asthma. Thorax, 2010, 65(5): 391-397. |
16. | Cook-Mills JM, Avila PC.Vitamin E and D regulation of allergic asthma immunopathogenesis. Int Immunopharmacol, 2014, 23(1): 364-372. |
17. | Clarke MW, Burnett JR, Croft KD. Vitamin E in human health and disease. Crit Rev Clin Lab Sci, 2008, 45(5): 417-450. |
18. | Cook-Mills JM, Abdala-Valencia H, Hartert T. Two faces of vitamin E in the lung Am J Respir Crit Care Med, 2013, 188(3): 279-284. |
19. | McCary CA, Abdala-Valencia H, Berdnikovs S, et al. Supplemental and highly elevated tocopherol doses differentially regulate allergic inflammation: reversibility of alpha-tocopherol and gamma-tocopherol's effects. J Immunol, 2011, 186(6): 3674-3685. |
20. | Nishio K, Horie M, Akazawa Y, et al. Attenuation of lipopolysaccharide (LPS)-induced cytotoxicity by tocopherols and tocotrienols. Redox biology, 2013, 1: 97-103. |
21. | Huang PH, Chuang HC, Chou CC, et al. Vitamin E facilitates the inactivation of the kinase Akt by the phosphatase PHLPP1. Sci Signal, 2013, 19;6(267): ra19. |
22. | Leonard SW, Paterson E, Atkinson JK, et al. Studies in humans using deuterium-labeled alpha- and gamma-tocopherols demonstrate faster plasma gamma-tocopherol disappearance and greater gamma-metabolite production. Free Radic Biol Med, 2005, 1;38(7): 857-866. |
23. | Bella DL, Schock BC, Lim Y, et al. Regulation of the alpha-tocopherol transfer protein in mice: lack of response to dietary vitamin E or oxidative stress. Lipids, 2006, 41(2): 105-112. |
24. | Cavalier L, Ouahchi K, Kayden HJ, et al. Ataxia with isolated vitamin E deficiency: heterogeneity of mutations and phenotypic variability in a large number of families. Am J Hum Genet, 1998, 62(2): 301-310. |
25. | Reed CE, Milton DK.Endotoxin-stimulated innate immunity: A contributing factor for asthma. J Allergy Clin Immunol, 2001, 108(2): 157-166. |
26. | Hernandez ML, Harris B, Lay JC, et al. Comparative airway inflammatory response of normal volunteers to ozone and lipopolysaccharide challenge. Inhal Toxicol, 2010, 22(8): 648-656. |
27. | Wiser J, Alexis NE, Jiang Q, et al. In vivo gamma-tocopherol supplementation decreases systemic oxidative stress and cytokine responses of human monocytes in normal and asthmatic subjects. Free Radic Biol Med, 2008, 45(1): 40-49. |
28. | Hernandez ML, Wagner JG, Kala A, et al. Vitamin E, gamma-tocopherol, reduces airway neutrophil recruitment after inhaled endotoxin challenge in rats and in healthy volunteers. Free Radic Biol Med, 2013, 60: 56-62. |
29. | Wagner KH, Kamal-Eldin A, Elmadfa I. Gamma-tocopherol--an underestimated vitamin?. Ann Nutr Metab, 2004, 48(3): 169-188. |
30. | Berdnikovs S, Abdala-Valencia H, McCary C, et al. Isoforms of vitamin E have opposing immunoregulatory functions during inflammation by regulating leukocyte recruitment.J Immunol, 2009, 182(7): 4395-4405. |
31. | Centanni S, Santus P, Di Marco F, et al. The potential role of tocopherol in asthma and allergies: modification of the leukotriene pathway.BioDrugs, 2001, 15(2): 81-86. |
32. | Devereux G, Seaton A. Diet as a risk factor for atopy and asthma. J Allergy Clin Immunol, 2005, 115(6): 1109. |
33. | Cook-Mills JM, Marchese ME, Abdala-Valencia H.Vascular cell adhesion molecule-1 expression and signaling during disease: regulation by reactive oxygen species and antioxidants. Antioxid Redox Signal, 2011, 15(6): 1607-1638. |
34. | Seaton A, Godden DJ. Brown K.Increase in asthma: a more toxic environment or a more susceptible population?. Thorax, 1994, 49(2): 171-174. |
35. | Gilliland FD, Berhane KT, Li YF, et al. Children's lung function and antioxidant vitamin, fruit, juice, and vegetable intake. Am J Epidemiol, 2003, 158(6): 576-584. |
36. | Hijazi N, Abalkhail B, Seaton A.Diet and childhood asthma in a society in transition: a study in urban and rural Saudi Arabia. Thorax, 2000, 55(9): 775-779. |
37. | Hoskins A, Roberts JL, Milne G, et al. Natural-source d-alpha-tocopheryl acetate inhibits oxidant stress and modulates atopic asthma in humans in vivo. Allergy, 2012, 67(5): 676-682. |
38. | Wagner JG, Jiang Q, Harkema JR, et al. Gamma-tocopherol prevents airway eosinophilia and mucous cell hyperplasia in experimentally induced allergic rhinitis and asthma. Clin Exp Allergy, 2008, 38(3): 501-11. |
39. | Barker DJ.Fetal origins of coronary heart disease. Br Heart J, 1993, 69(3): 195-196. |
40. | Nijland MJ, Ford SP, Nathanielsz PW.Prenatal origins of adult disease. Curr Opin Obstet Gynecol, 2008, 20(2): 132-138. |
41. | Stern DA, Morgan WJ, Wright AL, et al. Poor airway function in early infancy and lung function by age 22 years: a non-selective longitudinal cohort study. Lancet, 2007, 370(9589): 758-764. |
42. | Turner SW, Palmer LJ, Rye PJ, et al. The relationship between infant airway function, childhood airway responsiveness, and asthma. Am J Respir Crit Care Med, 2004, 169(8): 921-927. |
43. | Yong SB, Wu CC, Wang L, et al. Influence and mechanisms of maternal and infant diets on the development of childhood asthma. Pediatr Neonatol, 2013, 54(1): 5-11. |
44. | Chen F, Marquez H, Kim YK, et al. Prenatal retinoid deficiency leads to airway hyperresponsiveness in adult mice. J Clin Invest, 2014, 124(2): 801-811. |
45. | Miyake Y, Tanaka K, Okubo H, et al. Maternal fat intake during pregnancy and wheeze and eczema in Japanese infants: the Kyushu Okinawa Maternal and Child Health Study. Ann Epidemiol, 2013, 23(11): 674-680. |
46. | Dotterud CK, Storro O, Simpson MR, et al. The impact of pre- and postnatal exposures on allergy related diseases in childhood: a controlled multicentre intervention study in primary health care. BMC public health, 2013, 13: 123. |
47. | Devereux G, Turner SW, Craig LC, et al. Low maternal vitamin E intake during pregnancy is associated with asthma in 5-year-old children. Am J Respir Crit Care Med, 2006, 174(5): 499-507. |
48. | Miyake Y, Sasaki S, Tanaka K, et al. Consumption of vegetables, fruit, and antioxidants during pregnancy and wheeze and eczema in infants. Allergy, 2010, 65(6): 758-765. |
49. | Debier C.Vitamin E during pre- and postnatal periods. Vitam Horm, 2007, 76: 357-373. |
50. | Martindale S, McNeill G, Devereux G, et al. Antioxidant intake in pregnancy in relation to wheeze and eczema in the first two years of life. Am J Respir Crit Care Med, 2005, 171(2): 121-128. |
51. | Allan KM, Prabhu N, Craig LC, et al. Maternal vitamin D and E intakes during pregnancy are associated with asthma in children. Eur Respir J, 2015, 45(4): 1027-1036. |
52. | Islam S, Narra V, Cote GM, et al. Prenatal vitamin E treatment improves lung growth in fetal rats with congenital diaphragmatic hernia. J Pediatr Surg, 1999, 34(1): 172-176 . |
53. | Maslova E, Granstrom C, Hansen S, et al. Peanut and tree nut consumption during pregnancy and allergic disease in children-should mothers decrease their intake? Longitudinal evidence from the Danish National Birth Cohort. J Allergy Clin Immunol, 2012, 130(3): 724-732. |
54. | Devereux G, Barker RN, Seaton A.Antenatal determinants of neonatal immune responses to allergens. Clin Exp Allergy, 2002, 32(1): 43-50. |
55. | Litonjua AA, Rifas-Shiman SL, Ly NP, et al. Maternal antioxidant intake in pregnancy and wheezing illnesses in children at 2 y of age. Am J Clin Nutr, 2006, 84(4): 903-911. |
56. | Litonjua AA, Weiss ST.Is vitamin D deficiency to blame for the asthma epidemic?. J Allergy Clin Immunol, 2007, 120(5): 1031-1035. |
- 1. Warner JA, Jones CA, Jones AC, et al. Prenatal origins of allergic disease. J Allergy Clin Immunol, 2000, 105(2 Pt 2): S493-8.
- 2. 中华医学会儿科学分会呼吸学组, 《中华儿科杂志》编辑委员会. 儿童支气管哮喘诊断与防治指南(2016 年版). 中国病理生理杂志, 2016, 54(3): 167-180.
- 3. Masoli M, Fabian D, Holt S, et al. The global burden of asthma: executive summary of the GINA Dissemination Committee report. Allergy, 2004, 59(5): 469-478.
- 4. Saadeh D, Salameh P, Baldi I, et al. Diet and allergic diseases among population aged 0 to 18 years: myth or reality? .Nutrients, 2013, 5(9): 3399-423.
- 5. 全国儿科哮喘协作组.第三次中国城市儿童哮喘流行病学调查. 中华儿科杂志, 2013, 51(10): 729-734.
- 6. Moorman JE, Akinbami LJ, Bailey CM et al. National surveillance of asthma: United States, 2001-2010. Vital Health Stat 3, 2012, (35): 1-58.
- 7. Akinbami LJ, Moorman JE, Bailey C, et al. Trends in asthma prevalence, health care use, and mortality in the United States, 2001-2010. NCHS Data Brief, 2012, (94): 1-8.
- 8. The Global Asthma Report 2014 [].
- 9. Akinbami LJ, Simon AE, Rossen LM.Changing Trends in Asthma Prevalence Among Children. Pediatrics, 2016, 137(1).
- 10. Devereux G.The increase in the prevalence of asthma and allergy: food for thought. Nat Rev Immunol, 2006, 6(11): 869-74.
- 11. DeFrances CJ, Cullen KA, Kozak LJ.National Hospital Discharge Survey: 2005 annual summary with detailed diagnosis and procedure data. Vital Health Stat 13, 2007, (165): 1-209.
- 12. Dougherty RH, Fahy JV.Acute exacerbations of asthma: epidemiology, biology and the exacerbation-prone phenotype. Clin Exp Allergy, 2009, 39(2): 193-202.
- 13. Kramer U, Schmitz R, Ring J, et al. What can reunification of East and West Germany tell us about the cause of the allergy epidemic?. Clin Exp Allergy, 2015, 45(1): 94-107.
- 14. Al-Abdulla NO, Al Naama LM, Hassan MK.Antioxidant status in acute asthmatic attack in children. J Pak Med Assoc, 2010, 60(12): 1023-1027.
- 15. Turner SW, Campbell D, Smith N, et al. ssociations between fetal size, maternal alpha-tocopherol and childhood asthma. Thorax, 2010, 65(5): 391-397.
- 16. Cook-Mills JM, Avila PC.Vitamin E and D regulation of allergic asthma immunopathogenesis. Int Immunopharmacol, 2014, 23(1): 364-372.
- 17. Clarke MW, Burnett JR, Croft KD. Vitamin E in human health and disease. Crit Rev Clin Lab Sci, 2008, 45(5): 417-450.
- 18. Cook-Mills JM, Abdala-Valencia H, Hartert T. Two faces of vitamin E in the lung Am J Respir Crit Care Med, 2013, 188(3): 279-284.
- 19. McCary CA, Abdala-Valencia H, Berdnikovs S, et al. Supplemental and highly elevated tocopherol doses differentially regulate allergic inflammation: reversibility of alpha-tocopherol and gamma-tocopherol's effects. J Immunol, 2011, 186(6): 3674-3685.
- 20. Nishio K, Horie M, Akazawa Y, et al. Attenuation of lipopolysaccharide (LPS)-induced cytotoxicity by tocopherols and tocotrienols. Redox biology, 2013, 1: 97-103.
- 21. Huang PH, Chuang HC, Chou CC, et al. Vitamin E facilitates the inactivation of the kinase Akt by the phosphatase PHLPP1. Sci Signal, 2013, 19;6(267): ra19.
- 22. Leonard SW, Paterson E, Atkinson JK, et al. Studies in humans using deuterium-labeled alpha- and gamma-tocopherols demonstrate faster plasma gamma-tocopherol disappearance and greater gamma-metabolite production. Free Radic Biol Med, 2005, 1;38(7): 857-866.
- 23. Bella DL, Schock BC, Lim Y, et al. Regulation of the alpha-tocopherol transfer protein in mice: lack of response to dietary vitamin E or oxidative stress. Lipids, 2006, 41(2): 105-112.
- 24. Cavalier L, Ouahchi K, Kayden HJ, et al. Ataxia with isolated vitamin E deficiency: heterogeneity of mutations and phenotypic variability in a large number of families. Am J Hum Genet, 1998, 62(2): 301-310.
- 25. Reed CE, Milton DK.Endotoxin-stimulated innate immunity: A contributing factor for asthma. J Allergy Clin Immunol, 2001, 108(2): 157-166.
- 26. Hernandez ML, Harris B, Lay JC, et al. Comparative airway inflammatory response of normal volunteers to ozone and lipopolysaccharide challenge. Inhal Toxicol, 2010, 22(8): 648-656.
- 27. Wiser J, Alexis NE, Jiang Q, et al. In vivo gamma-tocopherol supplementation decreases systemic oxidative stress and cytokine responses of human monocytes in normal and asthmatic subjects. Free Radic Biol Med, 2008, 45(1): 40-49.
- 28. Hernandez ML, Wagner JG, Kala A, et al. Vitamin E, gamma-tocopherol, reduces airway neutrophil recruitment after inhaled endotoxin challenge in rats and in healthy volunteers. Free Radic Biol Med, 2013, 60: 56-62.
- 29. Wagner KH, Kamal-Eldin A, Elmadfa I. Gamma-tocopherol--an underestimated vitamin?. Ann Nutr Metab, 2004, 48(3): 169-188.
- 30. Berdnikovs S, Abdala-Valencia H, McCary C, et al. Isoforms of vitamin E have opposing immunoregulatory functions during inflammation by regulating leukocyte recruitment.J Immunol, 2009, 182(7): 4395-4405.
- 31. Centanni S, Santus P, Di Marco F, et al. The potential role of tocopherol in asthma and allergies: modification of the leukotriene pathway.BioDrugs, 2001, 15(2): 81-86.
- 32. Devereux G, Seaton A. Diet as a risk factor for atopy and asthma. J Allergy Clin Immunol, 2005, 115(6): 1109.
- 33. Cook-Mills JM, Marchese ME, Abdala-Valencia H.Vascular cell adhesion molecule-1 expression and signaling during disease: regulation by reactive oxygen species and antioxidants. Antioxid Redox Signal, 2011, 15(6): 1607-1638.
- 34. Seaton A, Godden DJ. Brown K.Increase in asthma: a more toxic environment or a more susceptible population?. Thorax, 1994, 49(2): 171-174.
- 35. Gilliland FD, Berhane KT, Li YF, et al. Children's lung function and antioxidant vitamin, fruit, juice, and vegetable intake. Am J Epidemiol, 2003, 158(6): 576-584.
- 36. Hijazi N, Abalkhail B, Seaton A.Diet and childhood asthma in a society in transition: a study in urban and rural Saudi Arabia. Thorax, 2000, 55(9): 775-779.
- 37. Hoskins A, Roberts JL, Milne G, et al. Natural-source d-alpha-tocopheryl acetate inhibits oxidant stress and modulates atopic asthma in humans in vivo. Allergy, 2012, 67(5): 676-682.
- 38. Wagner JG, Jiang Q, Harkema JR, et al. Gamma-tocopherol prevents airway eosinophilia and mucous cell hyperplasia in experimentally induced allergic rhinitis and asthma. Clin Exp Allergy, 2008, 38(3): 501-11.
- 39. Barker DJ.Fetal origins of coronary heart disease. Br Heart J, 1993, 69(3): 195-196.
- 40. Nijland MJ, Ford SP, Nathanielsz PW.Prenatal origins of adult disease. Curr Opin Obstet Gynecol, 2008, 20(2): 132-138.
- 41. Stern DA, Morgan WJ, Wright AL, et al. Poor airway function in early infancy and lung function by age 22 years: a non-selective longitudinal cohort study. Lancet, 2007, 370(9589): 758-764.
- 42. Turner SW, Palmer LJ, Rye PJ, et al. The relationship between infant airway function, childhood airway responsiveness, and asthma. Am J Respir Crit Care Med, 2004, 169(8): 921-927.
- 43. Yong SB, Wu CC, Wang L, et al. Influence and mechanisms of maternal and infant diets on the development of childhood asthma. Pediatr Neonatol, 2013, 54(1): 5-11.
- 44. Chen F, Marquez H, Kim YK, et al. Prenatal retinoid deficiency leads to airway hyperresponsiveness in adult mice. J Clin Invest, 2014, 124(2): 801-811.
- 45. Miyake Y, Tanaka K, Okubo H, et al. Maternal fat intake during pregnancy and wheeze and eczema in Japanese infants: the Kyushu Okinawa Maternal and Child Health Study. Ann Epidemiol, 2013, 23(11): 674-680.
- 46. Dotterud CK, Storro O, Simpson MR, et al. The impact of pre- and postnatal exposures on allergy related diseases in childhood: a controlled multicentre intervention study in primary health care. BMC public health, 2013, 13: 123.
- 47. Devereux G, Turner SW, Craig LC, et al. Low maternal vitamin E intake during pregnancy is associated with asthma in 5-year-old children. Am J Respir Crit Care Med, 2006, 174(5): 499-507.
- 48. Miyake Y, Sasaki S, Tanaka K, et al. Consumption of vegetables, fruit, and antioxidants during pregnancy and wheeze and eczema in infants. Allergy, 2010, 65(6): 758-765.
- 49. Debier C.Vitamin E during pre- and postnatal periods. Vitam Horm, 2007, 76: 357-373.
- 50. Martindale S, McNeill G, Devereux G, et al. Antioxidant intake in pregnancy in relation to wheeze and eczema in the first two years of life. Am J Respir Crit Care Med, 2005, 171(2): 121-128.
- 51. Allan KM, Prabhu N, Craig LC, et al. Maternal vitamin D and E intakes during pregnancy are associated with asthma in children. Eur Respir J, 2015, 45(4): 1027-1036.
- 52. Islam S, Narra V, Cote GM, et al. Prenatal vitamin E treatment improves lung growth in fetal rats with congenital diaphragmatic hernia. J Pediatr Surg, 1999, 34(1): 172-176 .
- 53. Maslova E, Granstrom C, Hansen S, et al. Peanut and tree nut consumption during pregnancy and allergic disease in children-should mothers decrease their intake? Longitudinal evidence from the Danish National Birth Cohort. J Allergy Clin Immunol, 2012, 130(3): 724-732.
- 54. Devereux G, Barker RN, Seaton A.Antenatal determinants of neonatal immune responses to allergens. Clin Exp Allergy, 2002, 32(1): 43-50.
- 55. Litonjua AA, Rifas-Shiman SL, Ly NP, et al. Maternal antioxidant intake in pregnancy and wheezing illnesses in children at 2 y of age. Am J Clin Nutr, 2006, 84(4): 903-911.
- 56. Litonjua AA, Weiss ST.Is vitamin D deficiency to blame for the asthma epidemic?. J Allergy Clin Immunol, 2007, 120(5): 1031-1035.
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