为了给心因性非癫痫性发作(Psychogenic nonepilepticseizures,PNES)建立一个清晰的诊断标准,由癫痫、精神病学、神经心理学、神经精神医学领域的医生和研究者们组成的一个国际共识团体竭诚合作。由于作为金标准的视频脑电图并不是全世界每个中心都有,或者是每例患者都进行了该检查,该团体为非癫痫性发作的诊断阐释了一种阶梯式程序。该团体通过使用一致的文献回顾,评价了关键的诊断方法,包括:病史,脑电图,动态脑电图,视频脑电图/监测,神经生理、神经内分泌、神经影像、神经心理检查,催眠疗法,谈话分析。根据病史,被目击的事件,和检查结果(包括视频脑电图),将诊断确定性分层,包括可能的,很可能的,临床确立的,和记录的诊断。国际抗癫痫联盟非癫痫性发作协作组报告的目标与希望在于提高PNES的诊断过程和诊断的确定性,以更好地管理癫痫和非癫痫性发作的患者。
Citation: 童馨, 慕洁, 安东梅. 诊断心因性非癫痫性发作的最低要求:阶梯式程序. Journal of Epilepsy, 2015, 1(1): 80-92. doi: 10.7507/2096-0247.20150012 Copy
Copyright © the editorial department of Journal of Epilepsy of West China Medical Publisher. All rights reserved
1. | Avbersek A, Sisodiya S. Does the primary literature provide support for clinical signs used to distinguish psychogenic nonepileptic seizures from epileptic seizures? J Neurol Neurosurg Psychiatry, 2010, 81(12):719-725. |
2. | Bailles E, Pintor L, Fernandez-Egea E, et al. Psychiatric disorders, trauma, and MMPI profile in a Spanish sample of nonepileptic seizure patients. Gen Hosp Psychiatry, 2004, 26(11):310-315. |
3. | Bakvis P, Roelofs K, Kuyk J, et al. Trauma, stress, and preconscious threat processing in patients with psychogenic nonepileptic seizures. Epilepsia, 2009, 50:1001-1011. |
4. | Bakvis P, Spinhoven P, Giltay EJ, et al. Basal hypercortisolism and trauma in patients with psychogenic nonepileptic seizures. Epilepsia, 2010, 51(9):752-759. |
5. | Barry JJ, Atzman O, Morrell MJ. Discriminating between epileptic and nonepileptic events:the utility of hypnotic seizure induction. Epilepsia, 2000, 41(12):81-84. |
6. | Bauer J. Epilepsy and prolactin in adults:a clinical review. Epilepsy Res, 1996(24):1-7. |
7. | Beghi E, De Maria G, Gobbi G, et al. Diagnosis and treatment of the first epileptic seizure:guidelines of the Italian League against Epilepsy. Epilepsia, 2006, 47(Suppl. 5):2-8. |
8. | Benbadis SR. Errors in EEGs and the misdiagnosis of epilepsy:importance, causes, consequences, and proposed remedies. Epilepsy Behav, 2007, 11(6):257-262. |
9. | Benbadis SR, Tatum WO. Overintepretation of EEGs and misdiagnosis of epilepsy. J Clin Neurophysiol, 2003, 20(13):42-44. |
10. | Benbadis SR, Johnson K, Anthony K, et al. Induction of psychogenic nonepileptic seizures without placebo. Neurology, 2000, 55(21):1904-1905. |
11. | Benbadis SR, Agrawal V, Tatum WO. How many patients with psychogenic nonepileptic seizures also have epilepsy? Neurology, 2001, 57(22):915-917. |
12. | Benbadis SR, Siegrist K, Tatum WO, et al. Short term outpatient EEG video with induction in the diagnosis of psychogenic seizures. Neurology, 2004, 63(10):1728-1730. |
13. | Bergen D, Ristanovic R. Weeping as a common element of pseudoseizures. Arch Neurol, 1993, 50(17):1059-1060. |
14. | Bhatia MS. Pseudoseizures. Indian Pediatr, 2004, 41(3):673-679. |
15. | Binnie CD. Ambulatory diagnostic monitoring of seizures in adults. Adv Neurol, 1987, 46(22):169-182. |
16. | Bowman ES. Etiology and clinical course of pseudo seizures. Relationship to trauma, depression, and dissociation. Psychosomatics, 1993, 34(3):333-342. |
17. | Breier JI, Fuchs KL, Brookshire BL, et al. Quality of life perception in patients with intractable epilepsy or pseudoseizures. Arch Neurol, 1998, 55(25):660-665. |
18. | Chen DK, So YT, Fisher RS. Use of serum prolactin in diagnosing epileptic seizures:report of the Therapeutics and Technology Assessment Subcommittee of the American Academy of Neurology. Neurology, 2005, 65(3):668-675. |
19. | Chen DK, Graber KD, Anderson CT, et al. Sensitivity and specificity of video alone versus electroencephalography alone for the diagnosis of partial seizures. Epilepsy Behav, 2008, 13(2):115-118. |
20. | Cragar DE, Berry DT, Fakhoury TA, et al. A review of diagnostic techniques in the differential diagnosis of epileptic and nonepileptic seizures. Neuropsychol Rev, 2002, 12(6):31-64. |
21. | Cuthill FM, Espie CA. Sensitivity and specificity of procedures for the differential diagnosis of epileptic and non-epileptic seizures:a systematic review. Seizure, 2005, 14(3):293-303. |
22. | de Oliveira GR, Gondim Fde A, Hogan RE, et al. Heart rate analysis differentiates dialeptic complex partial temporal lobe seizures from auras and non-epileptic seizures. Arq Neuropsiquiatr, 2007, 65(28):565-568. |
23. | De Paola L, Silvado C, Mader MJ, et al. Clinical features of Psychogenic Nonepileptic Seizures (PNES):analysis of a Brazilian series. J Epilepsy Clin Neurophys, 2007, 12(3):37-40. |
24. | Devinsky O, Sanchez-Villasenor F, Vazquez B, et al. Clinical profile of patients with epileptic and nonepileptic seizures. Neurology, 1996, 46(20):1530-1533. |
25. | Devinsky O, Gazzola D, LaFrance WC Jr. Differentiating between nonepileptic and epileptic seizures. Nat Rev Neurol, 2011, 7(2):210-220. |
26. | Ding JR, An D, Liao W, et al. Altered functional and structural connectivity networks in psychogenic non-epileptic seizures. PLoS ONE, 2013, 8(2):e63850. |
27. | Dodrill CB. Do patients with psychogenic nonepileptic seizures produce trustworthy findings on neuropsychological tests? Epilepsia, 2008, 49(21):691-695. |
28. | Donati F, Wilder-Smith A, Kollar M, et al. Abstract:epileptic versus psychogenic seizures:effect on heart rate. Epilepsia, 2008, 37(11):58. |
29. | Drake ME Jr., Huber SJ, Pakalnis A, et al. Neuropsychological and event-related potential correlates of nonepileptic seizures. J Neuropsychiatry Clin Neurosci, 1993, 5(2):102-104. |
30. | Drane DL, Williamson DJ, Stroup ES, et al. Cognitive impairment is not equal in patients with epileptic and psychogenic nonepileptic seizures. Epilepsia, 2006, 47(30):1879-1886. |
31. | Drazkowski JF, Chung SS. (2010) Differential diagnosis of epilepsy. Continuum Minneap Minn, 2010, 16(6):36-56. |
32. | Duncan R. Psychogenic nonepileptic seizures:diagnosis and initial management. Expert Rev Neurother, 2010, 10(8):1803-1809. |
33. | Duncan R, Oto M. Predictors of antecedent factors in psychogenic nonepileptic attacks:multivariate analysis. Neurology, 2008, 71(26):1000-1005. |
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- 1. Avbersek A, Sisodiya S. Does the primary literature provide support for clinical signs used to distinguish psychogenic nonepileptic seizures from epileptic seizures? J Neurol Neurosurg Psychiatry, 2010, 81(12):719-725.
- 2. Bailles E, Pintor L, Fernandez-Egea E, et al. Psychiatric disorders, trauma, and MMPI profile in a Spanish sample of nonepileptic seizure patients. Gen Hosp Psychiatry, 2004, 26(11):310-315.
- 3. Bakvis P, Roelofs K, Kuyk J, et al. Trauma, stress, and preconscious threat processing in patients with psychogenic nonepileptic seizures. Epilepsia, 2009, 50:1001-1011.
- 4. Bakvis P, Spinhoven P, Giltay EJ, et al. Basal hypercortisolism and trauma in patients with psychogenic nonepileptic seizures. Epilepsia, 2010, 51(9):752-759.
- 5. Barry JJ, Atzman O, Morrell MJ. Discriminating between epileptic and nonepileptic events:the utility of hypnotic seizure induction. Epilepsia, 2000, 41(12):81-84.
- 6. Bauer J. Epilepsy and prolactin in adults:a clinical review. Epilepsy Res, 1996(24):1-7.
- 7. Beghi E, De Maria G, Gobbi G, et al. Diagnosis and treatment of the first epileptic seizure:guidelines of the Italian League against Epilepsy. Epilepsia, 2006, 47(Suppl. 5):2-8.
- 8. Benbadis SR. Errors in EEGs and the misdiagnosis of epilepsy:importance, causes, consequences, and proposed remedies. Epilepsy Behav, 2007, 11(6):257-262.
- 9. Benbadis SR, Tatum WO. Overintepretation of EEGs and misdiagnosis of epilepsy. J Clin Neurophysiol, 2003, 20(13):42-44.
- 10. Benbadis SR, Johnson K, Anthony K, et al. Induction of psychogenic nonepileptic seizures without placebo. Neurology, 2000, 55(21):1904-1905.
- 11. Benbadis SR, Agrawal V, Tatum WO. How many patients with psychogenic nonepileptic seizures also have epilepsy? Neurology, 2001, 57(22):915-917.
- 12. Benbadis SR, Siegrist K, Tatum WO, et al. Short term outpatient EEG video with induction in the diagnosis of psychogenic seizures. Neurology, 2004, 63(10):1728-1730.
- 13. Bergen D, Ristanovic R. Weeping as a common element of pseudoseizures. Arch Neurol, 1993, 50(17):1059-1060.
- 14. Bhatia MS. Pseudoseizures. Indian Pediatr, 2004, 41(3):673-679.
- 15. Binnie CD. Ambulatory diagnostic monitoring of seizures in adults. Adv Neurol, 1987, 46(22):169-182.
- 16. Bowman ES. Etiology and clinical course of pseudo seizures. Relationship to trauma, depression, and dissociation. Psychosomatics, 1993, 34(3):333-342.
- 17. Breier JI, Fuchs KL, Brookshire BL, et al. Quality of life perception in patients with intractable epilepsy or pseudoseizures. Arch Neurol, 1998, 55(25):660-665.
- 18. Chen DK, So YT, Fisher RS. Use of serum prolactin in diagnosing epileptic seizures:report of the Therapeutics and Technology Assessment Subcommittee of the American Academy of Neurology. Neurology, 2005, 65(3):668-675.
- 19. Chen DK, Graber KD, Anderson CT, et al. Sensitivity and specificity of video alone versus electroencephalography alone for the diagnosis of partial seizures. Epilepsy Behav, 2008, 13(2):115-118.
- 20. Cragar DE, Berry DT, Fakhoury TA, et al. A review of diagnostic techniques in the differential diagnosis of epileptic and nonepileptic seizures. Neuropsychol Rev, 2002, 12(6):31-64.
- 21. Cuthill FM, Espie CA. Sensitivity and specificity of procedures for the differential diagnosis of epileptic and non-epileptic seizures:a systematic review. Seizure, 2005, 14(3):293-303.
- 22. de Oliveira GR, Gondim Fde A, Hogan RE, et al. Heart rate analysis differentiates dialeptic complex partial temporal lobe seizures from auras and non-epileptic seizures. Arq Neuropsiquiatr, 2007, 65(28):565-568.
- 23. De Paola L, Silvado C, Mader MJ, et al. Clinical features of Psychogenic Nonepileptic Seizures (PNES):analysis of a Brazilian series. J Epilepsy Clin Neurophys, 2007, 12(3):37-40.
- 24. Devinsky O, Sanchez-Villasenor F, Vazquez B, et al. Clinical profile of patients with epileptic and nonepileptic seizures. Neurology, 1996, 46(20):1530-1533.
- 25. Devinsky O, Gazzola D, LaFrance WC Jr. Differentiating between nonepileptic and epileptic seizures. Nat Rev Neurol, 2011, 7(2):210-220.
- 26. Ding JR, An D, Liao W, et al. Altered functional and structural connectivity networks in psychogenic non-epileptic seizures. PLoS ONE, 2013, 8(2):e63850.
- 27. Dodrill CB. Do patients with psychogenic nonepileptic seizures produce trustworthy findings on neuropsychological tests? Epilepsia, 2008, 49(21):691-695.
- 28. Donati F, Wilder-Smith A, Kollar M, et al. Abstract:epileptic versus psychogenic seizures:effect on heart rate. Epilepsia, 2008, 37(11):58.
- 29. Drake ME Jr., Huber SJ, Pakalnis A, et al. Neuropsychological and event-related potential correlates of nonepileptic seizures. J Neuropsychiatry Clin Neurosci, 1993, 5(2):102-104.
- 30. Drane DL, Williamson DJ, Stroup ES, et al. Cognitive impairment is not equal in patients with epileptic and psychogenic nonepileptic seizures. Epilepsia, 2006, 47(30):1879-1886.
- 31. Drazkowski JF, Chung SS. (2010) Differential diagnosis of epilepsy. Continuum Minneap Minn, 2010, 16(6):36-56.
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