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find Keyword "微创治疗" 31 results
  • Mini-Invasive Therapies for Portal Hypertension

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  • Diagnosis and Minimally Invasive Therapy of Gastric Stromal Tumor

    Release date:2016-08-28 04:43 Export PDF Favorites Scan
  • 递增扩张内切开微创治疗尿道狭窄

    【摘 要】 目的 总结联合应用输尿管镜、电切镜、肾筋膜扩张器及钬激光治疗尿道狭窄的临床疗效。 方法 2003年8月-2009年3月,收治18例尿道狭窄男性患者。年龄22~75岁,平均52.5岁。病程3~24个月,平均11.6个月。尿道狭窄原因:前列腺切除术后10例,外伤4例,尿道感染4例。尿道狭窄部位:阴茎段2例,球部5例,膜部5例,膀胱颈部6例。狭窄长度5~21 mm。术中首先置入斑马导丝;然后依次使用8F~22F肾筋膜扩张器,沿斑马导丝扩张尿道狭窄段;最后更换24F 或27F等离子电切镜,直视下扩张狭窄段,电切至正常尿道宽度。 结果 患者均获随访2年。1例患者未定期行尿道扩张,术后6个月再次狭窄,再次手术后恢复正常排尿。术后6个月行尿动力及尿道造影检查:最大尿流率为12~17 mL/s,膀胱剩余尿量0~30 mL。狭窄段尿道宽度5~10 mm。 结论 综合应用输尿管镜、电切镜、肾筋膜扩张器及钬激光治疗尿道狭窄可获得满意疗效。

    Release date:2016-08-31 04:22 Export PDF Favorites Scan

    ObjectiveTo investigate the effect of anterior chest wall depression on the cardiac function and the effectiveness of minimally invasive surgery for pectus excavatum by comparing cardiac function and morphology between pre- and post-operation. MethodsBetween August 2009 and December 2010, 102 adult patients with pectus excavatum were treated with minimally invasive surgery, including the primary operation in 95 cases and the reoperation in 7 cases. There were 84 males and 18 females, aged 18-57 years (mean, 23.4 years). The haller index (HI) was 4.59 ± 1.51. Of 102 patients, 59 were classified as pectus excavatum type I and 43 as type II; 42 had clinical symptoms and 19 had the physical sign of heart. The preoperative chest CT examination showed cardiac compression in all patients and heart displacement in 74 patients. The left ventricular ejection fraction (LVEF) was 68.9% ± 6.2%. ResultsThe procedure was successful in all patients, and no death or serious complication occurred. The patients were followed up 12-28 months (mean, 21 months). The clinical symptoms and cardiac physical sign of the patients disappeared after operation. HI was 2.70 ± 0.33 at 12 months after operation, showing significant difference when compared with preoperative HI (t=5.83, P=0.00). According to Nuss’s evaluation method, the results were excellent in 99 patients and good in 3 patients. CT examination showed complete relief of cardiac compression in 101 patients and mild cardiac compression in 1 patient; the heart position was normal at 12 months after operation. Electrocardiogram returned to normal in 4 patients having abnormal electrocardiogram. LVEF was 70.5% ± 4.8% after operation, showing no significant difference when compared with preoperative LVEF (t=1.08, P=0.30). ConclusionThe main effects of pectus excavatum in adults on heart are compression and displacement. Cardiac compression may be relieved efficiently and the patient’s clinical symptoms can be abated by minimally invasive surgery.

    Release date:2016-08-31 05:39 Export PDF Favorites Scan

    Objective To summarize the recent minimally invasive approach for cervical spondylotic radiculopathy (CSR). Methods The recent l iterature at home and abroad concerning minimally invasive approach for CSR was reviewed and summarized. Results There were two techniques of minimally invasive approach for CSR at peresent: percutaneous puncture techniques and endoscopic techniques. The degenerate intervertebral disc was resected or nucleolysis by percutaneouspuncture technique if CSR was caused by mild or moderate intervertebral disc herniations. The cervical microendoscopicdiscectomy and foraminotomy was an effective minimally invasive approach which could provide a clear view. The endoscopy techniques were suitable to treat CSR caused by foraminal osteophytes, lateral disc herniations, local l igamentum flavum thickening and spondylotic foraminal stenosis. Conclusion The minimally invasive procedure has the advantages of simple handl ing, minimally invasive and low incidence of compl ications. But the scope of indications is relatively narrow at present.

    Release date:2016-08-31 05:47 Export PDF Favorites Scan
  • 肱骨螺旋内固定器治疗肱骨外科颈骨折16例

    目的 分析肱骨螺旋内固定器对肱骨外科颈骨折的治疗效果。 方法 2001年5月~2004年12月,应用螺旋内固定器治疗肱骨外科颈骨折16例,男4例,女12例;年龄50~85岁。稳定骨折11例,不稳定骨折(移位gt;1 cm,成角gt;45°)5例;外展型13例,内收型3例。采用Neer评分系统行患肩功能评估。 结果 获随访4~36个月,平均23个月。手术时间25~50 min,平均35 min;术中出血量50~80 ml,平均60 ml。术后患者疼痛均缓解。最后随访时,肩关节主动前屈120°(80~160°),外展110°(80~150°);后伸45°(30~60°)。肩关节功能优8例,满意6例,不满意2例。无神经、血管损伤;无骨延迟愈合及不愈合;无固定失效,螺旋内固定器无退钉;术后肱骨头无坏死征象。 结论 肱骨螺旋内固定器闭合复位髓内固定方法简便,不侵及肩肘关节,创伤小,并发症少可使肱骨外科颈骨折稳定固定。

    Release date:2016-09-01 09:22 Export PDF Favorites Scan
  • 颈椎间盘突出症的微创治疗

    目的 探讨颈椎间盘突出症的微创治疗方法。 方法 2001年9月~2006年1月,采用经皮穿刺颈椎间盘髓核切吸术治疗颈椎间盘突出症患者38例52个节段。男25例,女13例;年龄36~54岁。病程3~38个月。突出节段:C3、4 3例,C4、5 4例,C5、6 12例,C6、7 5例,C4~6 11例,C5~7 3例。皆无明确外伤史,其中29例行规范保守治疗3~6个月,疗效欠佳。JOA评分为6~14分,平均10.83分。 结果 术后患者均获随访3~45个月,平均21个月。上肢放射性疼痛、麻木及下肢无力症状:术后即刻缓解16例;2周逐渐缓解18例;3个月缓解3例;6个月仍无改善1例,经再次手术证实为椎间盘嵌顿。术后JOA评分6~17分,平均14.32分,恢复率为76.3%。 结论 经皮穿刺颈椎间盘髓核切吸术是治疗颈椎间盘突出症的一种有效方法。

    Release date:2016-09-01 09:22 Export PDF Favorites Scan
  • Clinical Feasibility of Percutaneous Closure for Subarterial Ventricular Septal Defect Using Asymmetric Occluder Device

    目的 观察和评价采用偏心型封堵器导管介入治疗干下型室间隔缺损的近期疗效和安全性。 方法 2011年8月-12月,6例经无主动脉瓣脱垂的干下型室间隔缺损(直径≤7 mm)患者(年龄>3岁)在杂交手术室接受介入治疗。造影评估后,建立动静脉轨道,在保留导丝的情况下置入合适型号的国产偏心型室间隔缺损封堵器,并于术后定期随访复查。 结果 6例患者缺损直径4~7 mm(平均5.3 mm),其中5例成功地接受了导管介入封堵治疗,置入封堵器直径5~9 mm(平均6.4 mm)。仅1例因封堵器置入后出现主动脉瓣受压影响关闭,即改由外科微创经胸封堵成功。所有患者在随访期内,无栓塞、残余分流、瓣膜功能障碍、房室传导阻滞、死亡等并发症。 结论 无主动脉瓣脱垂的干下型室间隔缺损患者接受导管介入封堵治疗是安全、可行的,且短期随访结果良好。

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  • Further Discussion of Indications for Laparoscopic Hepatectomy

    Release date:2016-09-08 10:25 Export PDF Favorites Scan
  • Minimally Invasive Liver Resection:from Laparoscopic to Robotic

    Objective?To approach feasibility, safety, and the application range of pure laparoscopic resection (PLR), hand-assisted laparoscopic resection (HALR), and robotic liver resection (RLR) in the minimally invasive liver resection (MILR). Methods?The clinical data of 128 patients underwent MILR in the Surgical Department of the Shanghai Ruijin Hospital from September 2004 to January 2012 were analyzed retrospectively. According to the different methods, the patients were divided into PLR group, HALR group, and RLR group. The intraoperative findings and postoperative recovery of patients in three groups were compared.?Results?There were 82 cases in PLR group, 3 cases of which were transferred to open surgery;the mean operating time was (145.4±54.4) minutes (range:40-290 minutes);the mean blood loss was (249.3±255.7) ml (range:30-1 500 ml);abdominal infection was found in 3 cases and biliary fistula in 5 cases after operation, but all recovered after conservative treatment;the mean length of hospital stay was (7.1±3.8) days (range:2-34 days). There were 35 cases in HALR group, 3 cases of which were transferred to open surgery;the mean operating time was (182.7±59.2) minutes (range:60-300 minutes);the mean blood loss was (754.3±785.2) ml (range:50-3 000 ml);abdominal infection was found in 1 case, biliary fistula in 2 cases, and operative incision infection in 2 cases after operation, but all recovered after conservative treatment;the mean length of hospital stay was (15.4±3.7) days (range:12-30 days). There were 11 cases in RLR group, 2 cases of which were transferred to open surgery; the mean operating time was (129.5±33.5) minutes (range:120-200 minutes); the mean blood loss was (424.5±657.5) ml (range:50-5 000 ml); abdominal infection was found in 1 case and biliary fistula in 1 case after operation, but all recovered after conservative treatment; the mean length of hospital stay was (6.4±1.6) days (range:5-9 days). The operating time (P=0.001) and length of hospital stay (P=0.000) of the RLR group were shortest and the blood loss (P=0.000) of the PLR group was least among three groups. Conclusions?Minimally invasive resection is a safe and feasible. Different surgical procedures should be chosen according to different cases. The robotic liver resection provides new development for treatment of liver tumor.

    Release date:2016-09-08 10:38 Export PDF Favorites Scan
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