Objective:To investigate the role of 17 beta; estradiol on th e expressi on of vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) and on the releasing rate of lac tate dehydrogenase (LDH) in cultured anoxiainjured human retinal pigment epit h eliual (RPE) cells. Methods:Established the anoxiainjuried m odel of human RPE c ells with Cobalt Chloride (CoCl2) after RPE cells were pretreated with 17 beta;E 2 and tamoxife, 17 beta;E2 antagonist. The expression of VEGF mRNA was detecte d by re v erse transcriptionpolymerase chain reaction technique (RTPCR). The cultured RP E cells were divided into four groups: normal control group, anoxiainjured gro u p, 17 beta;E2 pretreatment group and 17 beta;E2 with tamoxifen pretreatment grou p. The releasing rate of LDH was detected by chromatometry. The expression of VEGF pro tein were detected by cellular immunohistochemistry. Results:T he expression of VEGF and LDH releasing rate were higher in anoxiainjured grou p than that in nor m al control group (P<0.05), and were lower in 17 beta;E2 pretreatment group than th at in anoxiainjured group (P<0.05). When the effect of 17 beta;E2 was o bstructe d by tamoxifen, the expression of VEGF and LDH releasing rate increased but didn prime;t differ much from which in anoxiainjured group (P>0.05). Conc lusion:The ex pression of VEGF increases in anoxiainjured human RPE cells. 17 beta;E2 can do wnr egulate the expression of VEGF and decrease the releasing rate of LDH, which can be blocked by tamoxifen.
Citation: ZHOU Zhanyu,WANG Rongrong,WANG Chonghui,et al.. Effects of 17βestradiol on the expression of vascular end othelial growth factor in cultured anoxiainjured human retinal pigment epithel iual cells. Chinese Journal of Ocular Fundus Diseases, 2007, 23(5): 317-320. doi: Copy
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