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find Keyword "胸腺瘤" 40 results
  • 食管癌合并胸腺瘤伴重症肌无力一例

    Release date:2016-08-30 05:46 Export PDF Favorites Scan
  • Progress in Thymectomy for the Treatment of Non-thymomatous Myasthenia Gravis

    Thymectomy is a major surgical procedure for patients with non-thymomatous myasthenia gravis,and can enhance their symptomatic remission rate and cure rate. There is still much controversy about appropriate surgical approach and extent of resection of thymectomy. The majority of thoracic surgeons believe that the completeness of thymectomy is closely associated with clinical symptom improvement,and perform complete resection of encapsulated thymus and surroun-ding fat tissues via mid-sternotomy. But minimally invasive thymectomies are often more acceptable by patients. On the contrary,in view of common existence of ectopic thymus tissue,some thoracic surgeons advocate a combination of cervical incision and sternotomy in order to further completely remove all thymus tissue.

    Release date:2016-08-30 05:47 Export PDF Favorites Scan
  • 胸腺瘤组织学分型与重症肌无力、Masaoka病理分期的相关性研究

    目的 探讨胸腺瘤的组织学分型与重症肌无力(MG)、Masaoka病理分期的相关性。 方法 回顾分析1999年1月至2008年12月期间吉林大学第二临床医学院64例接受胸腺瘤切除患者的临床资料,其中男34例, 女30例;年龄15~74岁。按世界卫生组织(WHO)分型标准对胸腺瘤进行组织学分型,分析胸腺瘤组织学分型与MG、胸腺瘤的Masaoka病理分期,MG与Masaoka病理分期之间的关系。 结果 胸腺瘤组织分型:A型6例, AB型6例,B1型 12例,B2型18例,B3型10例,C型(胸腺癌)12例。胸腺瘤组织学各亚型与MG发生之间有相关性,差异有统计学意义(χ2=34560,Plt;0.05),伴有MG的组织学分型为B2型gt;B3型gt;B1型gt;AB型。Masaoka病理分期:Ⅰ期8例,Ⅱ期26例, Ⅲ期20例,Ⅳ期10例,胸腺瘤的组织学分型与Masaoka病理分期之间有一定的相关性(χ2=11650,Plt;0.05)。 结论 胸腺瘤的组织学分型与MG的发生关系密切,同时与Masaoka病理分期有相关性,对评价患者的预后有重要意义。

    Release date:2016-08-30 05:56 Export PDF Favorites Scan
  • Recent of Advances in the Classification of Thymoma

    The classification of thymoma has always been controversial topil in recent years. It hasn’t been unified because of the morphological diversity of thymoma, the heterogeneity of tumour cells and the lack of simple and effective observation index. With the development of diagnostic technique and oncobiology research, several classification methods have been drawn off, including its World Health Organization(WHO) lassification. We reviewed the main classification and discussed the problems of each classification method and their clinical guiding significamce, summarized the development tendency, methods assist the classification and clinical research of thymoma.

    Release date:2016-08-30 06:05 Export PDF Favorites Scan
  • 96例重症肌无力患者的外科治疗

    目的 总结重症肌无力(MG)患者的外科治疗和围术期处理经验,以提高手术疗效。 方法 2002年1月至2007年6月,对96例MG患者行胸腺切除加前纵隔脂肪组织清扫术,根据临床相对记分、服药量改变及生活能力于术后3个月评估临床疗效。 结果 无围术期死亡。术后发生MG危象8例(8.3% ),其中术前未服用糖皮质激素6例(18.75%),服用糖皮质激素2例(3.13%),经相应的治疗治愈。术后发生其他并发症9例(9.4%),其中肺部感染7例,切口感染2例,均经相应的治疗治愈。随访96例,随访时间3~18个月,其中32例临床痊愈,30例基本痊愈,15例显效,12例好转,7例无效。 结论 MG患者经内科治疗效果不佳或无效时,均应考虑手术治疗,无论是否有胸腺增生,特别是对合并有胸腺瘤者,应限期手术。若决定行手术治疗,术前除继续服用抗胆碱酯酶药物外,口服糖皮质激素15d左右可增加手术安全性,提高手术疗效。

    Release date:2016-08-30 06:04 Export PDF Favorites Scan
  • Expression and Clinical Significance of Phosphatase and Tensin Homologue Deleted on Chromosome Ten,Epidermal Growth Factor Receptor and Ki67 in Human Thymic Tumors

    Abstract: Objective To investigate the expression and correlation of phosphatase and tensin homologue deleted on chromosome ten(PTEN), epidermal growth factor receptor(EGFR) and Ki-67 in human thymic tumors, and their possible role in tumor genesis, infiltration and metastasis. Methods The expression of PTEN, EGFR and Ki-67 were detected by using SP immunohistochemical technique in 45 cases of thymic tumors and 5 cases of normal thymic tissues. Results In 5 cases of normal thymic tissues, the expression of PTEN was bly positive, whereas EGFR and Ki -67 were weakly positive or negative. In 45 cases of thymic tumors, the positive ratio of PTEN were significantly reduced from benign thymoma, invasive thymoma to thymic carcinoma (χ2=7.808, P=0.020), but the positive ratio of EGFR and Ki-67 were gradually increased(χ2=8.032, 0.018,7.006;P=0.030). The positive ratio of PTEN, EGFR and Ki-67 protein were significantly related to Levine classification, Masaoka staging and lymph node metastasis (Plt;0.05). PTEN positive cases were negatively correlated with EGFR and Ki-67(r=-0.632,-0.653;Plt;0.01), EGFR positive cases were positively correlated with Ki-67 in thymic tumors(r=0.807,Plt;0.01). Conclusions Reduced or absent PTEN and increased EGFR and Ki-67 expression might play an important role in the genesis, invasiveness and metastasis of thymic tumors. The expression of PTEN is bly associated with the expression of abnormal EGFR and Ki-67. Detection of the three protein expressions simultaneously might be more helpful in making an early diagnosis of the tumors jndgement of theirs malignant degree,invasiveness and metastasis capacity, as well as the prognosis.

    Release date:2016-08-30 06:08 Export PDF Favorites Scan
  • Clinical Characteristics of 185 Cases of Thymoma

    Abstract: Objective To investigate the clinical characteristics of thymoma and thymoma with myasthenia gravis(MG). Methods From Oct.1979 to July 2004,185 patients with thymoma were surgically treated. Among these patients, comparative analysis was made between 94 cases of thymoma (thymoma group) and 91 cases of thymus tumor with MG(thymoma with MG group).155 patients underwent radical operation (83.8%),16 patients underwent palliative operation (8.6%),and 14 patients underwent exploratory operation (7.6%). Clinical characteristics was analyzed in two groups. The factors affecting prognosis was analyzed by Masaoka’s stage system, with the lifttable method. Results Five patients died after operation, others had complete remission or symptomatic improvement. There was statistically difference of Masaoka’s stage system in two groups (χ2=53.14, P<0.05). There were no statistically difference in pathological type of thymoma and clinical type of MG and pathologic period (χ2=8.21, P>0.05). 57 cases of thymoma group were followed up, the duration of follow-up was 1 to 10 years, average follow-up was 40.7 months, and the patients with 1-, 3- and 5-year survival rates were 70.2% (40/57), 66.7% (22/33), 593% (16/27) respectively. 55 cases of thymoma with MG group were followed up. The patients’ survival rates were 98.2% (54/55), 86.4% (38/44), 81.6% (31/38) at 1-, 3-and 5-year respectively. There was no statistically difference of survival rates in two groups (χ2=0.83, P>0.05). Totally, 112 patients were followed up in two groups, by Masaoka’s stage system, the 5-year survival rates were 93.7% for stage Ⅰ, 79.2% for stageⅡ, 51.4% for stage Ⅲ and 0% for stage Ⅳ respectively. Result of asaoka’s stage system evidence was statistically significant (χ25-year=51.62, P<0.01). Conclusions Pathological type of thymoma isn’t related to modified Osserman’s classification, prognosis of thymoma is obviously related to Masaoka’s stage and isn’t related to MG. Generalized MG is the major type in MG patients accompanied by thymomas, and the major pathological type is lymphocytic. Chest CT can increase the accuracy early diagnosis of thymoma. The principal treatment is to resect the tumor as completely as possible, and proper administration of postoperative radiotherapy or chemotherapy according to the surgical status. Operative program and tumor stage are the most important prognostic factors.

    Release date:2016-08-30 06:15 Export PDF Favorites Scan
  • 胸腺类癌外科治疗的长期结果

    Objective To investigate and evaluate the clinical manifestation, classification, surgical management and postoperative adjuvant therapy of thymic carcinoid, so as to improve the knowledge of the disease. Methods From January 1980 to January 2006, the outcome of surgery and follow-up of 18 cases of thymic carcinoid surgically intervened were retrospectively analysed. In this series, there were 2? exploratory thoracotomy, 2 partial or incomplete resection and 14 complete resections, which included 2 superior vena cava removal and reconstruction. The survival probabilities were calculated by the life tables, and a multivariable analysis of prognosis factors for thymic carcinoid was carried out using Cox regression model. Results Two patients who underwent exploratory thoracotomy died within one year and two years postoperatively respectively, 2 with partial or incomplete resection obtained temporary symptomatic improvement, 1 of 14 performed complete resections associated with Cushing’s syndrome died of septicemia in two weeks postoperatively, and the other 13 cases were in good condition by follow-up of 5 months to 15 years. The survival rate of 3, 5 and 10 years were 72.6%, 60.5% and 40.3%, respectively. According to Cox regression analysis, the factors of influence upon prognosis included lymph node metastasis(P=0047), pathological type(P=0.000), mode of resection (P=0.000) and postoperative adjuvant treatment(P=0018). Conclusion The thymic carcinoid is different from thymoma or thymic carcinoma, and there exist some difficulty in differential diagnosis. It is divided into typical and atypical thymic carcinoid in pathology, There are obvious differences in clinical manifestation and prognosis between typical and atypical carcinoid. The atypical thymic carcinoid has higher malignancy, frequent recurrence or metastasis, and poor prognosis. Complete resection of tumor with the involved surroundings could improve the long-term survival. The adjuvant radiotheraphy and chemotheraphy postoperatively would be benefit to the patients.

    Release date:2016-08-30 06:16 Export PDF Favorites Scan
  • 胸腺瘤的外科治疗

    目的 总结胸腺瘤的外科治疗经验,以提高手术疗效。方法 102例胸腺瘤患者按Masaoka法分期:Ⅰ期28例,Ⅱ期43例,Ⅲ期26例,Ⅳ期5例。所有患者均采用胸部正中切口和胸前外侧切口进行手术。完整摘除胸腺瘤85例,姑息性切除肿瘤17例。结果 1例胸腺瘤合并冠心病心房颤动患者术后死于心力衰竭。随访101例,随访时间1个月~10年,以寿命表法统计生存率,其Ⅰ期、Ⅱ期非侵袭性胸腺瘤患者的1年、3年、5年和10年生存率分别为97%、90%、84%和57%,Ⅲ期、Ⅳ期侵袭性胸腺瘤的1年、3年、5年和10年生存率分别为87%、74%、71%和23%。结论胸腺瘤为低度恶性肿瘤,积极手术切除肿瘤。可缓解症状、延长生存时间;肿瘤的Masaoka分期与其预后有关。

    Release date:2016-08-30 06:18 Export PDF Favorites Scan
  • 胸腺瘤合并重症肌无力患者的手术及围术期处理

    目的 为提高胸腺瘤合并重症肌无力(MG)患者手术的安全性和治愈率,总结其临床经验。方法 1991年7月至2005年8月收治胸腺瘤合并MG23例,术前均给予肾上腺糖皮质激素和抗胆碱酯酶药物治疗,病情稳定后行胸腺扩大切除术,对发生MG危象患者予以气管切开或气管内插管,必要时使用呼吸机辅助呼吸。结果 全组无手术死亡,术后2例发生MG危象,经处理后痊愈。随访20例,失访3例,随访时间3个月~10年,缓解3例,明显改善11例,改善5例,无变化1例。其中1例胸腺瘤部分切除患者术后4个月死于肿瘤复发。结论 胸腺瘤合并MG患者除临床证实肿瘤无法切除或已胸外转移者外,其余均应手术治疗,完全切除胸腺瘤并清除前纵隔脂肪组织;正确的围术期处理是降低手术并发症及死亡率的关键。

    Release date:2016-08-30 06:23 Export PDF Favorites Scan
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