• Department of Hand Surgery;;
  • Beijing Ji Shui Tan Hospital. Beijing;;
  • P. R. China 100035;;
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OBJECTIVE: To investigate availability of deep freeze stored allogenic tendon with sheath grafting in repairing the tendon and sheath defect in the II area of flexor digitorum tendon. METHODS: Sixty chickens with tendon and sheath defect were divided into 2 groups randomly, group A was treated with allogenic grafting and group B was treated with autogenic grafting, these two groups were divided into two subgroups respectively, they were, group A1 allogenic tendon with whole sheath grafting, group A2 allogenic tendon with partial sheath grafting, group B1 autogenic tendon with whole sheath grafting and group B2 autogenic tendon with whole sheath grafting. All the allogenic grafts were treated by deep freeze. Histomorphological study, histoimmunological study and slipping function of the grafts were measured after operation. RESULTS: In group A1 and B1, the local reaction was sever, the nutrition of tendon graft was barricaded by the whole sheath resulting in adhesion, degeneration and necrosis. In group A2 and B2, the tendon graft healed well and little adhesion existed between tendon and sheath. The results showed that there were significant differences between tendon grafting with whole sheath and tendon grafting with partial sheath. CONCLUSION: Deep freeze store can reduce the immunogenicity of allogenic tendon with sheath. Allogenic tendon with partial sheath grafting can be used as a new biological material for repairing the tendon and sheath defect.

Citation: ZHANG Youle,WANG Shuhuan,GAO Xinsheng et al.. EXPERIMENTAL STUDY OF ALLOGENIC TENDON WITH SHEATH GRAFTING IN CHICKEN. Chinese Journal of Reparative and Reconstructive Surgery, 2001, 15(2): 92-95. doi: Copy

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