Different from modern medicine, traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) has its unique thought patterns and decision methods. In the process of developing TCM clinical practice guidelines, not only the modern clinical researches should be included, but also the TCM ancient books which had influenced TCM for thousands of years should be included. As an important carrier of TCM, the characteristics of researches in TCM ancient books are different from modern clinical researches. In this paper, we introduced the present situation of the TCM guidelines and how to use TCM ancient books for developing TCM clinical guideline with the guidance of evidence-based method. We used the example of developing of headache TCM guideline to explain how to use TCM ancient books as evidence source for guideline development and explored the application of evidence-based research of TCM ancient books to promote TCM clinical guidelines development.
Citation: LI Huanqin, ZOU Yihuai, YAO Yuning, WANG Fenglan, DING Kan, CAO Kegang. Application of evidence-based research in ancient books of traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) in the development of TCM clinical practice guideline. Chinese Journal of Evidence-Based Medicine, 2018, 18(2): 225-229. doi: 10.7507/1672-2531.201705066 Copy
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