Objective Toa nalyzed ifferentialp roteine xpressiono fc holangiocarcinomai np eripheralb loodb y
proteomics technology, and to investigate the significance of proteomics technology in early diagnosis of bile duct
malignancy.M ethods Serum proteinf rom 58p atientsw ithc holangiocarcinomaa nd5 8c ontrols( 20p atientsw ith
cholecystolithiasis and 38 healthy people) were detected by surface enhanced laser desorption/ionization-time of
flight-mass spectrometry (SELDI-TOF-MS). Ciphergen protein chip software was used to identify proteinic spectra.
R esults Comparedw itht hes pectrao fs erum proteini nc ontrolg roup,t herew ere1 0d ifferentiallye xpressed
proteins in bile duct carcinoma group, among which three proteins with relative molecular masses of 5. 900 X 10’,
9.08 0X 1 0’a nd1 1.86 3X 1 0’w ereu p-regulated( P lt;1 0-’)ands evenp roteinsw ithr elativem olecularm asseso f
6.9 59X 1 0’,14.0 00X 1 0’,14.1 29X 1 0’,14.3 02X 1 0’,17.5 57X 10’,17.6 90X 1 0’a nd2 8.5 52X 1 0’w ered ownregulated
(P lt; 10-’)。The average concentration of protein with the relative molecular mass of 11. 863 X 10’ in
cholangiocarcinoma group was eight times more than that in controls group. At the stage I of cholangiocarcinoma,
thee xpressiono fp roteinp ointw itha r elativem olecularm asso f5 .90 0X1 0’w ass ignificantlyh ighert hant hosep atients
at the stage III and stage fV (P lt;10-’),while there were no statistical difference of expression between diffeent clinical stages for the other 9 proteins points. And there were no significant expression differences of the above
10 proteins between the patients with and without jaundice following cholangiocarcinoma. Instead, another three
proteinsw ithr elativem olecularm asseso f7 .25 5X 1 03,12.36 4X 1 0’a nd1 5.8 73X 1 03w ered etectedt oh aved ifferentp
roteine xpressions.A nda llo fth em showedh ighe xpressionsin j aundiceg roup( P lt;10-5).C onclusion There
are remarkable differences of the expressions of serum proteins in peripheral blood in patients with cholangiocarcinoma.
T hep roteinp ointw itha r elativem olecularm asso f1 1.86 3X 1 0’m ayb ea p otentialb iomarkerfo re arlyd iagnosis
of cholangiocarcinoma
Citation: CHENJunzhou,ZHOUNingzin,LIUBoz,ZHOUD inghua,XIAOXueyuan,HED acheng. Detection of Differential Expression of Serum Protein in Peripheral Blood by SELDI-TOF-MS Technology in Cholangiocarcinoma. CHINESE JOURNAL OF BASES AND CLINICS IN GENERAL SURGERY, 2008, 15(2): 88-91. doi: Copy
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