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find Keyword "儿童癫痫" 10 results
  • Efficacy and safety of ketogenic diet in tuberous sclerosis complex with epilepsy

    ObjectiveTuberous sclerosis complex (TSC) is a multiorgan disorder and mostly associated with intractable epilepsy. Now several individual reports suggest that epilepsy in children with TSC might benefit from a ketogenic diet (KD). We prospectively studied the curative effect of 14 children with the KD in the treatment of TSC with epilepsy. MethodsBetween 2008 and 2015, we enrolled 14 children with TSC and epilepsy who received KD treatment in Shenzhen Children's Hospital and followed up for at least three months.Outcome was measured by the change of seizure frequency before and after the KD in the use of anticonvusant drugs, adverse effects, and change in cognitive function. Results14 children aged 8 months to 7 years were included. 7/14 (50%) children had a > 50% reduction in seizure frequency at 3 months on the diet, 5/14 (36%) children had a seizure free response. 12/14 (86%) children with refractory epilepsy, 6/12 (50%) children had a > 50% reduction in seizure frequency, 2 children had reduced medications, one child did not use any antiepileptic drugs during KD. 6 of 12 children with developmental delays had cognitive function improvement. ConclusionsKD is a generally effective and safe therapy for TSC children with epilepsy, especially for refractory epilepsy. KD could reduce antiepileptic drugs, and also improve children's cognitive function.

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  • Clinical analysis of benign childhood epilepsy with centrotemporal spikes

    ObjectiveUsing retrospective study to analyze the data of 112 patients with benign childhood epilepsy with centrotemporal spikes (BECTS) and investigate the clinical characteristics and provide some clinical experience in treatment. MethodsWe collected the medical records of 112 cases of BECTS children in the First Affiliated Hospital of Guangxi Medical University of children's clinics from January 2011 to December 2012. According to whether taking antiepileptic drugs (AEDs) treatment regularly, the 112 cases with BECTS was divided into the treated group and the non-treated group, then analyzed the clinical characteristics between the two groups retrospectively, including age of onset, single episode duration, frequency of seizure, pattern of seizure and EEG performances. ResultsThrough regular AEDs treatment, the duration of a single attack was shortened, generalized tonic-clonic seizure(GTCS) was decreased significantly in the treatment group (P < 0.05). For patients whose seizure frequency was≥3 times/3 months, AEDs could effectively control or reduce their seizure frequency (P < 0.05), while AEDs had no obvious effect on the seizure frequency of those whose seizure frequency was≤2 times/3 months (P > 0.05). In the treatment group, 29 cases whose age < 7 controlled their epilepsy attacks after taking AEDs for average of 13.76 months, while 35 cases whose age≥7 controlled their epilepsy attacks after taking AEDs for average of 6.36 months. Conclusion①BECTS patients with a long duration of a single attack and seizure frequency more than 3 times/3 months could be effectively controlled after receiving early AEDs treatment.②The younger age of onset (< 7 years old) required longer AEDs treatment to control seizures.

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  • 儿童症状性局灶性癫痫和可疑症状性局灶性癫痫:一个观察性的前瞻性多中心研究

    描述新诊断的症状性局灶性癫痫 (Symptomatic focalepilepsies,FS) 和可疑症状性局灶性癫痫 (Presumed symptomatic focalepilepsies,FCE) 患儿入组时及入组后1个月以内的临床、神经心理学和心理病理学特征。将对这些患者入组后随访2~5年,以探究癫痫的病程和药物难治性癫痫的早期预测因素。在这个观察性的多中心全国性研究中,新诊断的FS或者FCE儿童 (年龄1个月~12.9岁) 在15个意大利儿童癫痫高级研究中心被连续纳入。纳入标准如下:①后天或发育因素导致的FS,以及FCE;②首次诊断为癫痫的年龄>1个月并且 < 13岁;③签署书面的知情同意书。临床、脑电图、神经影像以及神经心理资料都用于统计分析。最终纳入259例儿童 (女116例,男143例)。年龄中位数为4.4岁 (范围:1个月~12.9岁),46.0%(n=119)≤3岁,24%(n=61)>3~6岁,30%(n=79)>6岁。71.8%的患儿神经系统检查正常。59.9%头部核磁共振 (MRI) 检查异常。年龄≤3岁组的患儿入组后第一个月发作的频率最高 (P < 0.000 1)。67.2%的患儿第一个月为单药治疗。在基线期,30%的患儿认知功能检查异常;21%存在行为问题。多因素分析发现,年幼儿和颞叶癫痫患儿起病后第一个月内发作频率>5次的几率更大。该项前瞻性的队列研究发现,儿童期起病的FS和FCE患者的许多特征与起病的年龄以及致痫灶的部位有关。

    Release date:2017-04-01 08:51 Export PDF Favorites Scan
  • 儿童癫痫中的神经元抗体:临床特征和未经免疫治疗的历史队列远期预后

    神经元细胞表面抗体在自身免疫性脑炎的发病中起着明确的作用;早期诊断和治疗的患者预后更好。在不伴脑炎的儿童癫痫中也见神经元抗体阳性的报道。文章旨在评估神经元抗体对儿童癫痫患者远期预后是否有影响。该前瞻性研究患者来自荷兰儿童癫痫研究(Dutch Study of Epilepsy, DSEC)的4个中心,于1988年-1992年期间招募患者(n=178),均未接受免疫治疗。以健康且年龄匹配的骨髓捐赠者作为正常对照(n=112)。所有受试者均使用标准方法,检测血清N-甲基-D-天冬氨酸受体(N-methyl-D-aspartate, NMDAR)、α氨基-3-羟基-5-甲基-4-异恶唑丙酸受体、富含亮氨酸胶质瘤失活1蛋白,接触蛋白相关蛋白2(Contactin associated protein like 2, CASPR2)、contactin-2、谷氨酸脱羧酶和电压门控钾通道(Voltage gated potassium channel, VGKC)-复合物抗体。均未使用脑脊液(Cerebrospinal fluid, CSF)样本检测。并将抗体检测结果与随访15年以上的临床资料进行相关性分析。17例患者(9.5%)神经元抗体检测为阳性,分别为VGKC复合物(n=3),NMDAR(n=7),CASPR2(n=4) 和contactin-2(n=3),同时有3名(3/112,2.6%)健康对照者神经元抗体检测为阳性,VGKC复合物(n=1),NMDAR (n=2)(P=0.03)。虽然抗体滴度相对较低(细胞表面抗体≤ 1:100),但17例阳性样本中有8例(47%)可与活性海马神经元表面结合,提示具有潜在的致病性。在抗体阳性患者中更多见预先存在的认知障碍(9/17vs.33/161, P=0.01)。14例抗体阳性患者接受了规范的抗癫痫药物(AEDs)治疗。其中3例(17%)为耐药性癫痫,但与161例抗体阴性的患者中16例为耐药性癫痫(16人,10%)相比,不存在统计学差异。在6和/或12个月有随访样本的96例患者中,7例之前抗体阳性患者中6例抗体转阴,相反,另有7例患者在随访时第一次出现了抗体阳性。在9.5%的儿童新发癫痫患者中发现低水平的神经元抗体阳性,虽然抗体不一定会持续存在,但在随访中可见神经元抗体由阴性转为阳性,这表明抗体可能是由于神经元的损伤或炎症的继发反应所产生的。此外,由于抗体阳性的儿童癫痫患者对规范AEDs的反应和远期预后与抗体阴性患者没有差异,提示在儿童癫痫中常规进行神经元抗体检测意义不大。抗体阳性组中预先存在的认知障碍的发生率较高,17例患者中7例患者CASPR2和contactin-2抗体阳性,以及17例血清样品中8例与活性海马神经元的结合表明,即使是继发反应,神经元抗体也可能参与到儿童癫痫的共病发生中。

    Release date:2017-07-26 04:06 Export PDF Favorites Scan
  • 儿童癫痫综合征遗传研究进展


    Release date:2017-09-26 05:09 Export PDF Favorites Scan
  • 伴中央颞区棘波自限性癫痫患儿的认知功能:一项系统评价和荟萃分析

    现在良性癫痫伴中央颞区棘波[(Benign epilepsy with centrotemporal spikes,BECTS),或近期多被称为 ECTS]与一系列认知和行为障碍相关的观点已经被广泛接受。尽管对 ECTS 的认知功能已经有了进一步的了解,目前仍没有在综合认知框架之下进行的量化分析研究。该系统评价和荟萃分析是在 PRISMA 指南的指导之下进行的。42 项对照研究满足纳入条件,共计包含 1 237 例 ECTS 患儿和 1 137 名健康对照儿童。对 8 个认知因素以及 Cattell-Horn-Carroll(CHC)智力模型进行单变量,随机效应荟萃分析。总体来说,ECTS 患儿在神经心理学测试中所有认知方面与健康对照相比均明显偏低。观测效应从 0.42~0.81 集中标准差单位不等,其中长期存储和获取为最大效应而视觉信息处理为最小效应。目前荟萃分析的结果首次提供了 ECTS 患儿展现一系列普遍性的认知障碍的证据,因此对目前认为 ECTS 是一个良性疾病或者认为仅存在局限性、特定认知功能损害的观点提出了挑战。

    Release date:2018-03-20 04:09 Export PDF Favorites Scan
  • 癫痫患儿停药后复发影响因素的研究进展

    癫痫是一种脑部疾患,其特点是持续存在能导致癫痫发作的脑电改变,并出现相应的神经生物学、认知、心理学以及社会等方面的后果。经合理治疗后,大多数患儿的发作是可以控制的。癫痫缓解后可以考虑减停药物,但在减停药物的患儿中仍有 12%~67% 的复发风险。国内外就影响癫痫患儿复发的因素尚未达成共识。文章从可能影响癫痫患儿复发的因素方面进行综述,以期对儿童神经科医生指导患儿减停药物有所帮助,从而将复发率降至最低。

    Release date:2020-05-19 01:07 Export PDF Favorites Scan
  • Research progress of perampanel in the treatment of childhood epilepsy

    Perampanel (PER) is a third-generation novel anti-seizure drug, a postsynaptic neuronal (α-Amino-3-hydroxy-5-methyl-4- isoxazolepropionic acid, AMPA) receptor antagonist, which effectively controls seizures by inhibiting glutamate-induced neurological hypertransmission. PER can not only be used for the addition of focal epilepsy 4 years old and above, but also monotherapy for children (≥ 4 years old) for the treatment of focal epilepsy patients, its efficacy and safety is relatively good, has been used clinically in many countries, the article overviewed the pharmacokinetics, mechanism, and the addition and monotherapy in different epilepsy types of childhood epilepsy and other aspects, in order to provide a reference for clinical medication, and provide individualized treatment for children with epilepsy.

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  • Construction and reliability and validity test of self-management scale for epilepsy medication in children

    Objective We aimed to develop a self-management assessment scale for children with epilepsy and test its reliability and validity. Methods A research group was established, and the items were revised through literature review, group discussion and pre-investigation, and 280 patients with epilepsy in children were included, and the reliability and validity of the scale were tested. Results 28 items in 4 dimensions were developed to form the scale, namely, knowledge and belief of diseases and medication, compliance of medication and treatment, self-efficacy of medication and obstacles of medication. Confirmatory factor analysis extracted four common factors with characteristic roots greater than 1, and the cumulative variance explanation rate was 65.639%. The factor load of all items is > 0.5. The overall Cronbach’s alpha is 0.880, and the coefficients in seven measurement dimensions are all greater than 0.8. Conclusion The self-management assessment scale for children’s epilepsy drugs has good reliability and validity, and can provide a measuring tool for the drug management of children’s epilepsy diseases.

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  • Meta-analysis of risk factors for epilepsy in children

    Objective To systematically review and analyze the risk factors of epilepsy in children, to explore the related etiology of epilepsy in children, and to provide evidence-based strategies for reducing the occurrence of epilepsy in children. Methods PubMed, Embase, VIP, CNKI, Web of science, Cohrane, and CBM were searched for relevant studies on risk factors for childhood epilepsy since the establishment of the database, and the study type was selected as a case-control study. After screening and quality evaluation, the literatures that met the requirements were finally selected for inclusion in the study, and the extracted target data were statistically analyzed by RevMan5.3 software. Results A total of 9 literatures were included for Meta-analysis of the risk factors of epilepsy in children. A total of 3792 cases were studied, including 1 922 cases in the control group and 1 870 cases in the case group. Meta-analysis results showed that adverse perinatal period, family history of epilepsy, febrile seizures, and central nervous system infection were closely related to the occurrence of epilepsy in children, and the OR values were OR=3.46, 95%CI (2.51, 4.79), OR=4.77, 95%CI (3.83, 5.95), OR=7.81, 95%CI ( 5.64, 10.80), OR=3.00, 95%CI (1.44, 6.26), P values were all less than 0.05. Conclusions Adverse perinatal period, family history of epilepsy, febrile seizures, and central nervous system infection are the current risk factors for childhood epilepsy.

    Release date:2022-09-06 03:50 Export PDF Favorites Scan
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