Traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) has a long history. In the process of fighting against diseases, TCM has formed a unique theoretical system and the way to think and diagnose. The holistic thinking, and the treatment according to syndrome differentiation are the most prominent characteristics of TCM, which matches with advanced medical concept and direction. The clinical efficacy has always been the basis for the advancement of TCM. However, issues such as the lagging behind of modern research on the evaluation of TCM curative effect, as well as lacking high-quality scientific research evidence, impede the development and promotion of the TCM toward the world. To address the above problems, recent progress in real-word study (RWS) has provided the opportunity for TCM researches, especially for the post-marketing evaluation of Chinese patent medicine (CPM). The formulation of this technical guidance for RWS of CPM is helpful to researchers in carrying out standardized, reasonable and scientific researches, to improve the quality of production and use of real-word evidence, and to promote the advancement of the TCM industry.
Citation: SUN Xin, ZHANG Junhua, WANG Wen, TAN Jing, PENG Xiaoxia, GAO Pei, WU Jing, WEN Zehuai, LUO Jianfeng, LI Ling, LI Lei, HUANG Shiyao, QI Yana, LI Youping, ZHANG Boli, On Behalf of Real World Research Professional Committee of China Association of Traditional Chinese Medicine. Formulate technical guidance for real-world studies of traditional Chinese medicine in China to promote the transformation of clinical research of Chinese patent medicine into decision evidence. Chinese Journal of Evidence-Based Medicine, 2020, 20(9): 993-999. doi: 10.7507/1672-2531.202006027 Copy
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