Objective To investigate the inpatients’ disease constitution and cost in Xintian Central Township Health Center (XtC) in Lintao County of Gansu Province from 2008 to 2010, so as to provide baseline data for further research.
Methods The questionnaire and the focus interview were carried out, the case records and the cost information of XtC inpatients in 2008, 2009 and 2010 were collected. The diseases were classified according to ICD-10 based on the first diagnosis and the cost was analyzed. Data including general information of the inpatients, discharge diagnosis, hospitalization expenses, and drug cost etc. were rearranged and analyzed by Excel software.
Results a) The total number of inpatients was 1 212, 1 425 and 1 857, respectively, in 2008, 2009 and 2010. The female was more than the male in 2010 (57.68% vs. 42.32%), and their disease spectrum included 19 categories, which accounted for 90% of the disease classes of ICD-10; b) The constituent ratio of the top seven systematic diseases that inpatients suffered from in recent three years accounted for 89.18% to 92.21%, which included the digestive, respiratory, circulatory, urogenital, musculoskeletal and connective tissues disease, pregnancy, labor and puperium disease, and injury and toxicosis. Except for the injury and toxicosis, the female was more than the male in most of the rest main systematic diseases; c) The top 15 single diseases were acute upper respiratory infection, chronic tracheitis or bronchitis, gastritis or chronic gastritis, coronary heart disease, hypertension, pulmonary infection, urinary tract infection, lumbar vertebra disease, fracture, superficial injury, acute appendicitis, normal labor, cervical spondylosis, acute gastroenteritis, and cholecystolithiasis or cholecystitis; d) The main disease burden of inpatients focused on the age groups as above 65, 15 to 24 and 35 to 54 in 2010. Except for the fracture, acute tracheitis or bronchitis, and lumbar vertebra disease, the female was more than the male in most of the rest main single diseases; gastritis or chronic gastritis and lumbar vertebra disease focused on the age group above 35; acute upper respiratory infection covered all ages in 2010 and has ranked as the first during the past three years; e) In recent three years, the aggregate constitutional ratio of the top 15 single diseases accounted for 67.53% to 71.36%, including six to seven chronic diseases, and eight to nine acute diseases focusing on infection and trauma; and f) The inpatients’ average costs of chronic diseases were higher than those of acute diseases in 2010 (RMB 1 311.81 yuan vs. RMB 906.85 yuan), and were also higher than those of either Yong’an Central Township Health Center (RMB 1 150.59 yuan) or Gao Zha Central Township Health Center (RMB 1 002.99 yuan).
Conclusion ?a) In the recent three years, the main systematic diseases are in digestive, respiratory and circulatory system; the incidence of acute disease which mainly focuses on infection and injury is more than that of the chronic; and the acute upper respiratory infection has ranked as the first during the past three years; b) The inpatients in 2010 are mainly at the age of 15 to 24, 35 to 54, and over 65 years old as well. Except for injury and toxicosis, the female inpatients are more than the male in most of the other diseases; c) The inpatients’ average costs of chronic diseases in 2010 are higher than those of acute diseases, and also higher than those of either YaC or GzC. Consideration on rationality of hospitalization cost should be paid attention to; and d) It is urgent to strengthen the construction of infrastructure and informationization in XtC.
Citation: LI Honghao,YANG Xiaoyan,LI Youping,et al. A Status Survey on Disease Constitution and Cost of Inpatients in Xintian Central Township Health Center in Lintao County of Gansu Province, 2008-2010. Chinese Journal of Evidence-Based Medicine, 2011, 11(2): 131-137. doi: 10.7507/1672-2531.20110023 Copy
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