• Department of Ophthalmology, Hunan Children's Hospital, Changsha 410007, China;
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Objectives To observe the characteristics of occurrence a nd progres s of retinopathy of prematurity (ROP) in premature infants and search the reason able ROP screening time and therapeutic methods.〓〖WTHZ〗Methods〓〖WTBZ〗ROP s creening was perf ormed on 829 infants, with the gestational age le;35 weeks and the birth weight le; 2000 g, by indirect ophthalmoscopy combined with scleral pressurizing implement. Thirtytwo infants with prethreshold type I and threshold ROP underwent cryot he rapy. The followup duration after the operation was 316 months, and the crit er ia of the control of the diseases included: alleviation of the plus disease, all eviation of the vascular ridge, formation of the cryospots, absorption of vitr e oretinal hemorrhage, and non bad retinal structure. If the disease was not contr olled, recryotherapy or vitrectomy would be carried out.〓〖WTHZ〗Results〓〖W TBZ〗ROP was fou nd in 86 infants (172 eyes). The difference of oxygen duration time among ROP g roups and nonROP group was significant; the occurrence rate of ROP in the infa n ts with the birth weight le;1000 g, 10011500 g and 15012000 g was 6956%, 16 38% , and 414%, respectively; the occurrence rate of ROP in the infants with the g estat ional age le;30 weeks, 3132 weeks, and 3335 weeks was 37.14%, 10.43%, and 2.91 %, respectively; the occurrence rate of ROP in singleembryo infants group and mul t iple embryo infants group was 7.52% and 20.22%, respectively. Favorable outcom e was observed in 30 out of 32 infants who had undergone cryotherapy; 2 infants d eveloped retinal detachment with plus disease and peripheral retinal hemorrhage. The sccess rate of cryotherapy is high in the infants with the gestational age  lt;32 weeks.〓〖WTHZ〗Conclusions〓〖WTBZ〗The ROP incidence rate is higher in the infants with lo ng oxygenbreathing duration, birth weigh le;1000 g, and gestational age  le; 32 we ek infants, which should be screened carefully. The infants having ROP onset within 32 weeks, with plus disease, and peripheral retinal hemorrhage should be follow ed up closely. The prognosis of cryotherapy for type I prethreshold and thresh old ROP is good and the operation is safe.

Citation: WANG Ping,TAO Lijuan,GAO Xirong,et al.. Clinical analysis of retinopathy of prematurity. Chinese Journal of Ocular Fundus Diseases, 2008, 24(1): 41-44. doi: Copy

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