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Objective To investigate the distribution of the preferred retinal locus (PRL) of eccentric fixation in eyes with high myopia.Methods A total of 40 highly myopic patients (54 eyes ) with eccentric fixation were examined by MP1 microperimeter to identify the PRL. The position of PRL relative to the fovea was estimated using the 90% confidence ellipse of normal adult foveal fixation. The differences of visual acuity between  ldquo;desirable rdquo; and  ldquo;undesirable rdquo; PRL were tested by analysis of variance.Results In 54 eyes with high myopia, 24 eyes (44.44%) had PRL of eccentric fixation below the scotoma after loss of central vision; 19 eyes ( 35.19% ) had a leftfield PRL; 6 eyes ( 11.11% ) had an upperfield PRL; and 5 eyes ( 9.26% ) had rightfield PRL. In 14 patients who had binocular eccentric fixation, 13 had the same fixation pattern in both eyes, including lowerfield PRL in 7 (50.00%), leftfield PRL in 5 (35.71%), and upperfield PRL in 1 patient (7.14%). The difference of visual acuity between lower and leftfield PRL group and right and upperfield undesirable PRL group was not statistically significant(F=0.144, P gt;0.05). Conclusions The eccentric fixation in eyes with high myopia is usually situated as near as possible to the fovea. The optimal PRL is inferior visual field.

Citation: 贾亚丁,栗改云,张棉花. Preferred retinal locus of eccentric fixation in eyes with high myopia. Chinese Journal of Ocular Fundus Diseases, 2009, 25(5): 364-367. doi: Copy

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