• Department of Orthopedics, Affiliated Xinhua Hospital of the Medical School of Shanghai Jiaotong University, Shanghai, 200092, P.R.China.;
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Objective To summarize the recent progress in research on the mechanism of denerved skeletal muscle atrophy. Methods The recently-publ ished l iteratures at home and abroad on denerved skeletal muscle atrophy were reviewed
and summarized. Results The mechanism of denerved skeletal muscle atrophy was very complex. At present, the study
of the mechanism was based on the changes in histology, cytology and molecules. Fiber thinning and disorderly arrangement of denerved skeletal muscles were observed and apoptotic bodies were detected. Apoptosis-promoting genes expressed upregulatedly and apoptosis-restraining genes expressed down-regulatedly. Muscle satell ite cells increased after denervation, but then they decreased and disappeared because they could not differentiate to mature muscle fibers. The structural change of cytomiscrosome and down-regulation of metabol ism-related enzymes induced cell metabol ism disorder. Conclusion The histological change of skeletal muscle fibers, the change of the number of muscle satell ite cells and differentiation, the structural change of cytomiscrosome and the change of apoptosis-related and metabol ism-related gene expressions contribute to denerved skeletal muscle atrophy.

Citation: PENG Jianping,CHEN Xiaodong.. PROGRESS IN RESEARCH ON THE MECHANISM OF DENERVED SKELETAL MUSCLE ATROPHY. Chinese Journal of Reparative and Reconstructive Surgery, 2008, 22(12): 1511-1514. doi: Copy

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