Pathological myopic macular retinoschisis can be classified into 4 types based on optical coherence tomography (OCT) images: outer layer retinoschisis, outer + middle layer retinoschisis, outer + inner layer retinoschisis and multilayer retinoschisis. Currently vitrectomy is the major option to treat this condition as it can remove the posterior vitreous cortex completely and peel the internal limiting membrane (ILM) around the posterior vessels arch. Vitrectomy benefits the visual function significantly for outer layer retinoschisis with foveal detachment, but has no or very little effects on multilayer retinoschisis. The appropriate starting site for removal of posterior cortex and ILM should be the site without inner layer retinoschisis. The knowledge and understanding of the OCT classification of pathological myopic macular retinoschisis is important for us to chose correct operation methods and determine the prognosis after treatment.
Citation: 徐格致,刘卫. Classification of macular retinoschisis in pathological myopic eyes by optical coherence tomography and its clinical applications. Chinese Journal of Ocular Fundus Diseases, 2009, 25(5): 331-332. doi: Copy
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