• Department of Infection Management, West China Hospital, Sichuan University, Chengdu, Sichuan 610041, P. R. China;
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【摘要】 目的  了解学生对医院感染职业防护的基础知识的认知程度和学习需求。 方法  2010年3月采用自行设计问卷,对参加《医院感染与职业防护》课程学习的医学学生进行摸底调查。 结果  92.73%不知道标准预防措施和锐器伤后的正确处理方法及补救措施;27.27%不知道抽血时应戴手套;25.45%不清楚医务人员“六步洗手法”;90.91%不知晓工作服应交医院统一洗涤。 结论  学生防护知识薄弱,防护行为不全面、不规范。教学应重点帮助学生树立标准预防观念,掌握正确职业防护知识,在临床工作中以避免和减少各种危险因素的侵袭。
【Abstract】 Objective  To examine and evaluate the students’ knowledge and needs in studying hospital infection control and occupational protection. Methods  Using a self-designed questionnaire in March 2010, we did a survey on students who attended the course of hospital infection control and occupational protection. Results  Among all the students, 92.73% did not know standard prevention measures, and the correct treatment and remedial measures for sharp injuries; 27.27% did not know gloves should be worn at the time of blood drawing; 25.45% did not know the "six-step" hand-washing; and less than one out of ten students used hospital laundry to wash their uniform. Conclusions  The students have a low level of relevant knowledge on occupational protection, and their protection behaviors were not complete or standard. Therefore, the teaching should help and support students to have a concept of standard prevention, and acquire sound knowledge and behavior of occupational protection in order to avoid and reduce the risk factors from their future clinical practices.

Citation: XU Shilan,SONG Jinping,WANG Ying,CHEN Hong. Investigation and Analysis on the Teaching of Hospital Infection Control and Occupational Protection. West China Medical Journal, 2011, 26(6): 946-948. doi: Copy

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