The great progress achieved in eye health in the recent forty years laid the foundation for further promoting the eye health in China. China is a developing country and is facing some challenges in eye health, including: with the huge population and aging, the number of age-related eye disease is increasing; China is still a country with the most blindness and moderated and severe visual impairment; the resource of the ophthalmic service is insufficient and maldistributed. The " Thirteenth Five-Year Plan” period is a key period and an opportunity period for the eye health. The central government pays more attention to the national health, including eye health, and proposes the goal of building a healthy China. That is a great opportunity for further promoting eye health. We should get to the points in promoting the eye health: people aged fifty or above are the priority population, rural and poverty areas and the mid and west regions are the priority areas, and cataract and uncorrected refractive error are the priority eye diseases.
Critical flicker fusion frequency (CFF) is a dynamic visual function test that measures the minimum frequency at which a flicker source is perceived by the visual system as continuous light. The measurement method is convenient, the inspection time is short, and it can be effectively evaluated in the case of refractive interstitial opacity. Although CFF has many advantages, its application in the field of ophthalmology has not received sufficient attention. The pathway of CFF involves the pathway from the retina to the lateral geniculate body to the primary visual cortex, where the macrocellular pathway is sensitive to temporal resolution and responsible for transmitting rapidly changing information. Its measurements typically use red, green, or yellow light as a flashing light source to detect the functional integrity of the macular region. As a subjective test, the results of CFF can be affected by a variety of factors, such as drug use, fatigue, and luminous intensity. In order to improve the repeatability of the measurement, it is necessary to follow standardized measurement steps. CFF has important application value in the diagnosis of optic nerve diseases. It can assist in diagnosing the presence of optic neuropathy, evaluating the conduction function of the optic nerve, and monitoring the progression of the disease and the effect of treatment. As a convenient and efficient visual function evaluation tool, CFF has great potential in the diagnosis of optic nerve diseases and visual function monitoring. In view of its application prospects in the field of ophthalmology, this study calls for more attention and support from ophthalmologists, and carry out related basic and clinical research to further explore the application value of CFF in different disease conditions.
Hydroxychloroquine is widely used in the treatment of autoimmune diseases and skin diseases, mainly for the treatment of diseases such as systemic lupus erythematosus, rheumatoid arthritis and other diseases. Hydroxychloroquine has many benefits to patients, but long-term use of the drug may lead to retinal chronic toxicity changes, seriously affect the patient’s vision and quality of their lives. However, there are few studies on retinal toxicity of hydroxychloroquine in the world, easy to miss diagnosis and misdiagnosis clinically. ophthalmologists should increase the knowledge with the etiology and pathology of hydroxychloroquine retinal toxicity, through relevant auxiliary check early detection of the drug to the retina and timely suggest patients to stop. This can effectively reduce the risk of vision loss caused by retinal toxicity, and reduce the adverse effects of hydroxychloroquine on the retina while patients get a good treatment effect.