• Department of Radiology, Children′s Hospital of Shanghai Jiaotong University, Shanghai 200040,P.R.China;
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【摘要】 目的  探讨CT对婴幼儿腹部巨大囊性病变的诊断价值及其鉴别诊断。 方法  搜集2003年-2009年间经手术病理证实的2岁以内患儿腹部巨大囊性病变62例,分析其病变部位、大小、形态、分隔、密度和强化、囊壁及与周围脏器关系等要素。 结果  62例中,先天性胆总管囊肿4例,重度肾积水36例,巨输尿管2例,囊性肾母细胞瘤4例,大网膜囊肿4例,肠系膜囊肿3例,卵巢囊肿6例,囊性畸胎瘤3例。 各种囊性病变有其一定的发病部位和特征性的CT表现。 结论  CT是婴幼儿腹部囊性病变定位、定性诊断的重要影像学方法。
【Abstract】 Objective  To explore the value of CT diagnosis and differential diagnosis of the giant cystic lesions in abdomen of the infants. Methods  A total of 62 infants younger than 2 years old with the giant cystic lesions in abdomen confirmed by surgery and histopathology from 2003 to 2009 were collected. The location of the lesion, range, configuration, thickness of cystic wall and septa, density, contrast enhancement, and adjacent organs were observed and analyzed. Results  In 62 infants, there were congenital cyst of common bile duct in 4, giant hydronephrosis in 36, primary megaureter in 2, cystic Wilms tumor in 4, greater omentum cyst in 4, mesenteric cyst in 3, ovarian cystic in 6, and cystic teratoma in 3. Each disease had its own lesions location and features of CT images. Conclusion  CT is very effective on the localized and qualitative diagnosis of the giant cystic lesions in abdomen of infants.

Citation: WU Weijun,LI Tingting,HAN Yanqiao. CT Diagnosis of the Giant Cystic Lesions in Abdomen of Infants. West China Medical Journal, 2010, 25(11): 2049-2051. doi: Copy

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