The hospital information structure, which is made up of various medical business systems, is suffering from the problems of the "information isolated island". Medical business systems in the hospital are mutually isomerous and difficult to become a whole. How to realize the internal barrier-free interaction of the patients effective medical information in the hospital and further to complete the area sharing of patients longitudinal diagnosis and treatment information has become a question having to be solved urgently in the process of healthcare informatization. Based on the HL7 standard, this paper refers to the IHE technical framework, expounds the overall structure of the interaction in the hospital internal and area sharing of medical information with the medical information exchange platform. The paper also gives the details of the whole process of the complete display of the discrete patient health information using Portal technology, which is saved in the business systems in different hospitals. It interacts internally through the information exchange platform and at last stores the information in the regional cinical data repository (CDR).
Citation: DONGFangjie, PULixin, QUJianming, HUJianping. The Structure and Technical Research of Medical Information Interaction And Sharing Among Regions. Journal of Biomedical Engineering, 2014, 31(4): 788-792. doi: 10.7507/1001-5515.20140147 Copy
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