OBJECTIVE: Porcine stress syndrome (PSS) is one kind of molecular genetics defect diseases of pig which will cause malignant hyperthermia syndrome (MHS) and is the first index should be excluded in screening of a pig species for xenotransplantation. It was reported that mutation of pig rynodine receptor(RYR1) gene is the main reason for PSS. In this study, RYR1 genotypes of the Chinese Banna mini pig inbred line and inbreeding closed colony Wuzhishan pig were investigated with polymerase chain reaction-restriction endonuclease fragment length polymorphism (PCR-RFLP) technique. METHODS: Antevenocaval whole blood samples were collected from 50 Banna mini-pig inbred-line(BMI), 15 inbreeding Wuzhishan pig (WZSP) and 25 Neijiang pigs (NJP) as negative control, the primer were designed and synthesized, PCR reaction was conducted following the sequence of 94 degrees C (1 min), 58 degrees C (1 min) and 72 degrees C (1 min) for 30 cycles. The PCR products were digested with restriction endonuclease HhaI and then electrophoresis check. RESULTS: A 659 bp DNA fragment was amplified with these two primers, the HALNN sample fragment was cut into fragments as 493 bp and 166 bp individually after the digestion, indicates no point mutation at site 1,843 in RYR1 gene in all tested BMI pig and WZSP. Namely, the RYR1 genotype of 50 cases of BMI and 15 cases of WZSP were HALNN, therefore their phenotype is PSS negative. CONCLUSION: It indicates that the genotype of Banna mini pig inbred line and inbreeding Wuzhishan pig are HALNN therefore PSS absolutely negative, the group penetrance is 0. This is consistent with experimental observation. It suggests that Banna mini pig inbred line and inbreeding Wuzhishan pig may be the alternative donor for xenotransplantation.
Citation: BU Hong,LIU Ji,Li Shengfu,et al.. THE RYR1 GENOTYPE OF CHINESE INBRED PIGS. Chinese Journal of Reparative and Reconstructive Surgery, 2000, 14(5): 311-314. doi: Copy
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