From Oct. 1993 to Dec. 1995, nineteen refractory cases with varicosis and chronic ulcer of lower limb were treated. The average age of these patients was sixty-eight, the disease history was more than 20 years. The size of the ulcer of the leg ranged from the minimum of 10 cm x 8 cm to the maximum of 30 cm x 15 cm. All of them had once received saphenectomy and split skin graft without ulcer healing before they were admitted in our department. Both venography and ultrasonography showed superficial venous valve incompetence. The following comprehensive treatment was adopted. Firstly, myoplasty around popliteal vein was done. Secondly, phlebexairesis and phleborrhaphy were done for the variciform veins through minor incision. Then through debridement of the ulcer was performed. Delayed split skin graft was exerted one week later. The result showed that all the cases were successful: the ulcer was healed and there was no recurrence of varicosis.
Citation: Cheng Xueming,Lu Shenggui,Zhong Jiping.. THE COMPREHENSIVE TREATMENT OF VARICOSIS OF LOWER EXTREMITY WITH CHRONIC ULCER OF LEG. Chinese Journal of Reparative and Reconstructive Surgery, 1998, 12(1): 14-15. doi: Copy
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