The noses of eight patients being dead for 2hours were dissected to investigate the layers andstructure of the nose, and the stability of theimplanted silicone noae prosthesis was tested.According to the structure and microstructure ofthe nose studied by us, we suggested a newconcept of nasal muscle and dorsal deepfasciacomplex. We confirmed the prcathesis should beimplanted in the space between the nasal boneand the complex. The reason for complicationhappened in this approach was that...
Citation: WangZengshun,Huang,Su,Wu Wei,et al.. A ANATOMIC SURVEY OF THE IMPLAN-TED PLANE OF IMPLANTATION ANDSTABILITY OF SILICONE NOSE IMPLANTIN AUGMENTATION RHINOPLASTY. Chinese Journal of Reparative and Reconstructive Surgery, 1994, 8(1): 17-18. doi: Copy
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