摘要:目的:探索区域文化、亚文化、经济水平、教育环境、家庭环境等因素对学龄儿童行为的影响。方法: 比较分析岳阳市与济宁市学龄儿童行为问题调查结果。结果:岳阳市与济宁市学龄儿童行为问题总体现患率分别为9.19%和10.7%(χ2=8.804, P lt;0.05),但与全国22个城市协作调查组报告结果(12.97±2.19)%基本相符;行为问题现患率和构成比存在性别与地区差异(P lt;0.05),男性儿童行为问题现患率高于女性儿童、男性儿童以“A行为”为主、女性儿童以“N行为”为主;行为问题现患率在8、9、12岁三个年龄段有地区差异(P lt;0.05)。结论:学龄儿童行为问题与区域文化、亚文化、经济水平、教育环境、家庭环境等因素有关联,与男女生物学特征的差异和不同环境的反应倾向及年龄等生物社会心理因素有关。
Abstract: Objective: To explore the factors affect schoolaged children behavior by regional culture, subculture, economic level, educational environment, family environment and so on. Methods: Compared and analyzed the investigation results of schooleaged children behavior from Yueyang City and Jining City. Results: The prevalence rate of schoolaged children with behavior problems reflects respectively 9.19% and 10.7% (χ2 = 8.804, P lt;0.05), which is in collaboration with the National Investigation Unit report on the results (12.97 ± 2.19)%; the prevalence rate and composition exist gender and regional differences (P lt;0.05). The behavior problems prevalence rate of male child is higher than female children, male children in “A behavior” mainly, female children in “N behavior” mainly; The behavior problems prevalence rate at the age of 8,9,12 exist regional differences (P lt;0.05). Conclusion: Schoolaged children behavior problems are associated with regional culture, subculture, economic level, educational environment, family environment and other factors, and have something with biopsychosocial factor as the differences in male and female biological characteristics, different environments and age.
Citation: FU Benyan,SHANG Yunfeng,FU Yun,et al.. Comparative Study of Schoolaged Children Behavior Problems Between Yueyang City and Jining City. West China Medical Journal, 2009, 24(11): 2976-2978. doi: Copy
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