The secondary anastomotic stenosis is often occured from the repair and reconstructive operation of the injured bile duct. It is difficult to treat and the outcome is serious. In order to prevent this complication, the fibrin glue instead of traditional suturing technique combined with inner support was used. Fifty-four hybrid dogs were divided into 3 groups. Group A received Roux-en-y choledochojejunostomy with fibrin glue; group B received Roux-en-y choledochojejunostomy, with a fibrin glue combined support left permanently in the bile duct and group C received Roux-en-y choledocholejejunostomy with fibrin glue combined a support left temporarily in the bile duct. The amount of collagen in the scar was measured at 3/4, 3, 6, 9, 12 months respectively after operation. The results showed: 1. the mature period of scar was shortened from 12 months to 9 months when fibrin glue instead of suture was used in choledochojejunostomy; 2. the mature period of scar was further shortened from 9 months to 6 months when fibrin glue combined with inner support instead of fibrin glue was used in choledochojejunostomy. The conclusions were as follows: 1. fibrin glue could facilitate the healing of wound by inhibiting the formation of scar and accelerrate the maturation of scar; 2. when the inner support was used with fibrin glue in the operation, the mature period of scar could be further shortened; 3. the mechanism of action of the fibrin glue included minimizing the injury, avoiding foreign-body reaction, modifying organization of hematoma, preventing formation of biliary fistular and enhancing intergration and cross-linkage of collagen.
Citation: Zhang li,Guo Shanyu,Zhou Linbin et al.. USE OF FIBRIN GLUE IN THE PREVENTION OF SECONDARY ANASTOMOTIC STENOSIS FROM REPAIR AND RECONSTRUCTION OF THE INJURY OF THE BILE DUCT. Chinese Journal of Reparative and Reconstructive Surgery, 1997, 11(6): 362-364. doi: Copy
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