From June, 1965 through August, 1994, 260 cases of large bone defects were repaired by preserved bones. The donor bones were obatined from the long bones of the amputated limbs from trauma and the bones, such as the femoral head, patella, ribs, etc. removed from operations. The donor bones were preserved in 0.1 per cen
t merthiolate or 75 per cent alcohol and were stored at 4 degrees centigrade. Two patients had bad reactions which, however, did not influence the consolidationof the bone grafts. The patients were followed up for an average of 4 years and5 months, and all the bone grafts had solid consolidation with the host bones. There was no recurrence in the tumor patients.
Citation: Kuang Shiping.. PRESERVED BONE FOR THE REPAIR OF BONE DEFECT. Chinese Journal of Reparative and Reconstructive Surgery, 1995, 9(1): 14-15. doi: Copy
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