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find Keyword "实习生" 5 results
  • 综合ICU监护记录单在培养护理实习生全面临床思维中的应用

    目的 探讨综合性重症加强治疗病房( ICU) 患者监护记录单在护理实习生全面临床思维能力培养中的应用效果。方法 对 2010 年轮转入ICU实习的150 名大专以上学历的实习生随机分为试验组和对照组, 每组各75 名, 试验组实施每天1 h 共1个月规范的综合性ICU 患者监护记录单书写培训, 对照组按常规带教, 统计比较培训后实习生的临床思维能力。结果 试验组有65.3% 的实习生病情观察全面,64% 护理诊断准确, 60% 对危重病情的反应快, 56% 对危重病情的反应准确, 较对照组均有明显提高( 分别为44% 、28% 、34.7% 和32% , Plt;0.01) 。结论 根据重症医学的特点, 规范的使用综合性ICU患者监护记录单, 能逐渐培养实习生的全面性、评判性、连续性、前瞻性思维, 增强危急抢救意识, 提高反应能力, 从而有效提高实习生的全面临床思维能力。

    Release date:2016-08-30 11:56 Export PDF Favorites Scan
  • 医学院校学生在实习时所面临的问题及对策

    【摘要】目的 探讨医学院校实习生在实习过程中所面临的问题及相应的对策。方法 通过对2004年-2008年实习生在实习过程中所面临的问题给予调查,研究出相应的对策并予实施,观察其效果。结果 通过调查发现医学院校学生实习时在思想、劳动纪律、与医患沟通及解决实际问题能力都有所欠缺,为此给予相应对策,如临床实习前在思想上、劳动纪律方面及技能方面给予提前教育,选择优秀带教老师解决临床实际问题能力的培养,建立监督考核奖惩机制,提高了学生自学能力、动手能力、分析、解决问题能力。结论 通过一系列的教学方法的改进,实习生的思想、劳动纪律、沟通能力、解决问题能力等均有所加强,有利于培养出手脑并重的实用型人才。

    Release date:2016-09-08 09:31 Export PDF Favorites Scan
  • 护理本科实习生临床能力评价指标品质检验

    【摘要】 目的 检验经三轮德尔菲专家咨询法拟定的“护理本科实习生临床能力评价指标体系”的品质。 方法 2007年7月-12月,采用拟定的指标体系对52名护理本科实习生进行临床能力实测,采用克朗巴赫α系数进行信度检验,运用内容效度进行效度分析,并论证指标体系的区分度。 结果 指标体系整体的α系数为0.969 8,指标体系内部各构成要素的α系数介于0.831 6~0.942 3之间(gt;0.8);逻辑分析表明指标体系内容效度较好;指标体系各维度与总指标体系评价结果的相关系数介于0.845 1~0.958 2之间,各维度与其内部各指标间的相关系数介于0.300 8~0.952 5,均有统计学意义(Plt;0.05);指标体系的区分指数为0.518 3(gt;0.4)。 结论 指标体系品质较好。

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  • Effect of Problem-based Learning and Traditional Teaching Method on Practical Teaching of Orthopedic Surgery

    ObjectiveTo compare the effect of problem-based learning (PBL) and traditional teaching method (lecture-based learning) on clinical practical teaching of orthopedic surgery. MethodsBetween May 2012 and December 2013, 55 orthopedic interns were chosen to be divided into two groups: PBL group (n=29) and traditional lecture group (control group, n=26). Case report and examination on a completion of orthopedic surgery were used to assess the teaching outcomes. ResultsPerformance differences in content of presentation and capability of answers to questions were significant between PBL group and the traditional group in the report test (P<0.05). The test scores of case analysis examination in PBL group were significantly higher than those in the traditional lecture group (P<0.05). There was no significant difference between the two groups in other types of questions (P>0.05). ConclusionThe participants in PBL group have performed significantly better in culturing clinical thinking and comprehensive analysis, competence and in no circumstance did they perform worse than traditional lecture method.

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  • Application effect of situational experiential teaching mode in emergency internship teaching

    Objective To explore the effectiveness of situational experiential teaching mode in emergency internship teaching. Methods Interns from the Department of Emergency, Jiangyou Fifth People’s Hospital from July 2022 to May 2023 were selected as the research subjects. The interns were randomly divided into a trial group and a control group using a random number table method. The trial group adopted a situational experiential teaching mode, while the control group adopted a traditional teaching mode. Theoretical knowledge testing, clinical comprehensive ability assessment, and clinical information feedback were used to evaluate the effectiveness of different teaching methods. Results A total of 90 interns were included, with 45 people in each group, aged 18-23 years old. Both groups consist of 18 clinical medicine students and 27 clinical nursing students. There was no statistically significant difference in academic performance in school between the two groups of interns (P>0.05). The theoretical knowledge test score (92.98±2.71 vs. 85.29±6.24), clinical comprehensive ability assessment score (90.52±2.58 vs. 83.35±5.25) and clinical feedback (44 excellent and 1 fine in the trial group vs. 25 excellent, 5 fine, and 15 poor in the control group) of the trial group were better than those in the control group (P<0.05). Conclusions The situational experiential teaching mode can enhance interns’ learning interest, improve memory effectiveness, help students master theoretical knowledge, and enhance their comprehensive abilities in clinical evaluation and decision-making. It is worth promoting in clinical practice.

    Release date:2024-11-27 02:45 Export PDF Favorites Scan
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