- The S econd Department of General S urgery , West China Hos pi tal , S ichuan Uni versi t y , Cheng du 610041 , China;
【 Abstract 】 Objective To investigate the clinical effects of targeting therapy with iodine-131 labeled monoclonal antibody for hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC). Methods The related published literatures were reviewed and summarized. Results The reasonable application of targeting therapy with iodine-131 labeled monoclonal antibody could improve the prognosis for patients with HCC especially for some primary HCC. It was used in various kinds of HCC patients with no severe side effects. ConclusionThe targeting therapy with iodine-131 labeled monoclonal antibody may be considered as a safe and effective method to treat HCC and an adjuvant therapy for liver surgery.
Citation: YAO Quanj un,L U Wusheng. Clinical Study of Effects of Targeting Therapy with Iodine-131 Labeled Monoclonal Antibody for HepatocellularCarcinoma. CHINESE JOURNAL OF BASES AND CLINICS IN GENERAL SURGERY, 2008, 15(4): 250-253. doi: Copy
Copyright © the editorial department of CHINESE JOURNAL OF BASES AND CLINICS IN GENERAL SURGERY of West China Medical Publisher. All rights reserved
1. | Van de Wiele C, Revets H, Mertens N. Radioimmunoimaging. Advances and prospects [J]. Q J Nucl Med Mol Imaging, 2004; 48(4)∶317. |
2. | 尚育红, 许莉. 单克隆抗体DGDK-1导向治疗晚期肝癌临床研究 [J]. 医药论坛杂志, 2004; 25(21)∶13. |
3. | Xu J, Xu HY, Zhang Q, et al.Hab18G/CD147 functions in invasion and metastasis of hepatocelluler carcinoma [J]. Mol Cancer Res, 2007; 5(6)∶605. |
4. | Bethge WA, Sandmaier BM. Targeted cancer therapy using radiolabeled monoclonal antibodies [J]. Technol Cancer Res Treat, 2005; 4(4)∶393. |
5. | Keng GH, Sundram FX. Radionuclide therapy of hepatocellular carcinoma [J]. Ann Acad Med Singapore, 2003; 32(4)∶518. |
6. | 许成平, 王建新, 郑仕中, 等.导向内照射化疗栓塞治疗56例肝癌随访报告 [J]. 中华肿瘤杂志, 2000; 22(1)∶42. |
7. | 李贵平, 张辉. 肿瘤放射免疫靶向治疗研究的现状与进展 [J]. 放射免疫杂志, 2004; 17(5)∶387. |
8. | Kobayashi H, Nakajo M, Shimabukuro K, et al.Possibility of radiotherapy of hepatic cancer by transcatheter arterial embolization with radioactive Lipiodol [J]. Nippon Igaku Hoshasen Gakkai Zasshi, 1984; 44(1)∶96. |
9. | Raoul JL, Bourguet P, Bretagne JF, et al.Hepatic artery injection of I-131-labeled lipiodol. Part Ⅰ. Biodistribution study results in patients with hepatocellular carcinoma and liver metastases [J]. Radiology, 1988; 168(2)∶541. |
10. | 吴少平, 卢武胜. 131I标记物介入治疗肝癌的临床研究进展 [J]. 中国普外基础与临床杂志, 2003; 10(5)∶513. |
11. | Lau WY. Management of hepatocellular carcinoma [J]. J R Coll Surg Edinb, 2002; 47(1)∶389. |
12. | Giovannini M, Elias D, Monges G, et al.Hepatocellular carcinoma [J]. Br J Cancer, 2001; 84 Suppl 2∶74. |
13. | Raoul JL, Messner M, Boucher E, et al.Preoperative treatment of hepatocellular carcinoma with intra-arterial injection of 131I-labelled lipiodol [J]. Br J Surg, 2003; 90(11)∶1379. |
14. | Boucher E, Corbinais S, Rolland Y, et al.Adjuvant intra-arterial injection of iodine-131-labeled lipiodol after resection of hepatocellular carcinoma [J]. Hepatology, 2003; 38(5)∶1237. |
15. | Brans B, Van Laere K, Gemmel F, et al.Combining iodine-131 Lipiodol therapy with low-dose cisplatin as a radiosensitiser: preliminary results in hepatocellular carcinoma [J]. Eur J Nucl Med Mol Imaging, 2002; 29(7)∶928. |
16. | 卢武胜, 李肖, 王朝华, 等. 131I-HAb18F(ab’)2在肝癌患者体内的生物学分布 [J]. 生物医学工程学杂志, 2003; 20(4)∶689. |
17. | 蔡红兵, 罗荣城, 李爱民. 131I-组合单克隆抗体局部放射免疫导向治疗肝癌的临床观察 [J]. 解放军医学杂志, 2003; 28(10)∶926. |
18. | Yang LJ, Sui YF, Chen ZN. Preparation and activity of conjugate of monoclonal antibody HAb18 against hepatoma F(ab’)(2) fragment and staphylococcal enterotoxin A [J]. World J Gastroenterol, 2001; 7(2)∶216. |
19. | Risse JH, Grünwald F, Kersjes W, et al.Intraarterial HCC therapy with I-131-Lipiodol [J]. Cancer Biother Radiopharm, 2000; 15(1)∶65. |
20. | 施常备, 袁彬.131碘标记肝癌单抗片段介入治疗原发性肝癌的临床毒副作用观察 [J]. 现代肿瘤医学,2004; 12(6)∶549. |
21. | 冯强. 抗人肝癌单抗片段抗体HAb18F(ab’)2 的冻干工艺研究 [J]. 生物技术通讯, 2002; 13(5)∶356. |
22. | 李云春, 谭天秩, 莫廷树, 等. 利卡汀的人体显像和组织分布 [J]. 同位素, 2007; 20(3)∶135. |
23. | Chen ZN, Mi L, Xu J, et al.Targeting radioimmunotherapy of hepatocellular carcinoma with iodine (131I) metuximab injection: clinical phase Ⅰ/Ⅱtrials [J]. Int J Radiat Oncol Biol Phys, 2006; 65(2)∶435. |
24. | 吴少平, 卢武胜, 徐大伟, 等. 肝癌DSA血供类型与经肝动脉灌注131I-HAbl8F(ab’)2治疗后瘤体大小变化的关系探讨 [J]. 介入放射学杂志, 2007; 16(4)∶243. |
25. | 吴少平, 卢武胜, 徐大伟, 等. 经肝动脉灌注131I-HAb18F(ab’)2治疗肝癌合并门静脉癌栓疗效分析 [J]. 介入放射学杂志, 2007; 16(8)∶560. |
26. | 许国辉, 张智慧, 李政文, 等. 131I肝癌单抗片段HAb18F(ab’)2灌注治疗原发性肝癌的临床研究 [J]. 介入放射学杂志,2005; 14(6)∶596. |
27. | 李云春, 谭天秩, 莫廷树, 等. 碘[131]I-美妥昔单抗注射液的人体药代动力学研究 [J]. 生物医学工程学杂志, 2007; 24(4)∶857. |
28. | Chen S, Li B, Xie H, et al.Phase Ⅰclinical trial of targeted therapy using 131I-Hepama-1 mAb in patients with hepatocellular carcinoma [J]. Cancer Biother Radiopharm, 2004; 19(5)∶589. |
29. | Zeng ZC, Tang ZY, Yang BH, et al.Comparison between radioimmunotherapy and external beam radiation therapy for patients with hepatocellular carcinoma [J]. Eur J Nucl Med Mol Imaging, 2002; 29(12)∶1657. |
30. | 杨仪, 刘增礼, 唐军, 等. 131I标记抗人肝癌单克隆抗体人体内照射剂量计算 [J]. 苏州大学学报(医学版), 2007; 27(1)∶114. |
31. | 项明, 朱上林, 林言箴, 等. 131I-Hepama-1单克隆抗体导向治疗肝癌的初步观察 [J]. 中国肿瘤临床, 1998; 25(4)∶289. |
32. | 金坚, 张满达, 王博诚, 等. 人心肌酸性铁蛋白与肝癌关系的研究 [J]. 中国核科技报告, 1997; 00∶933. |
33. | 范桢, 汤钊猷, 袁爱娜, 等. 抗人肝癌铁蛋白抗体对原发性肝癌患者的放射免疫显像 [J]. 上海医科大学学报, 1990; 17(6)∶405. |
34. | Fan Z, Tang Z, Liu K, et al.Radioiodinated anti-hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) ferritin. Targeting therapy, tumor imaging and anti-antibody response in HCC patients with hepatic arterial infusion [J]. J Cancer Res Clin Oncol, 1992; 118(5)∶371. |
35. | 毕向军. 抗体在肝癌临床和研究中的应用及展望 [J]. 国际医药卫生报, 2002; 2(3)∶46. |
36. | 吴英德, 杨克政, 刘由庚, 等. 131I-抗AFP抗体导向治疗肝癌的临床观察 [J]. 肿瘤, 1994; 14(4)∶200. |
37. | Ekberg H, Tranberg KG, Andersson R, et al.Pattern of recurrence in liver resection for colorectal secondaries [J]. World J Surg, 1987; 11(4)∶541. |
38. | GE HY, Zuo GH.Inhibiting effects of 131I-labeled anti-CEA monoclonal antibodies injected intrasplenically on liver metastasis from human colonic adenocarcinoma [J]. J Med Coll PLA, 2003; 18(6)∶355. |
39. | 葛海燕, 左国华, 高明发. 131I标记抗CEA单抗预防人结肠癌肝转移的实验研究 [J]. 第三军医大学学报, 2000; 22(5)∶430. |
40. | Kinuya S, Yokoyama K, Koshida K, et al.Improved survival of mice bearing liver metastases of colon cancer cells treated with a combination of radioimmunotherapy and antiangiogenic therapy [J]. Eur J Nucl Med Mol Imaging, 2004; 31(7)∶981. |
41. | Ychou M, Pelegrin A, Faurous P, et al.Phase-radio-immunotherapy study with Iodine-131-labeled anti-CEA monoclonal antibody F6 F(ab’)2 in patients with non-resectable liver metastases from colorectal cancer [J]. Int J Cancer, 1998; 75(4)∶615. |
42. | 罗时敏, 张天顺. 原发性肝癌的免疫治疗 [J]. 肝胆外科杂志, 2000; 8(6)∶463. |
43. | 刘晓波, 蔡美英. 载131I和阿霉素“双弹头”免疫毫微粒的抗癌作用 [J]. 中华实验外科杂志, 2003; 20(2)∶188. |
44. | 刘晓波, 蔡美英, 阚和平, 等. 载131I和阿霉素“双弹头” F(ab’)2片段免疫毫微粒的抗人肝癌作用 [J]. 实用癌症杂志, 2007; 22(1)∶1. |
45. | 李凯, 封国生. 肝脏恶性肿瘤的放射性粒子植入治疗 [J]. 实用医学杂志, 2005; 21(17)∶1977. |
46. | Bacher K, Brans B, Monsieurs M, et al . Thyroid uptake and radiation dose after (131)I-lipiodol treatment: is thyroid blocking by potassium iodide necessary? [ J ] . Eur J Nucl Med Mol Imaging, 2002; 29(10) ∶ 1311. |
- 1. Van de Wiele C, Revets H, Mertens N. Radioimmunoimaging. Advances and prospects [J]. Q J Nucl Med Mol Imaging, 2004; 48(4)∶317.
- 2. 尚育红, 许莉. 单克隆抗体DGDK-1导向治疗晚期肝癌临床研究 [J]. 医药论坛杂志, 2004; 25(21)∶13.
- 3. Xu J, Xu HY, Zhang Q, et al.Hab18G/CD147 functions in invasion and metastasis of hepatocelluler carcinoma [J]. Mol Cancer Res, 2007; 5(6)∶605.
- 4. Bethge WA, Sandmaier BM. Targeted cancer therapy using radiolabeled monoclonal antibodies [J]. Technol Cancer Res Treat, 2005; 4(4)∶393.
- 5. Keng GH, Sundram FX. Radionuclide therapy of hepatocellular carcinoma [J]. Ann Acad Med Singapore, 2003; 32(4)∶518.
- 6. 许成平, 王建新, 郑仕中, 等.导向内照射化疗栓塞治疗56例肝癌随访报告 [J]. 中华肿瘤杂志, 2000; 22(1)∶42.
- 7. 李贵平, 张辉. 肿瘤放射免疫靶向治疗研究的现状与进展 [J]. 放射免疫杂志, 2004; 17(5)∶387.
- 8. Kobayashi H, Nakajo M, Shimabukuro K, et al.Possibility of radiotherapy of hepatic cancer by transcatheter arterial embolization with radioactive Lipiodol [J]. Nippon Igaku Hoshasen Gakkai Zasshi, 1984; 44(1)∶96.
- 9. Raoul JL, Bourguet P, Bretagne JF, et al.Hepatic artery injection of I-131-labeled lipiodol. Part Ⅰ. Biodistribution study results in patients with hepatocellular carcinoma and liver metastases [J]. Radiology, 1988; 168(2)∶541.
- 10. 吴少平, 卢武胜. 131I标记物介入治疗肝癌的临床研究进展 [J]. 中国普外基础与临床杂志, 2003; 10(5)∶513.
- 11. Lau WY. Management of hepatocellular carcinoma [J]. J R Coll Surg Edinb, 2002; 47(1)∶389.
- 12. Giovannini M, Elias D, Monges G, et al.Hepatocellular carcinoma [J]. Br J Cancer, 2001; 84 Suppl 2∶74.
- 13. Raoul JL, Messner M, Boucher E, et al.Preoperative treatment of hepatocellular carcinoma with intra-arterial injection of 131I-labelled lipiodol [J]. Br J Surg, 2003; 90(11)∶1379.
- 14. Boucher E, Corbinais S, Rolland Y, et al.Adjuvant intra-arterial injection of iodine-131-labeled lipiodol after resection of hepatocellular carcinoma [J]. Hepatology, 2003; 38(5)∶1237.
- 15. Brans B, Van Laere K, Gemmel F, et al.Combining iodine-131 Lipiodol therapy with low-dose cisplatin as a radiosensitiser: preliminary results in hepatocellular carcinoma [J]. Eur J Nucl Med Mol Imaging, 2002; 29(7)∶928.
- 16. 卢武胜, 李肖, 王朝华, 等. 131I-HAb18F(ab’)2在肝癌患者体内的生物学分布 [J]. 生物医学工程学杂志, 2003; 20(4)∶689.
- 17. 蔡红兵, 罗荣城, 李爱民. 131I-组合单克隆抗体局部放射免疫导向治疗肝癌的临床观察 [J]. 解放军医学杂志, 2003; 28(10)∶926.
- 18. Yang LJ, Sui YF, Chen ZN. Preparation and activity of conjugate of monoclonal antibody HAb18 against hepatoma F(ab’)(2) fragment and staphylococcal enterotoxin A [J]. World J Gastroenterol, 2001; 7(2)∶216.
- 19. Risse JH, Grünwald F, Kersjes W, et al.Intraarterial HCC therapy with I-131-Lipiodol [J]. Cancer Biother Radiopharm, 2000; 15(1)∶65.
- 20. 施常备, 袁彬.131碘标记肝癌单抗片段介入治疗原发性肝癌的临床毒副作用观察 [J]. 现代肿瘤医学,2004; 12(6)∶549.
- 21. 冯强. 抗人肝癌单抗片段抗体HAb18F(ab’)2 的冻干工艺研究 [J]. 生物技术通讯, 2002; 13(5)∶356.
- 22. 李云春, 谭天秩, 莫廷树, 等. 利卡汀的人体显像和组织分布 [J]. 同位素, 2007; 20(3)∶135.
- 23. Chen ZN, Mi L, Xu J, et al.Targeting radioimmunotherapy of hepatocellular carcinoma with iodine (131I) metuximab injection: clinical phase Ⅰ/Ⅱtrials [J]. Int J Radiat Oncol Biol Phys, 2006; 65(2)∶435.
- 24. 吴少平, 卢武胜, 徐大伟, 等. 肝癌DSA血供类型与经肝动脉灌注131I-HAbl8F(ab’)2治疗后瘤体大小变化的关系探讨 [J]. 介入放射学杂志, 2007; 16(4)∶243.
- 25. 吴少平, 卢武胜, 徐大伟, 等. 经肝动脉灌注131I-HAb18F(ab’)2治疗肝癌合并门静脉癌栓疗效分析 [J]. 介入放射学杂志, 2007; 16(8)∶560.
- 26. 许国辉, 张智慧, 李政文, 等. 131I肝癌单抗片段HAb18F(ab’)2灌注治疗原发性肝癌的临床研究 [J]. 介入放射学杂志,2005; 14(6)∶596.
- 27. 李云春, 谭天秩, 莫廷树, 等. 碘[131]I-美妥昔单抗注射液的人体药代动力学研究 [J]. 生物医学工程学杂志, 2007; 24(4)∶857.
- 28. Chen S, Li B, Xie H, et al.Phase Ⅰclinical trial of targeted therapy using 131I-Hepama-1 mAb in patients with hepatocellular carcinoma [J]. Cancer Biother Radiopharm, 2004; 19(5)∶589.
- 29. Zeng ZC, Tang ZY, Yang BH, et al.Comparison between radioimmunotherapy and external beam radiation therapy for patients with hepatocellular carcinoma [J]. Eur J Nucl Med Mol Imaging, 2002; 29(12)∶1657.
- 30. 杨仪, 刘增礼, 唐军, 等. 131I标记抗人肝癌单克隆抗体人体内照射剂量计算 [J]. 苏州大学学报(医学版), 2007; 27(1)∶114.
- 31. 项明, 朱上林, 林言箴, 等. 131I-Hepama-1单克隆抗体导向治疗肝癌的初步观察 [J]. 中国肿瘤临床, 1998; 25(4)∶289.
- 32. 金坚, 张满达, 王博诚, 等. 人心肌酸性铁蛋白与肝癌关系的研究 [J]. 中国核科技报告, 1997; 00∶933.
- 33. 范桢, 汤钊猷, 袁爱娜, 等. 抗人肝癌铁蛋白抗体对原发性肝癌患者的放射免疫显像 [J]. 上海医科大学学报, 1990; 17(6)∶405.
- 34. Fan Z, Tang Z, Liu K, et al.Radioiodinated anti-hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) ferritin. Targeting therapy, tumor imaging and anti-antibody response in HCC patients with hepatic arterial infusion [J]. J Cancer Res Clin Oncol, 1992; 118(5)∶371.
- 35. 毕向军. 抗体在肝癌临床和研究中的应用及展望 [J]. 国际医药卫生报, 2002; 2(3)∶46.
- 36. 吴英德, 杨克政, 刘由庚, 等. 131I-抗AFP抗体导向治疗肝癌的临床观察 [J]. 肿瘤, 1994; 14(4)∶200.
- 37. Ekberg H, Tranberg KG, Andersson R, et al.Pattern of recurrence in liver resection for colorectal secondaries [J]. World J Surg, 1987; 11(4)∶541.
- 38. GE HY, Zuo GH.Inhibiting effects of 131I-labeled anti-CEA monoclonal antibodies injected intrasplenically on liver metastasis from human colonic adenocarcinoma [J]. J Med Coll PLA, 2003; 18(6)∶355.
- 39. 葛海燕, 左国华, 高明发. 131I标记抗CEA单抗预防人结肠癌肝转移的实验研究 [J]. 第三军医大学学报, 2000; 22(5)∶430.
- 40. Kinuya S, Yokoyama K, Koshida K, et al.Improved survival of mice bearing liver metastases of colon cancer cells treated with a combination of radioimmunotherapy and antiangiogenic therapy [J]. Eur J Nucl Med Mol Imaging, 2004; 31(7)∶981.
- 41. Ychou M, Pelegrin A, Faurous P, et al.Phase-radio-immunotherapy study with Iodine-131-labeled anti-CEA monoclonal antibody F6 F(ab’)2 in patients with non-resectable liver metastases from colorectal cancer [J]. Int J Cancer, 1998; 75(4)∶615.
- 42. 罗时敏, 张天顺. 原发性肝癌的免疫治疗 [J]. 肝胆外科杂志, 2000; 8(6)∶463.
- 43. 刘晓波, 蔡美英. 载131I和阿霉素“双弹头”免疫毫微粒的抗癌作用 [J]. 中华实验外科杂志, 2003; 20(2)∶188.
- 44. 刘晓波, 蔡美英, 阚和平, 等. 载131I和阿霉素“双弹头” F(ab’)2片段免疫毫微粒的抗人肝癌作用 [J]. 实用癌症杂志, 2007; 22(1)∶1.
- 45. 李凯, 封国生. 肝脏恶性肿瘤的放射性粒子植入治疗 [J]. 实用医学杂志, 2005; 21(17)∶1977.
- 46. Bacher K, Brans B, Monsieurs M, et al . Thyroid uptake and radiation dose after (131)I-lipiodol treatment: is thyroid blocking by potassium iodide necessary? [ J ] . Eur J Nucl Med Mol Imaging, 2002; 29(10) ∶ 1311.