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find Keyword "N-甲基-D-天冬氨酸受体" 4 results
  • Role of NMDA Receptor in Central Nervous System Injury of Obstructive Jaundice

    ObjectiveTo evaluate the role of N-methyl-D-aspartate (NMDA) receptor in central nervous system (CNS) injury of obstructive jaundice. MethodThe related literatures about NMDA receptor and the CNS injury caused by hyperbilirubinemia were retrieved and reviewed. ResultsThe CNS injury of obstructive jaundice was related to overactivation of NMDA receptor, which finally resulted in degeneration and necrosis of nerve cells. The NMDA receptor antagonist MK-801 could relieve the CNS injury of obstructive jaundice. ConclusionsNMDA receptor plays an important role in the CNS injury caused by hyperbilirubinemia, and the blocker of NMDA receptor has protective effects in this process. However, there is no report of MK-801 in clinical application when hyperbilirubinemia happened.

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  • 儿童癫痫中的神经元抗体:临床特征和未经免疫治疗的历史队列远期预后

    神经元细胞表面抗体在自身免疫性脑炎的发病中起着明确的作用;早期诊断和治疗的患者预后更好。在不伴脑炎的儿童癫痫中也见神经元抗体阳性的报道。文章旨在评估神经元抗体对儿童癫痫患者远期预后是否有影响。该前瞻性研究患者来自荷兰儿童癫痫研究(Dutch Study of Epilepsy, DSEC)的4个中心,于1988年-1992年期间招募患者(n=178),均未接受免疫治疗。以健康且年龄匹配的骨髓捐赠者作为正常对照(n=112)。所有受试者均使用标准方法,检测血清N-甲基-D-天冬氨酸受体(N-methyl-D-aspartate, NMDAR)、α氨基-3-羟基-5-甲基-4-异恶唑丙酸受体、富含亮氨酸胶质瘤失活1蛋白,接触蛋白相关蛋白2(Contactin associated protein like 2, CASPR2)、contactin-2、谷氨酸脱羧酶和电压门控钾通道(Voltage gated potassium channel, VGKC)-复合物抗体。均未使用脑脊液(Cerebrospinal fluid, CSF)样本检测。并将抗体检测结果与随访15年以上的临床资料进行相关性分析。17例患者(9.5%)神经元抗体检测为阳性,分别为VGKC复合物(n=3),NMDAR(n=7),CASPR2(n=4) 和contactin-2(n=3),同时有3名(3/112,2.6%)健康对照者神经元抗体检测为阳性,VGKC复合物(n=1),NMDAR (n=2)(P=0.03)。虽然抗体滴度相对较低(细胞表面抗体≤ 1:100),但17例阳性样本中有8例(47%)可与活性海马神经元表面结合,提示具有潜在的致病性。在抗体阳性患者中更多见预先存在的认知障碍(9/17vs.33/161, P=0.01)。14例抗体阳性患者接受了规范的抗癫痫药物(AEDs)治疗。其中3例(17%)为耐药性癫痫,但与161例抗体阴性的患者中16例为耐药性癫痫(16人,10%)相比,不存在统计学差异。在6和/或12个月有随访样本的96例患者中,7例之前抗体阳性患者中6例抗体转阴,相反,另有7例患者在随访时第一次出现了抗体阳性。在9.5%的儿童新发癫痫患者中发现低水平的神经元抗体阳性,虽然抗体不一定会持续存在,但在随访中可见神经元抗体由阴性转为阳性,这表明抗体可能是由于神经元的损伤或炎症的继发反应所产生的。此外,由于抗体阳性的儿童癫痫患者对规范AEDs的反应和远期预后与抗体阴性患者没有差异,提示在儿童癫痫中常规进行神经元抗体检测意义不大。抗体阳性组中预先存在的认知障碍的发生率较高,17例患者中7例患者CASPR2和contactin-2抗体阳性,以及17例血清样品中8例与活性海马神经元的结合表明,即使是继发反应,神经元抗体也可能参与到儿童癫痫的共病发生中。

    Release date:2017-07-26 04:06 Export PDF Favorites Scan
  • Diagnosis status and epidemiological characteristics of Anti-N-methyl-D-aspartate receptor encephalitis in Sichuan province

    ObjectiveTo analyze the diagnosis status and epidemiological characteristics of anti-N-methyl-D-aspartate receptor encephalitis (anti-NMDAR encephalitis) in the Sichuan province of China. MethodsIn the retrospective survey study, data of cases suspected as autoimmune encephalitis in Sichuan province from January 2012 to February 2017 were collected from the third-party test center.The diagnosis status and epidemiological characteristics of anti-NMDAR encephalitis were analyzed. Results① A total of 1 714 cases had been suspected as autoimmune encephalitis with anti NMDA receptor antibodies tested.In hospitals of capital city, cerebrospinal fluid or serum of 1 511 cases were tested since 2012.In other cities, 203 cases were tested since 2014.Hospitals with anti NMDA receptor antibodies tested increased by year.The cases distributed in the department of neurology, psychology, pychiatric, ICU, pediatrics, geriatrics, otolaryngology, infection, the mergency department and pneumology.② Cases with anti NMDA receptor antibodies tested increased by year.A total of 155 cases were confirmed as anti-NMDAR encephalitis, with the average onset age of (27.9±12.0) years ranged from 9 years to 77 years, including 89 women and 66 male.The female average age were (26.5±11.31) years, while the male were(29.0±13.0) years.③ Among the 155 confirmed cases, 127 cases with detailed clinical data were analyzed further.Seizure and behavior disorder were the main symptoms at onset.Among the 127 cases, 107 cases were misdiagnosed at their first hospital visit, with the misdiagnose rate of 84.3%.18 cases were reported with tumors (17 female), mainly with teratoma(11/17). ConclusionIn Sichuan province, the doctors of hospitals in non-capital city should strengthen the identification of autoimmune encephalitis.Anti-NMDAR encephalitis could be misdiagnosed easily and non-neurological physicians should also take attention;

    Release date:2017-09-26 05:09 Export PDF Favorites Scan
  • Simulation exploration of novel natural antagonists targeting the N-methyl-D-aspartate receptor

    ObjectiveTo screen and identify an ideal lead compound with potential inhibitory effects on N-methyl-D-aspartate receptor (NMDAR) from the ZINC15 drug database, promoting drug design and development to improve epilepsy treatment. Methods Potential NMDAR inhibitors were identified through a series of computer-aided structural and chemical virtual screening techniques (Discovery Studio). Structure-based virtual screening was used to predict and further filter candidate compounds based on physicochemical, pharmacological, and toxicological properties. The binding affinity and chemical bond distribution between selected compounds and NMDAR were then analyzed, and the stability of the ligand-NMDAR complex in a natural environment was evaluated. Results The study identified one novel natural compound from the ZINC15 database, with ZINC000096085903 showing low rodent carcinogenicity, no Ames mutagenicity, no developmental toxicity, and ideal physicochemical properties. This compound demonstrated high binding affinity and favorable interaction energy, with the ZINC000096085903-NMDAR complex exhibiting more favorable potential energy than the complex formed by NMDAR and the reference ligand ketamine. Furthermore, molecular dynamics simulation indicated that this complex remains stable in vivo and can inhibit NMDAR similarly to ketamine. Conclusion ZINC000096085903 is an ideal lead compound for NMDAR inhibition. With higher binding affinity and stability when bound to NMDAR, as well as slower metabolism, ZINC000096085903 showed significant potential for long-term epilepsy treatment.

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