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find Keyword "额叶癫痫" 7 results
  • 眶额区癫痫--有待深入研究的癫痫类型

    眶额区位于双侧额叶下方前颅凹中, 嗅束将直回与其他脑回分开。眶额区本身在各脑回间, 以及与额叶凸面及内侧面, 颞叶有广泛的联系。眶额区起源的癫痫少见。发作开始均先出现动作停止、无反应及茫然, 而后根据扩布的不同出现:嗅觉异常、过度运动、头眼偏向同侧或对侧、重复动作等运动症状、自主神经症状, 还可以有难以确定的感觉异常、发笑、似曾相识、视幻觉、自动症。根据临床症状可以分为额叶型、颞叶型及额颞叶型。头皮脑电图很难提供有定位价值的异常, 常为额颞叶甚至双侧额颞叶异常。深部电极尤其是立体脑电图有定侧定位价值。眶额区癫痫几乎均为药物难治性癫痫, 应以外科治疗为主。

    Release date:2017-01-22 09:09 Export PDF Favorites Scan
  • 常染色体显性遗传夜间额叶癫痫的基因学研究现状

    常染色体显性遗传夜间额叶癫痫(Autosomal dominant nocturnal frontal lobe epilepsy,ADNFLE)首先由 Lugaresi 等描述,是第一个发现致病基因的癫痫综合征。迄今为止,已鉴定出的可能致病基因有CHRNA4、CHRNB2、CHRNA2、KCNT1、DEPDC5、CRH、CABP4,外显率 70%~80%,但已发现的基因仅能解释部分患者的病因,不同种族仍具有较大的遗传异质性。文章回顾了 ADNFLE 近几年的流行病学、临床体征、致病基因研究及基因测序技术等,为已发现的致病基因提供解释,并为未来寻找新的基因提供方向。

    Release date:2019-03-21 11:04 Export PDF Favorites Scan
  • EEG analysis of subclinical seizures in frontotemporal lobe epilepsy

    Objective To analyze the EEG characteristics and clinical significance of subclinical epilepsy from frontotemporal lobe.Methods A collection of patients with epilepsy who had subclinical seizures monitored by 24-hour video EEG from January 2020 to January 2021 in the Neurology Department of General Hospital of Tianjin Medical University General Hospital, and analyzed the duration of seizures and the number of seizures on the EEG.The characteristics and clinical significance of onset time (sleep period/waking period), interictal discharge, and number of leads involved in seizures.Results A total of 18 patients were enrolled, and 280 clinical seizures (11/18) and 34 clinical seizures (9/18) were captured. Among them, 2 patients had both subclinical seizures and clinical seizures. Frontal lobe origin, 235 subclinical seizures and 15 clinical seizures; temporal lobe origin, 26 subclinical seizures and 19 clinical seizures; frontotemporal lobe origin, subclinical seizures 19 times, no clinical seizures were captured. In the subclinical seizure group (11/18), there were 163 sleep episodes (58.2%) and 117 (41.8%) during waking phase; in the clinical seizure group (9/18), 16 episodes during sleep (47.1%) , 18 seizures (52.9%) in the awake period. Among the leads involved in seizures, <6 leads, 270 subclinical seizures, and no clinical seizures; ≥6 leads, subclinical seizures 10 times, and 34 clinical seizures. In the total duration of seizures: the clinical seizure group was (27.43±17.73) s, with a median value of 30s; the subclinical seizure group was (20.10±15.68) s, with a median value of 13 s. In the analysis of Spearman related factors, the subclinical seizure group was positively correlated with the sleep period (P=0.000), and negatively correlated with the normal nuclear magnetic field (P=0.004).Conclusion The epilepsy originated from the frontotemporal lobe has the characteristics of short clinical seizures, fewer leads involved, more likely to occur during sleep, and subclinical seizures that are more likely to occur when the MRI is abnormal. Therefore, strengthening the monitoring of long-term video EEG for patients with epilepsy and attaching importance to the interpretation of EEG during sleep will help to detect the subclinical seizures of patients and further improve the management of patients with epilepsy.

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  • Analysis of the curative effect and predictive factors of frontal lobe epilepsy after surgery

    ObjectiveTo explore the long-term seizure outcome and prognostic factors of patients with frontal lobe epilepsy after surgery, so as to guide the evaluation of treatment and provide clinical reference.Methods This study retrospectively analyzed the clinical data of patients with frontal lobe epilepsy undergoing surgical treatment by multimodal epilepsy surgical evaluation system in the functional neurosurgery of the Second Hospital of Lanzhou University from January 2016 to February 2020, there were 17 males and 13 females, the age of onset of epileptic seizures was (16.30±10.65) years, the age at the time of surgical treatment was (23.98±11.04) years, and the duration of seizures was (7.68±6.37) years. The multimodal epilepsy surgical evaluation system includes phase I non-invasive evaluation and phase II invasive evaluation. The collected research variables were analyzed by descriptive statistics and multivariate logistic regression analysis to evaluate the importance of each research variable to the prognosis of epilepsy surgery, and to determine the potential prognostic factors, so as to explore the epilepsy control situation of patients with frontal lobe epilepsy after surgery and the influence of each variable that may affect the prognosis of epilepsy on the prognosis.ResultsThe analysis of the clinical data of 30 patients with frontal lobe epilepsy showed that the good prognosis rate after FLE surgery (Engel I) was 70%, and the average follow-up was (29.9±14.1) months. The results of multivariate logistic regression analysis showed that the duration of epilepsy, the frequency of seizures, the presence or absence of stereotactic EEG (SEEG) monitoring, whether the lesion was completely removed, and whether acute postoperative seizures occurred were independent predictors of prognosis (P<0.05).ConclusionThis study found that the long duration of epilepsy, frequent seizures, and postoperative acute seizures are significantly related to poor prognosis. The application of SEEG and complete resection of epileptic lesions can significantly improve the prognosis of FLE surgery.

    Release date:2021-06-24 01:24 Export PDF Favorites Scan
  • Clinical and electrophysiological characteristics of epileptic seizures arising from diagonal sulci

    Objective To research clinical manifestations, electrophysiological characteristics of epileptic seizures arising from diagonal sulci (DS), to improve the level of the diagnosis and treatment of frontal epilepsy. MethodsWe reviewed all the patients underwent a detailed presurgical evaluation, including 5 patients with seizures to be proved originating from diagonal sulci by Stereo-electroencephalography (SEEG). All the 5 patients with detailed medical history, head Magnetic resonance (MRI), the Positron emission computered tomography (PET-CT) and psychological evaluation, habitual seizures were recorded by Video-electroencephalography (VEEG) and SEEG, we review the intermittent VEEG and ictal VEEG, analyzing the symptoms of seizures. Results 5 patients were divided into 2 groups by SEEG, group 1 including 3 patients with seizures arising from the bottom of DS, group 2 including 2 patients with seizures arising from the surface of DS, all the tow groups with seizures characterized by both having tonic and complex motors, tonic seizures were prominent in seizures from left DS, and tonic seizures may absent in seizures from right DS. Intermittent discharges with group1 were diffused, and intermittent discharges with group 2 were focal, but both brain areas of frontal and temporal were infected. Ictal EEG findings were consistent with the characteristics of neocortical seizures, the onset EEG shows voltage attenuation, seizures from bottom of DS with diffused EEG onset, and seizures from surface of DS with more focal EEG onset, but both frontal and anterior temporal regions were involved. Conclusionthe symptom of seizures arising from DS characterized by tonic and complex motor, can be divided into seizures arising from the bottom of DS and seizures from the surface of DS, with different electrophysiological characters.

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  • 2023美国癫痫学会年会荟萃报道(一)

    美国癫痫学会(American Epilepsy Society,AES)年会是每年一度国际癫痫学界及工业界最受关注的会议。本年度的AES年会自2023年12月1日在奥兰多召开,为期5天,讨论了目前最受关注的癫痫学术领域及重点突破。本系列文章将分为五期,分别对大会每日的精彩内容进行荟萃报道:本文对大会第一日学术议程的内容进行了整理汇总,重点内容包括癫痫及癫痫持续状态药物治疗进展,癫痫认知相关共病,额叶癫痫,癫痫靶向治疗等。

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  • Clinical features and outcomes of resective surgery in children with frontal lobe epilepsy: The experience of children’s epilepsy center

    Objective To investigate clinical features and surgical outcome in children with frontal lobe epilepsy by evaluating the correlation between the predictive factors and seizure freedom. Methods 18 children who underwent frontal lobe epileptogenic resection in the Epilepsy Center of the Children's Hospital of Fudan University between January 2017 and December 2019 with a minimum follow up of 2 year were analyzed retrospectively. Each patient was evaluated with detailed data to predict postsurgical seizure freedom by analysis of variance. Results Of the 18 patients, there were 11 males and 7 females, the age at surgery ranged from 21 months to 11 years old (6.8±2.73) and the duration of seizures was from 1 month to 9 years. 17 patients had focal seizures, while 1 had generalized epileptic spasm. In scalp EEG, interictal and initial ictal discharges were frontal in 11 and 9 cases, respectively. MRI was indicative of FCD in 10 cases, tumor in 2, tuberous sclerosis and gliosis lesion in 1 case each. 4 patients were MRI negative. 11 patients underwent epileptogenic lesion resections directly and 7 cases received depth electrodes implantation and underwent stereo-electroencephalography to localize epileptogenic zone. At follow-up of 2 years, 14 (77.8%) patients remained seizure-free (Engel Ⅰ), 1 (5.6%) had marked seizure reduction (Engel Ⅱ), 2 (11.0%) showed minor improvement (Engel Ⅲ), and only 1 (5.6%) showed no response (Engel Ⅳ). About predictors of seizure recurrence, there were no significant differences in gender, age at surgery, age of seizure onset, duration of epilepsy, lateralization of epileptogenic zone, positive MRI findings, interictal and ictal discharge, etiology, intellectual development and stereo-electroencephalography implantation, while significantly higher rates of seizure freedom correlated with complete the resection of the epileptogenic zone. Conclusions Focal cortical dysplasia is the most common cause in childhood with frontal lobe epilepsy and complete resection of the epileptogenic zone can lead to good seizure control outcome.

    Release date:2022-09-06 03:50 Export PDF Favorites Scan
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