To fix the ligaments, tendons or other transplantation materials by passing through bone channels was commonly used and a relialde method in the reconstruction of joint stability. Usually an additional incision was necessary on the side of the outlet of the bone channel, that the screws, plates or U-shaped staple could be applied. An instrument was designed that the steel miniplate could be fixed to the bone by noninvasive method. This technique was applied in 20 cases in which anterior cruciate ligament in 14, posterior cruciate ligament in 4, and collateral ligaments in 2 with carbon fibers. The result was successful in all patients. It was shown that it gave simple manipulation, reliable fixation and no need to have an additional incision, and it could lessen patients’ suffering and lead to satisfactory clinical result.
Citation: Wang Yubin,Zhang Weijia,Wang Huadong et al.. DESIGN OF NONINVASIVE STEEL MINIPLATE FOR TENODESIS AND ITS CLINICAL APPLICATION. Chinese Journal of Reparative and Reconstructive Surgery, 1997, 11(4): 221-223. doi: Copy
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