Objective To investigate the value of MR diffusion-weighted imaging (DWI) in differentiating pancreatic carcinoma from chronic focal pancreatitis on 3.0 T MR system.
Methods Thirteen patients with proved pancreatic carcinoma, 7 patients with confirmed chronic focal pancreatitis, and 14 healthy volunteers, were included in this study. MR examination including the routine abdomen scanning protocol and DWI was performed for both patients and volunteers. The SE-EPI sequence and ASSET technique were used for DWI. The b values of 400, 600, 800 and 1 000 s/mm2 were selected to acquire the DWI. The corresponding apparent diffusion coefficient (ADC) values were measured in each designated region of interest and statistically analyzed.
Results ①DWI of the healthy volunteers showed intermediate signals of pancreas. ②DWI of pancreatic tumor masses showed homogenous high signal intensity relative to the surrounding pancreatic tissue with clear boundary. Under different b values, the tumor ADC values were (1.63±0.235)×10-3 mm2/s, (1.42±0.126)×10-3mm2 /s, (1.36±0.170)×10-3 mm2 /s and (1.26±0.178)×10-3 mm2 /s respectively, which were significantly lower than those of non-tumor region 〔(2.11±0.444)×10-3 mm2 /s, (1.83±0.230)×10-3 mm2 /s, (1.81±0.426)×10-3 mm2 /s, (1.60±0.230)×10-3 mm2 /s〕 and of the normal pancreas 〔(1.85±0.350)×10-3 mm2 /s, (1.69±0.290)×10-3 mm2 /s, (1.67±0.268)×10-3 mm2 /s, (1.42±0.221)×10-3 mm2 /s〕, P<0.05. ③DWI of chronic focal pancreatitis showed inhomogeneous slightly hyper-intense signal with blurring borders. Under different b values, the ADC values of the inflammatory masses of chronic pancreatitis were (169±0.150)×10-3 mm2 /s, (1.56±0.119)×10-3 mm2 /s, (1.59±0.172)×10-3 mm2/s and (1.35±0.080)×10-3 mm2 /s respectively, which were higher than those of pancreatic carcinoma. When b value was set to 800 s/mm2 , the difference in ADC values between pancreatic carcinoma and chronic focal pancreatitis was statistically significant (P<0.05).
Conclusion MR DWI can clearly depict the tumor mass of pancreatic carcinoma. In addition, the measurement of ADC values can provide useful information for the differential diagnosis between pancreatic carcinoma and chronic focal pancreatitis.
Citation: CHEN Jinxiu,SONG Bin,WU Bi. Value of MR Diffusion-Weighted Imaging for Differentiating Pancreatic Carcinoma from Chronic Focal Pancreatitis on 3.0 T MR System. CHINESE JOURNAL OF BASES AND CLINICS IN GENERAL SURGERY, 2008, 15(10): 779-783. doi: Copy
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