Citation: 高根五,综述. 门脉高压症非分流手术的历史. CHINESE JOURNAL OF BASES AND CLINICS IN GENERAL SURGERY, 1996, 3(1): 55-58. doi: Copy
Copyright © the editorial department of CHINESE JOURNAL OF BASES AND CLINICS IN GENERAL SURGERY of West China Medical Publisher. All rights reserved
1. | Holman E,Gerbode F.Experiences with operative correction of portal hypertension.Am J Surg,1951;82:58. |
2. | Madden JL,Lore’ JM Jr,Gerold FP,et al.The pathogenesis of ascites and a consideration of its treatment.Surg Gynecol Obstet,1954;99:385. |
3. | Nylander PEA,Turnen M.Transposition of the spleen into the thoracic cavity in cases of portal hypertension.Ann Surg,1955;142:954. |
4. | Hoffman HL,Freedlander SO.Supradiaphragmatic transposition of the spleen for portal hypertension.Arch Surg,1960;80:452. |
5. | O Walker RM.Transection operations for portal hypertension.Thorax,1960;15:218. |
6. | Hastbacka J.Thoracic transposition of the spleen for portal hypertension:a clinical and experimental investigation.Ann chir Gynecol Fenn,1971;60(suppl):28. |
7. | Bengmack S,Borjesson B,Joelsson B,et al.Subcutaneous transposition of the spleen:a method for treatment complications in portal hypertension?Ann Surg,1979;189:75. |
8. | Akita H,Sakoda K.Portopulmonary shunt by spleno pneumopexy as a surgical treatment of Budd-Chiari syndrome.Surgery,1980;87:85. |
9. | Rafferty TN.Report of case of splenectomy with attempted surgical cure of ascites due to cirrhosis of liver.JAMA,1900; 34:1538. |
10. | Cook J,McFadzean AJS,Todd D.Splenectomy in cryptogenetic splenomegaly.BMJ,1963;2:337. |
11. | Blain AW,Blain A Ⅲ.Ligation of the splenic artery:the operation of choice in selected cases of portal hypertension and Banti’s syndrome.Ann Surg,1950;131:92. |
12. | Reinhoff WF Jr.Ligation of hepatic and splenic arteries in the treatment of portal hypertension.Bull John Hopkins.1951,;68:368. |
13. | Madden JL.Ligation of the hepatic and splenic arteries in the treatment of cirrhosis of the liver.Surg Gynecol Obstet,1953;96:594. |
14. | Theron P,Allan JC.Ascites:A clinical and experimental study.Acta Med Scand,1955;152(suppl):145. |
15. | Dumott AE,Berman IR,Stahl WM,et al.Significance of an enlarged splenic artery in patients with bleedingnvarices.Ann Surg,1972;175:466. |
16. | Maddison FE.Embolic therapy of hypersplenism.Invest Radiol,1973;8:280. |
17. | Witte CL,Ovitt TW,VanWyck DB,et al.Ischemic therapy in thrombocytopenia from hypersplenism.Arch Surg,1976;111:1115. |
18. | Alwmark A,Bengmark S,Gullstrand P,et al.Evaluation of splenic embolization in patients with portal hypertension and hypersplenism.Ann Surg,1982;196:518. |
19. | Zennini G,Masciariello S,Pagano G,et al.Percutaneous splenic artery occlusion for portal hypertension:a new mechanical technique for hypersplenism.Arch Surg,1983;118:897. |
20. | Peter RM,Womack NA.Surgery of vascular distortions in cirrhosis of the liver.Ann Surg,1961;154:431. |
21. | Keagy BA,Schwartz NA,Johnson G Jr.Should ablative operations be used for bleeding esophageal varices?Ann Surg,1986;203:463. |
22. | Johnston GW,Rodgers HW.A review of 15 years’ experience in the use of sclerotherapy in the control a acute hemorrhage from esophageal varices.Br J Surg,1973;60:797. |
23. | Terblanche J.The surgeon’s role in the management of portal hypertension.Ann Surg,1989;209:381. |
24. | Williams KGD,Dawson JL.Fiberoptic injection of esophageal varices.BMJ,1979;2:766. |
25. | 高根五.食管静脉曲张的硬化剂注射疗法.国外医学外科分册,1984;4:210. |
26. | Henderson JM,Kutner MH,Millikan WJ Jr,et al.Endoscopic variceal sclerosis compared with distal splenorenal shunt to prevent recurrent variceal bleeding in cirrhosis:prospective,randomized trial.Ann Intern Med,1990;112:262. |
27. | Spina GP,Santambrogio R,Opocher E,et al.Distal splenorenal shunt versus endoscopic sclerotherapy in the prevention of esophageal varices.Am J Surg,1990;211:178. |
28. | Stiegmann GV,Goff JS,Sun JH,et al.Endoscopic ligation of esophageal varices.Am J Surg,1990;159:21. |
29. | Crile G Jr.Transesophageal ligation of bleeding esophageal varices.Arch Surg,1950;61:654. |
30. | Linton RR,Warren R.The emergency treatment of massive bleeding from esophageal varices by transesophageal suture of these vessels at the time of acute hemorrhage.Surgery,1953;33:243. |
31. | Britton RC,Crile G Jr.Late results of transesophageal suture of bleeding esophageal varices.Surg Gynecol Obstet,1963;117:10. |
32. | Vosschulte K.Dssektionsligatur des oesophagus bei varicen der speiserohre infolge pfortaderhypertonie.Chirurg,1957;28:186. |
33. | Boerema I.Transabdominal ligation-resection of the esophagus in cases of bleeding esophageal varices.Surgery,1970;67:409. |
34. | Van Kemmel M.Ligature resection segmentaire et anastomose a 1’ appriel PKS 25 de 1’ oesophage abdominal apres henorrhagie par rupture de varices oesophagiennes.Lille Chir,1974;29:80. |
35. | Jenkins SA,Shields R.Variceal hemorrhage after injection sclerotherapy:the role of emergency esophageal transection.Br J Surg,1989;76:49. |
36. | Habif DV.Treatment of esophageal varices by partial esophagogastrectomy and interposed jejunal segment.Surgery,1959;46:212. |
37. | Lunderquist A,Vang J.Transhepatic catheterization and obliteration of the coronary vein in patients with portal hypertension and esophageal varices.N Engl J Med,1974;291:646. |
38. | Lemos Torresu,Degni M.Rational basis of a new technique of portal hypertension.J Cardiovasc Surg,1965;6:173. |
39. | Berman HL,Del Guerio LRM,Katz SG,et al.Minimally invasive devascularization for variceal bleeding that could not be controlled with sclerotherapy.Surgery,l988;104:500. |
40. | Allison PR.Bleeding from gastro-esophagus varices.Ann R Coll Surg Engl,1959;25:298. |
41. | Sugiura M,Futagawa S.A new technique for treating esophageal varices.J Thorac Cardiovasc Surg,1973;6:667. |
42. | Sugiura M,Futagawa S.Esophageal transection with paraesophagogastric devascularization(The Sugiura procedure)in the treatment of esophageal varices.World J Surg,1984;8:673. |
43. | Yamamoto S,Hidemura R,Sawada M,et al.The late results of terminal esophagoproximal gastrectomy(TEPG)with extension devascularization and splenectomy for bleeding esophageal varices in cirrhosis.Surgery,1976;80:106. |
44. | Hassab MA.Gastroesophageal decongestion and splenectomy;a method of prevention and treatment of bleeding from esophageal varices associated with bilharzial hepatic fibrosis:preliminary report.J Int Coll Surg,1964;41:232. |
45. | Starzl TE,Van Thiel D,Trakis AG,et al.Orthotopic liver transplantation for alcoholic cirrhosis.JAMA,1988;260:2542. |
- 1. Holman E,Gerbode F.Experiences with operative correction of portal hypertension.Am J Surg,1951;82:58.
- 2. Madden JL,Lore’ JM Jr,Gerold FP,et al.The pathogenesis of ascites and a consideration of its treatment.Surg Gynecol Obstet,1954;99:385.
- 3. Nylander PEA,Turnen M.Transposition of the spleen into the thoracic cavity in cases of portal hypertension.Ann Surg,1955;142:954.
- 4. Hoffman HL,Freedlander SO.Supradiaphragmatic transposition of the spleen for portal hypertension.Arch Surg,1960;80:452.
- 5. O Walker RM.Transection operations for portal hypertension.Thorax,1960;15:218.
- 6. Hastbacka J.Thoracic transposition of the spleen for portal hypertension:a clinical and experimental investigation.Ann chir Gynecol Fenn,1971;60(suppl):28.
- 7. Bengmack S,Borjesson B,Joelsson B,et al.Subcutaneous transposition of the spleen:a method for treatment complications in portal hypertension?Ann Surg,1979;189:75.
- 8. Akita H,Sakoda K.Portopulmonary shunt by spleno pneumopexy as a surgical treatment of Budd-Chiari syndrome.Surgery,1980;87:85.
- 9. Rafferty TN.Report of case of splenectomy with attempted surgical cure of ascites due to cirrhosis of liver.JAMA,1900; 34:1538.
- 10. Cook J,McFadzean AJS,Todd D.Splenectomy in cryptogenetic splenomegaly.BMJ,1963;2:337.
- 11. Blain AW,Blain A Ⅲ.Ligation of the splenic artery:the operation of choice in selected cases of portal hypertension and Banti’s syndrome.Ann Surg,1950;131:92.
- 12. Reinhoff WF Jr.Ligation of hepatic and splenic arteries in the treatment of portal hypertension.Bull John Hopkins.1951,;68:368.
- 13. Madden JL.Ligation of the hepatic and splenic arteries in the treatment of cirrhosis of the liver.Surg Gynecol Obstet,1953;96:594.
- 14. Theron P,Allan JC.Ascites:A clinical and experimental study.Acta Med Scand,1955;152(suppl):145.
- 15. Dumott AE,Berman IR,Stahl WM,et al.Significance of an enlarged splenic artery in patients with bleedingnvarices.Ann Surg,1972;175:466.
- 16. Maddison FE.Embolic therapy of hypersplenism.Invest Radiol,1973;8:280.
- 17. Witte CL,Ovitt TW,VanWyck DB,et al.Ischemic therapy in thrombocytopenia from hypersplenism.Arch Surg,1976;111:1115.
- 18. Alwmark A,Bengmark S,Gullstrand P,et al.Evaluation of splenic embolization in patients with portal hypertension and hypersplenism.Ann Surg,1982;196:518.
- 19. Zennini G,Masciariello S,Pagano G,et al.Percutaneous splenic artery occlusion for portal hypertension:a new mechanical technique for hypersplenism.Arch Surg,1983;118:897.
- 20. Peter RM,Womack NA.Surgery of vascular distortions in cirrhosis of the liver.Ann Surg,1961;154:431.
- 21. Keagy BA,Schwartz NA,Johnson G Jr.Should ablative operations be used for bleeding esophageal varices?Ann Surg,1986;203:463.
- 22. Johnston GW,Rodgers HW.A review of 15 years’ experience in the use of sclerotherapy in the control a acute hemorrhage from esophageal varices.Br J Surg,1973;60:797.
- 23. Terblanche J.The surgeon’s role in the management of portal hypertension.Ann Surg,1989;209:381.
- 24. Williams KGD,Dawson JL.Fiberoptic injection of esophageal varices.BMJ,1979;2:766.
- 25. 高根五.食管静脉曲张的硬化剂注射疗法.国外医学外科分册,1984;4:210.
- 26. Henderson JM,Kutner MH,Millikan WJ Jr,et al.Endoscopic variceal sclerosis compared with distal splenorenal shunt to prevent recurrent variceal bleeding in cirrhosis:prospective,randomized trial.Ann Intern Med,1990;112:262.
- 27. Spina GP,Santambrogio R,Opocher E,et al.Distal splenorenal shunt versus endoscopic sclerotherapy in the prevention of esophageal varices.Am J Surg,1990;211:178.
- 28. Stiegmann GV,Goff JS,Sun JH,et al.Endoscopic ligation of esophageal varices.Am J Surg,1990;159:21.
- 29. Crile G Jr.Transesophageal ligation of bleeding esophageal varices.Arch Surg,1950;61:654.
- 30. Linton RR,Warren R.The emergency treatment of massive bleeding from esophageal varices by transesophageal suture of these vessels at the time of acute hemorrhage.Surgery,1953;33:243.
- 31. Britton RC,Crile G Jr.Late results of transesophageal suture of bleeding esophageal varices.Surg Gynecol Obstet,1963;117:10.
- 32. Vosschulte K.Dssektionsligatur des oesophagus bei varicen der speiserohre infolge pfortaderhypertonie.Chirurg,1957;28:186.
- 33. Boerema I.Transabdominal ligation-resection of the esophagus in cases of bleeding esophageal varices.Surgery,1970;67:409.
- 34. Van Kemmel M.Ligature resection segmentaire et anastomose a 1’ appriel PKS 25 de 1’ oesophage abdominal apres henorrhagie par rupture de varices oesophagiennes.Lille Chir,1974;29:80.
- 35. Jenkins SA,Shields R.Variceal hemorrhage after injection sclerotherapy:the role of emergency esophageal transection.Br J Surg,1989;76:49.
- 36. Habif DV.Treatment of esophageal varices by partial esophagogastrectomy and interposed jejunal segment.Surgery,1959;46:212.
- 37. Lunderquist A,Vang J.Transhepatic catheterization and obliteration of the coronary vein in patients with portal hypertension and esophageal varices.N Engl J Med,1974;291:646.
- 38. Lemos Torresu,Degni M.Rational basis of a new technique of portal hypertension.J Cardiovasc Surg,1965;6:173.
- 39. Berman HL,Del Guerio LRM,Katz SG,et al.Minimally invasive devascularization for variceal bleeding that could not be controlled with sclerotherapy.Surgery,l988;104:500.
- 40. Allison PR.Bleeding from gastro-esophagus varices.Ann R Coll Surg Engl,1959;25:298.
- 41. Sugiura M,Futagawa S.A new technique for treating esophageal varices.J Thorac Cardiovasc Surg,1973;6:667.
- 42. Sugiura M,Futagawa S.Esophageal transection with paraesophagogastric devascularization(The Sugiura procedure)in the treatment of esophageal varices.World J Surg,1984;8:673.
- 43. Yamamoto S,Hidemura R,Sawada M,et al.The late results of terminal esophagoproximal gastrectomy(TEPG)with extension devascularization and splenectomy for bleeding esophageal varices in cirrhosis.Surgery,1976;80:106.
- 44. Hassab MA.Gastroesophageal decongestion and splenectomy;a method of prevention and treatment of bleeding from esophageal varices associated with bilharzial hepatic fibrosis:preliminary report.J Int Coll Surg,1964;41:232.
- 45. Starzl TE,Van Thiel D,Trakis AG,et al.Orthotopic liver transplantation for alcoholic cirrhosis.JAMA,1988;260:2542.