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find Keyword "解读" 167 results
  • Clinical Study of IQQA Liver Image Analysis System on Liver Transplantation Technology Specification

    Objective To study the anatomy and variations of hepatic veins draining into inferior vena cava (IVC), and to classify the surgical techniques of piggyback liver transplantation (PBLT) based on the view of hepatic veins anatomy with IQQA liver image analysis system so as to provide the important basis for the perioperative clinical decision making. Methods Two hundred and forty-eight cases of PBLT were preformed in the Zhongnan Hospital of Wuhan University and the 3rd Xiangya Hospital of Central South University from May 2000 to August 2007, the types of hepatic veins were summarized according to the anatomy of hepatic veins and short hepatic veins draining into IVC at the second and third hepatic hilars. Forty cases of PBLT were preformed in the Zhongnan Hospital of Wuhan University from March 2010 to April 2013, and the anatomy of hepatic veins was reviewed with IQQA liver image analysis system. The anatomy of hepatic veins and technological type of liver transplantation were recorded respectively. Results Of these 248 livers studied in our center, type Ⅰ(the left and middle hepatic vein joined as one trunk ) was found in 142 cases (57.25%), type Ⅱ (the right and middle hepatic vein joined as one trunk) was 54 cases (21.77%), type Ⅲ (three hepatic veins joined as one trunk) in 14 cases (5.64%), type Ⅳ (the left, middle, and right hepatic veins were all unique)in 34 cases (13.71%), and type Ⅴ (no hepatic veins but short hepatic veins) in 4 cases (1.61%). The data of 40 cases of PBLT from IQQA liver image analysis system showed that type Ⅰwere found in 24 cases (60.00%), type Ⅱin 9 cases(22.50%), type Ⅲ in 2 cases (5.00%), type Ⅳ in 4 cases (10.00%), and type Ⅴ in 1 case (2.50%), which were matched with hepatic vein classification standard of the author. Conclusions Studying the anatomy and variations of hepatic veins draining into IVC with IQQA liver image analysis system and classifying the surgical techniques of PBLT (type Ⅰ,Ⅱ,Ⅲ,andⅣA patients can be performed classical PBLT;Type ⅣB and Ⅴ patients can only be performed ameliorative PBLT) could provide an important basis for clinical preoperative decision.

    Release date:2016-09-08 10:35 Export PDF Favorites Scan
  • 2016年最新压疮指南解读


    Release date:2016-10-02 04:54 Export PDF Favorites Scan
  • Value of Computer Assisted Radiology and Surgery Solutions System in Surgical Planning for Precise Hepatectomy

    ObjectiveTo investigate the value of computer assisted radiology and surgery solutions system (IQQA-Liver) in surgical planning for precise hepatectomy. MethodsThe clinical data of 95 cases performed precise hepatec-tomy from January 1, 2012 to June 30, 2013 in our hospital were retrospectively analyzed, and the computer assisted radiology and surgery solutions system was used for three dimensional quantitative analysis, volume measurement and designing for liver resection in all the cases before operation. ResultsThe intuitive and clear three dimensional images of all the 95 cases were obtained by using the computer assisted radiology and surgery solutions system, which could show the precise anatomical relationship of the liver, tumor, and main hepatic vascular.The three dimensional images could be observed at any angle and rotated freely, and could show the involved and needed to be resected vascular away from the tumor margin for 2 mm, 5 mm, 10 mm, and 20 mm and the liver volume dominated by this vascular.Of all the 95 cases, the total liver volume was (1 776.4±998.5) cm3, the proposed removed liver volume was (1 026.2±811.5) cm3, the functional residual liver volume was (795.3±522.6) cm3.The ratio of functional residual liver volume to the standard total liver volume was (58.2±25.1)%, which the ratio of patients without cirrhosis was > 30% and with cirrhosis was > 40%.All the 95 cases were implemented precise operation.The operation plan was designed based on a combination of factors such as the amount of functional residual liver volume and function.The surgery programs were changed for 13 cases, in which 9 cases were narrowed the scope of resection and 4 cases were expanded the scope of resection.No patients died perioperation. ConclusionBy using the computer assisted radiology and surgery solutions system (IQQA-Liver), we could precisely locate liver tumor, calculate the functional residual liver volume, identify the relationship between tumor and adjacent vascular, and ultimately help to design the optimal surgical plan.

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  • Result Interpretation of Network Meta-analysis

    Comparison among multiple interventions has been realized due to the development of network meta-analysis and so far many studies have reported its implementation process. However, its results are rarely interpreted in domestic studies at present. This article interprets the results of trace plots, density plots, Brooks-Gelman-Rubin diagnosis plots, rankogram, surface under the cumulative ranking, and network plots, to provide references and assistance for further research regarding network meta-analysis.

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  • Interpretation of ROBIS Tool in Evaluating the Risk of Bias of a Selected Systematic Review

    ObjectiveTo interpret ROBIS, a new tool to evaluate the risk of bias in systematic reviews, to promote the comprehension of it and its proper application. MethodsWe explained each item of ROBIS tool, used it to evaluate the risk of bias of a selected intervention review whose title was Cyclophosphamide for Primary Nephrotic Syndrome of Children: A Systematic Review, and judged the risk of bias in the review. ResultsThe selected systematic review as a whole was rated as “high risk of bias”, because there existed high risk of bias in domain 2 to 4, namely identification and selection of studies, data collection and study appraisal, synthesis and findings. The risk of bias in domain 1 (study eligibility criteria) was low. The relevance of identified studies and the review’s research question was appropriately considered and the reviewers avoided emphasizing results on the basis of their statistical significance. ConclusionROBIS is a new tool worthy of being recommended to evaluate risk of bias in systematic reviews. Reviewers should use ROBIS items as standards to conduct and produce high quality systematic reviews.

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  • Examples Interpretation of WHO Guidelines

    In order to help Chinese guideline developers, clinicians, health policy makers and other relevant researchers fully understand and make appropriate use of World Health Organization (WHO) guidelines, Chinese GRADE Center and Guidelines Review Committee of World Health Organization (WHO-GRC) have written a series of papers about development methods, review principles and the structure and content of WHO guidelines. This is the third (also last) paper which interpreted Consolidated Guidelines on the Use of Antiretroviral Drugs for Treating and Preventing HIV Infection and Guidelines for the Screening, Care and Treatment of Persons with Hepatitis C Infection as examples with the process and steps of WHO guideline development.

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  • 2017 STS 外科治疗心房颤动临床实践指南中文版及解读

    在不额外增加手术死亡率风险和主要并发症发生率情况下,对于二尖瓣手术同期行外科消融心房颤动(房颤)推荐二尖瓣手术同期行外科消融房颤(Ⅰ级推荐,A 级证据)。  在不额外增加手术死亡率风险和主要并发症发生率情况下,对于孤立性主动脉瓣置换手术、孤立性冠状动脉旁路移植术或主动脉瓣手术合并冠状动脉旁路移植术同期行外科消融房颤,推荐上述手术同期行外科消融房颤(Ⅰ级推荐,B 级非随机证据)。  对于有症状房颤但无结构性心脏病同时不能耐受Ⅰ/Ⅲ抗心律失常药物或(和)导管消融,行孤立的外科消融房颤是合理的(ⅡA级推荐,B 级随机证据)。  对于有症状、永久或长程房颤但无结构性心脏病,行孤立迷宫Ⅲ/Ⅳ手术相比肺静脉隔离外科消融房颤是合理的(ⅡA 级推荐,B 级非随机证据)。  对于左房扩大大于 45 mm 或中度以上的二尖瓣反流,不建议行孤立性肺静脉隔离的外科消融房颤(Ⅲ级推荐无受益,C 级专家共识)。  外科消融房颤同期行左心耳切除或隔离预防长期血栓栓塞并发症是合理的(ⅡA 级推荐,C 级有限证据)。  房颤患者行心脏手术同期外科处理左心耳预防长期血栓栓塞并发症是合理的(ⅡA 级推荐,C 级专家共识)。  处理房颤时,多学科心脏团队评估、制定治疗计划和长期随访对于优化手术治疗结果是有用和有益的(Ⅰ级推荐,C 级专家共识)。

    Release date:2017-04-01 08:56 Export PDF Favorites Scan
  • Interpretation of executive summary of the Ⅱ Brazilian guidelines for atrial fibrillation

    Release date:2017-04-24 03:51 Export PDF Favorites Scan
  • Interpretation of reporting guideline for dose-response meta-analysis——G-Dose Checklist

    Dose-response meta-analysis (DRMA) is one of the branches of meta-analysis, which has provided important evidence for clinical research. Since introducing into China, it has gained great attention. In order to improve the reporting quality of DRMA, Dr. Chang Xu et al. developed the reporting guideline for DAMA——G-Dose Checklist. It was published in Chinese Jouranl of Evidence-based Medicine in 2016. This paper interprets the checklists so as to promote the understanding and use of it.

    Release date:2017-06-16 02:25 Export PDF Favorites Scan
  • The interpretation of KDIGO 2017 clinical practice guideline update for the diagnosis, evaluation, prevention and treatment of chronic kidney disease-mineral and bone disorder (CKD-MBD)

    Release date:2017-08-17 10:28 Export PDF Favorites Scan
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