fter fracture of femoral neck , the head is often encountered ayascular necrosis. It was not clearwhether the causes of the necrosis was due to injury of the artery or stagnation of venous return orboth. We had observed the hmeodynamics of the blood circulation of both fermoral head of both sides in 27 cases of subcapital fracture by E. C. T. (Emission Computerized Tomography). The resultsshowed that either old, fresh, or heal fractures showed stagnation of venous return. There wasoblite...
Citation: Tang Hua,Ou Pinghong. ABSTRACTSOBSERVATION OF THE HEMODYNAMICS OF BLOOD CIRCULATION OF FEMORAL HEADAFTER SUBCAPITAL FRACTURE BY E. C. T.. Chinese Journal of Reparative and Reconstructive Surgery, 1994, 8(4): 211-213. doi: Copy
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