Objective To determine the incidence of and risk fact ors for retino pathy of prematurity (ROP) among preterm infants in Beijing after implementation of the ROP guidelines. Methods The preterm infants with birth weight le; 2000 g or gestational age le; 3 4 weeks who were admitted to the neonatal intensive care units in 6 hospitals in Beijing from Jan. 1, 2005 to Dec. 31, 2005 were screened. Ophthalmologic examin ations started 3-4 weeks after birth and ROP was classified by the revised Inte r national Classification. Maternal and perinatal risk factors of occurrence of R OP were analyzed. Results In the 639 infants who had been scre ened in the 6 ho spitals, ROP was detected in 69 (10.8%), in whom 23 infants (39 eyes) (3.6%) had type 1 ROP and underwent photocoagulation. The lower the birth weight and small er the gestational age was, the higher the incidence of ROP was. Logistic regres sion analysis indicated that low birth weight, apnea gt;20 seconds, anemia, hypoxic-ischemic encephalopathy and placenta abruption were the high risk factor of R O P.Conclusion In Beijing the incidence of ROP is 10.8% after i mplementation of the ROP guidelines. Low birth weight, apnea gt;20 seconds, anemia, hypoxicischem ic encephalopathy and placenta abruption were the high risk factor of ROP.
Objective To investigate the incidence of retinopathy of prematuri ty (ROP) in the area of Shanghai, and to provide the preliminary data for the ev aluation of present criteria for ROP screening. Methods Record s of 289 prematur e infants who had undergone ROP screening from the four NICU in Shanghai between February 2004 and January 2005 were analyzed. Screening criteria included prete rm infants or low birth weight (LBW) infants with BW of 2000g or less. The first examination starts at 4 to 6 weeks chronologic age or 32 weeks post conceptual age. Results In the 289 screened infants, 19 had developed acu te ROP. There we re 3 threshold ROP, 7 prethreshold ROP and 9 developed ROP less than prethreshol d. The incidence of ROP was 6.6%. According to the British recommended guideline s(BWle;1500 g or GAle;31 weeks), only 119 out of 289 needed screening and one ca se of stage 1 ROP was missed; the incidence of ROP was 15.1% (18/119). When lowered sc reening criteria to the American guidelines(BWle;1500g or GAle;28 weeks), t here were only 83 infants needed screening, and we missed 2 stage 1 and 1 prethreshold ROP and the incidence of ROP was 19.3% (16/83). Conclusions The i ncidence of ROP i s 6.6% according to our study. It is lower than other reports and it has somethi ng to do with our present screening guideline. Further epidemiological data are needed to modify the guideline accordingly.
Objective To learn the screening results of retinopathy o f prematur ity (ROP) of the preterm infants in three hospitals in Shenzhen. Metho ds From Jan. 2004 to Jan. 2007, 1372 preterm infants (2744 eyes) with birth weight lt;200 0 g or but the ones having severe systemic disease in Shenzhen People's Hospita l, Shenzhen Maternity and Child Healthcare Hospital and Shenzhen Eye Hospital we re screened for ROP with binocular indirect ophthalmoscope and (or) widefield digital pediatric retinal imaging system (RetCamII). Cryotherapy or laser photoco agulation was performed if threshold or pre-threshold type I ROP was found. All preterm infants were followed up until retina is completely vascularized or the disease regressed. Results In all the infants, 218 cases (436 eyes) (15.9%) developed ROP, including 190 eyes (6.9%) suffering from threshold or pre-threshold type 1 ROP, 16 eyes (0.6%) from stage 4 or stage 5, and 230 eyes (8.4%) from stages below threshold or pre-threshold type 1 ROP. There were 435 infants ( 870 eyes) (31.7%) with BW of 1500g or less, in which 236 eyes (27.1%) developed ROP, including 126 eyes (14.5%) suffering from threshold or pre-threshold type 1 ROP, 10 eyes (1.1%) from stage 4 or stage 5, and 100 eyes (11.5%) from stages below threshold or pre-threshold type 1 ROP. There were 137 infants 274 eyes (10%) with BW of 1250g or less, in which 108 eyes (39.4%) developed ROP, including 60 eyes (21.9%) suffering from th reshold or pre-threshold type 1 ROP, 4 eyes (1.4%) from stage 4 or stage 5, and 44 eyes (16%) from stages below threshold or pre-threshold type 1 ROP. Th eincidence of ROP(chi;2=60.43,Plt;0.001), the incidence of threshold or pre-threshold type 1 ROP(chi;2=46.82,Plt;0.001)and the incidence of below threshold or pre-threshold type 1 ROP (chi;2=10.71,P=0.005)among the total group, BWle;1500g group and BWle;1250g group had statistical differences. Conclusions The incidence of ROP in the three hospitals in Shenzhen was lower. However, the incidence of severe ROP (threshold or pre-threshold type 1 ROP) was higher. Birth weight is an important factor to affect ROP incidence.