Objective To present stereoscopic image of rhegmatogenous retinal detachment with three-dimentional reconstruction of sonography. Methods Ultrasound data were collected by Hpsonos 1500 and 7.0MHz transducter with the motor controlled by computer.Three-dimentional image were reconstructed with Tomtec echoscan. Results Three-dimentional image were successfully reconstructed in 14 eyes of 13 cases of retinal detachment include 3 eyes of 3 cases with opaque refractive medium showing stereosopic image of retina and some retinal tears. Conclusion Static three-dimentional reconstruction of sonography might enhance the ability to visulize spatial anatomic structure of retina and offer a new method to find retinal tears in patients with opague refractive medium. (Chin J Ocul Fundus Dis,1998,14:24-25)
Citation: Cheng Yang,Zeng Shuiqing,Cheng Hanrong,et al. Static three-dimentional reconstruction of sonography in rhegmatogenous retinal detachment. Chinese Journal of Ocular Fundus Diseases, 1998, 14(1): 24-25. doi: Copy
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