Objective To investigate the method and the curative effect of postauricular muscular fasciae-periosteal flap and modified unwrinkle incision in parotidectomy. Methods From January 2006 to August 2008, 28 patients with benign lesions of parotid gland were treated. There were 17 males and 11 females aged 19 to 79 years old (average 50 years old),
including 20 cases of mixed tumor, 5 cases of adenolymphoma, 1 case of branchial cleft cyst, 1 case of eosinophil ic hyperplastic lymphogranuloma, and 1 case of myoepithel ioma. Tumor masses were all prominent, with the diameter of 2.4-3.8 cm and partial-tough texture. The course of disease was 3-18 months (average 9.5 months). Parotid gland and tumor mass were resected with postauricular incision hidden within the hairl ine, introcession defect (3.0 cm × 2.0 cm × 1.0 cm-3.5 cm × 2.5 cm × 1.5 cm) were repaired with simultaneouly adopting postauricular muscular fasciae-periosteal flap (4.0 cm × 3.0 cm × 1.0 cm-5.0 cm × 4.0 cm × 1.5 cm) by turning the pedicle flap 180°. Results All incision healed by first intention and no necrosis of postauricular muscular fasciae-periosteal flap occurred. All patients were followed up for 6-24 months (average 12 months). The incision was hidden within postauricular hairl ine and shape of parotid realm was good. No sal ivary fistula, facial paralysis, and earlobe numbness occurred. No Frey syndrome were found by local iodine-starch tests. Conclusion Because of hidden incision, good repair effect of region introcession deformity, and fewer postoperative compl ications, the modified parotidectomy with postauricular muscular fasciae-periosteal flap and modified unwrinkle incision is a better method in parotidectomy.
Citation: YU Hai,LIU Deyu,LI Chuanzhen,HUANG Xieshan,ZHONG Wei.. CLINICAL APPLICATION OF POSTAURICULAR MUSCULAR FASCIAE-PERIOSTEAL FLAP AND MODIFIEDUNWRINKLE INCISION IN PAROTIDECTOMY. Chinese Journal of Reparative and Reconstructive Surgery, 2009, 23(10): 1167-1169. doi: Copy
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