【摘要】 患者为老年男性,反复出现恶心、呕吐、乏力、低钠、低钾血症, 3次住院。对其恶心呕吐原因,曾考虑是否有抗高血压药物吲哒帕胺所引起,或是老年人摄入不足,电解质紊乱所致低钠低钾血症。最后考虑该患者低钠血症系垂体前叶功能减退所致。MRI检查显示空蝶鞍。空鞍的原因尚不清楚,空鞍综合征也是垂体前叶功能减退的因素之一。此症尽管很少见,但随着CT、MRI这些高新设备的普遍使用及人口老龄化,会发现更多的病例,也对我们诊断治疗提供了有力的依据。
【Abstract】The patient’s condition: old male patient with repeat nausea, vomitus, hypodynamia, low sodium and kaliopenia. Three times to be in hospital. First, we consider that indapamide resuted low sodium and Kaliopemia,but we discovered that the anterior pituitay gland hypofunction. MRI show that empty sella turcica. The reason of empty is not clear,the saddle syndrome is also a factor of pituitary function before the leaves falling off. The disease was rare,but with common use of CT,MRI and aging,we will discover many more cases to provide power evidence for diagnosis and treatment.
Citation: ZHU Shi,TIAN Haoming,CHEN Shifu,RUAN Lei,LIU Min,WU Yuelei,ZHANG Jing,QIN Fang.. Misdiagnosis on One Patient with Repeat Nausea, Vomitus, Hypodynamia, Low Sodium and Kaliopenia. West China Medical Journal, 2010, 25(4): 676-. doi: Copy
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