Citation: 王艳丽, 孔庆霞. 线粒体脑肌病与癫痫发病机制的关系. Journal of Epilepsy, 2015, 1(3): 246-250. doi: 10.7507/2096-0247.20150042 Copy
Copyright © the editorial department of Journal of Epilepsy of West China Medical Publisher. All rights reserved
1. | Dimauro S, Moraes CT. Mitochondrial encephalomyopathies.Arch Neurol, 1993, 50(11):1197-1208. |
2. | Dimauro S, Tay S, Mancuso M, et al. Mitochondrial encephalomyopathies:diagnostic approach. Ann Acad Sci, 2004, 10(11):217-231. |
3. | 王维治, 陈生弟, 崔丽英, 等.神经病学.第2版.北京:人民卫生出版社, 2013:1339-1350. |
4. | Bertini ED, Amico A. Mitochondrial encephalomyopathies and relatedsyndromes:brief review. Endocr Dev, 2009, 14(20):38-52. |
5. | Kara B, Arıkan M, Maras H, et al. Whole mitochondrial genome analysis of a family with NARP/MILS caused by m.8993T>C mutation in the MT-ATP6 gene. Mol Genet Metab, 2012, 107(3):389-393. |
6. | Mezghani N, Mkaouar-Rebai E, Mnif M, et al. The heteroplasmic m.14709T>C mutation in the tRNA (Glu) gene in two Tunisian families with mitochondrial diabetes. J Diabetes Complications, 2010, 24(4):270-277. |
7. | Yamamoto H, Tang HW. Preventive effect of melatonin against cyanide-induced seizures and lipid peroxidation in mice. Neurosci Lett, 1996, 207(2):89-92. |
8. | Urbanska EM, Blaszczak P, Saran T, et al. Mitochondrial toxin 3-nitropropionic acid evokes seizures in mice. Eur J Pharmacol, 1998, 359(1):55-58. |
9. | Ylikallio E, Suomalainen A. Mechanisms of mitochondrial diseases. Ann Med, 2012, 44(1):41-59. |
10. | DiMauro S. Mitochondrial disease. Biochim Biophys Acta, 2004, 16(58):80-88. |
11. | Spinazzola A, Zeviani M. Disorder of nuclear-mitochondrialinter genomic communication. Biosci Rep, 2007, 27(14):39-51. |
12. | Mende S, Storch A, Reichmann H, et al. Gene expression profinling of classic mitochondrial disorders, its value in finding therapeutic strategies. Nervenarzt, 2007, 78(10):1155-1159. |
13. | Chinnery PF, Howell N, Lightowlers RN, et al.MELAS and MERRF:the relationship between maternal mutation load and the frequency ofclinically affected offspring.Brain, 1998, 121(Pt 10):1889-1894. |
14. | Lax NZ, Pienaar IS, Reeve AK, et al. Microangiopathy in thecerebellum of patients with mitochondrial DNA disease. Brain, 2012, 135(pt 6):1736-1750. |
15. | Garone C, Tadesse S, Hirano M, et al. Clinical and genetic spectrum of mitochondrial neurogastrointestinal encephalomyopathy. Brain, 2011, 134(pt11):3326-3332. |
16. | 姚生, 戚晓昆. MELAS综合征.中国神经免疫学和神经病学杂志, 2010, 17(3):228-231. |
17. | Schapira AH. Mitochondrial diseases. Lancet, 2012, 379(9828):1825-1834. |
18. | Finsterer J. Genetic pathogenetic and phenotypic implications of the mitochondrial A3243G tRNAleu (UUR) mutation. Acta Neurol Scand, 2007, 116(1):1-14. |
19. | Goodfellow JA, Dani K, Stewart W, et al. Mitochondrialmyopathy, encephalopathy, lactic acidosis and stroke-like episodes:an important cause of stroke in young people. Postgrad Med J, 2012, 88(1040):326-334. |
20. | Abbott JA, Francklyn CS, Robey-Bond SM, et al. Transfer RNA and human disease. Front Genet, 2014, 3(5):158. |
21. | Khurana DS, Valencia DM, Goldenthal MJ, et al. Mitochondrial dysfunction in epilepsy. Semin Pediatr Neurol, 2013, 20(3):176-187. |
22. | Martinc B, Grabnar I, Vovk T, et al. The role of reactive species in epileptogenesis and influence of anti drug therapy on oxdative stress. Curr Neuropharmacol, 2012, 10(8):328-343. |
23. | Folbergrová J, Kunz WS. Mitochondrial dysfunction in epilepsy. Mitochondrion, 2012, 12(1):35-40. |
24. | Kunz WS, Kudin AP, Vielhaber S, et al. Mitochondrial complex I deficiency in the epileptic focus of patients with temporal lobe epilepsy. Ann Neurol, 2000, 48(5):766-773. |
25. | Rowley S, Patel M. Mitochondrial involvement and oxidative stress in temporal lobe epilepsy. Free Radic Biol Med, 2013, 62(33):121-131. |
26. | Kovac S, Domijan AM, Walker MC, et al. Prolonged seizure activity impairs mitochondrial bioenergetics and induces cell death. J Cell Sci, 2011, 125(Pt7):1796-1806. |
27. | Venditti P, Di Stefano L, Di Meo S, et al. Mitochondrial metabolism and oxygen species. Mitochondrion, 2013, 13(2):71-82. |
28. | Yamamoto H, Tang HW. Preventive effect of melatonin against cyanide-induced seizures and lipid peroxidation in mice. Neurosci Lett, 1996, 207(2):89-92. |
29. | Kang HC, Lee YM, Kim HD, et al. Mitochondrial disease and epilepsy. Brain Dev, 2013, 35(8):757-761. |
30. | Folbergrová J, Kunz WS. Mitochondrial dysfunction in epilepsy. Mitochondrion, 2012, 12(1):35-40. |
31. | Hsu Lisa, T Emrick, Patel M, et al. Mitochondrial involvement and oxidative stress in temporal lobe epilepsy. Biol Med, 2014, 12(3):120-126. |
32. | Liang LP, Waldbaum S, Rowley S, et al. Mitochondrial oxidative stress in SOD2 deficient mice:attenuationbya lipophilic metal loporphyrin. Neurobiol Dis, 2012, 45(3):1068-1076. |
33. | Gao J, Chi ZF, Liu XW, et al. Mitochondrial dysfunction and ultra structural damage in the hippocampus of pilocarpine-induced epileptic rat. Neurosci Lett, 2007, 41(1):152-157. |
34. | Folbergrová J, Ješina P, N Au.G sková H, et al. Antioxidant enzymes in cerebral cortex of immature rats followingexperimentally-induced seizures:upregulation of mitochondrial MnSOD (SOD2). Int J Dev Neurosci, 2013, 31(10):123-130. |
35. | Mueller SG, Trabesinger AH, Boesiger P, et al. Brain glutathione elevelsin patients with epilepsy measured by in vivo H-MRS. Neurology, 2001, 57(26):1422-1427. |
36. | Vielhaber S, Niessen HG, Debska-Vielhaber G, et al. Subfield-specific loss of hippocampal N-acetylaspartate in temporal lobe epilepsy. Epilepsia, 2008, 49(23):40-50. |
37. | Hämäläinen RH, Manninen T, Koivumäki H, et al. Tissue-and cell-typy specific manifestations of hetero plasmic mtDNA 3243A>G mutation in human induced pluripotent stem cell-derived disease model. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA, 2013, 110(38):E3622-3630. |
38. | Ayman W, Hattab E, Jean W, et al. Restoration of impaired nitric oxide production in MELAS syndrome with citrulline and argin in supplementation. Mol Genet Metab, 2012, 105(4):607-614. |
39. | 刘健康, 王学敏, 龙建纲, 等.线粒体医学与健康.北京:科学出版社, 2012:260-285. |
40. | Chen CY, Chen HF, Gi SJ, et al. Decreased heat shock protein 27 expression and altered autophagy in human cells harboring A8344G mitochondrial DNA mutation. Mitochondrion, 2011, 11(5):739-749. |
41. | Pineda M, Ormazabal A, Lopez-Gallardo E, et al. Cerebral folate deficiency and leukoence phalopathy caused by a mitochondrial DNA deletion. Ann Neurol, 2006, 59(2):394-398. |
42. | Harris MO, Walsh LE, Hattab EM, et al. Is it ADEM, POLG, or both? Arch Neurol, 2010, 67(4):493-496. |
43. | Wu SB, Ma YS, Wu YT, et al. Mitochondrial DNA mutation-elicited oxidative stress, oxidative damage, and altered gene expression in cultured cells of patients with MERRF syndrome. Mol Neurobiol, 2010, 41(2-3):256-266. |
44. | Azakli H, Gurses C, Arikan M, et al. Whole mitochondrial DNA variations in hippocampal specimens and blood samples with high-throughput sequencing:a case of mesial temporal lobe epilepsy with hippocampal sclerosis. Gene, 2013, 529(1):190-194. |
45. | Zhang X, Chen G, Lu Y, et al. Association of mitochondrial Letm1 with epileptic seizures. Cereb Cortex, 2014, 24(10):2533-2540. |
46. | Tzoulis C, Bindoff LA. Acute mitochondrial encephalopathy reflects neuronal energy failure irrespective of which genome the genetic defect affects. Brain, 2012, 135(12):3627-3634. |
47. | Kunz WS. The role of mitochondria in epileptogenesis. Curr Opin Neurol, 2002, 15(2):179-184. |
48. | Fujikawa DG, Zhao S, Ke X, et al. Mild as well as severe insults produce necrotic, not apoptotic cells:evidence from 60 min seizures. Neurosci Lett, 2010, 469(36):333-337. |
49. | Bengzon J, Kokaia Z, Elmer E, et al. Apoptosis and proliferation of dentate gyrus neurons after single and intermittent limbic seizures. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA, 1997, 94(19):10432-10437. |
50. | 赵忠礼, 宋从磊, 杨斌, 等.中国人MELAS型线粒体脑肌病一例报告及文献复习.中国优生与遗传杂志, 2015, 231(1):122-125. |
51. | Canafoglia L, Franceschetti S, Antozzi C, et al. Epileptic phenotypes asscociated with mitochondrial disorders. Neurology, 2001, 56(10):1340-1346. |
52. | 迟兆富.线粒体脑肌病与癫痫.神经损伤与功能重建, 2007, 2(5):257-261. |
- 1. Dimauro S, Moraes CT. Mitochondrial encephalomyopathies.Arch Neurol, 1993, 50(11):1197-1208.
- 2. Dimauro S, Tay S, Mancuso M, et al. Mitochondrial encephalomyopathies:diagnostic approach. Ann Acad Sci, 2004, 10(11):217-231.
- 3. 王维治, 陈生弟, 崔丽英, 等.神经病学.第2版.北京:人民卫生出版社, 2013:1339-1350.
- 4. Bertini ED, Amico A. Mitochondrial encephalomyopathies and relatedsyndromes:brief review. Endocr Dev, 2009, 14(20):38-52.
- 5. Kara B, Arıkan M, Maras H, et al. Whole mitochondrial genome analysis of a family with NARP/MILS caused by m.8993T>C mutation in the MT-ATP6 gene. Mol Genet Metab, 2012, 107(3):389-393.
- 6. Mezghani N, Mkaouar-Rebai E, Mnif M, et al. The heteroplasmic m.14709T>C mutation in the tRNA (Glu) gene in two Tunisian families with mitochondrial diabetes. J Diabetes Complications, 2010, 24(4):270-277.
- 7. Yamamoto H, Tang HW. Preventive effect of melatonin against cyanide-induced seizures and lipid peroxidation in mice. Neurosci Lett, 1996, 207(2):89-92.
- 8. Urbanska EM, Blaszczak P, Saran T, et al. Mitochondrial toxin 3-nitropropionic acid evokes seizures in mice. Eur J Pharmacol, 1998, 359(1):55-58.
- 9. Ylikallio E, Suomalainen A. Mechanisms of mitochondrial diseases. Ann Med, 2012, 44(1):41-59.
- 10. DiMauro S. Mitochondrial disease. Biochim Biophys Acta, 2004, 16(58):80-88.
- 11. Spinazzola A, Zeviani M. Disorder of nuclear-mitochondrialinter genomic communication. Biosci Rep, 2007, 27(14):39-51.
- 12. Mende S, Storch A, Reichmann H, et al. Gene expression profinling of classic mitochondrial disorders, its value in finding therapeutic strategies. Nervenarzt, 2007, 78(10):1155-1159.
- 13. Chinnery PF, Howell N, Lightowlers RN, et al.MELAS and MERRF:the relationship between maternal mutation load and the frequency ofclinically affected offspring.Brain, 1998, 121(Pt 10):1889-1894.
- 14. Lax NZ, Pienaar IS, Reeve AK, et al. Microangiopathy in thecerebellum of patients with mitochondrial DNA disease. Brain, 2012, 135(pt 6):1736-1750.
- 15. Garone C, Tadesse S, Hirano M, et al. Clinical and genetic spectrum of mitochondrial neurogastrointestinal encephalomyopathy. Brain, 2011, 134(pt11):3326-3332.
- 16. 姚生, 戚晓昆. MELAS综合征.中国神经免疫学和神经病学杂志, 2010, 17(3):228-231.
- 17. Schapira AH. Mitochondrial diseases. Lancet, 2012, 379(9828):1825-1834.
- 18. Finsterer J. Genetic pathogenetic and phenotypic implications of the mitochondrial A3243G tRNAleu (UUR) mutation. Acta Neurol Scand, 2007, 116(1):1-14.
- 19. Goodfellow JA, Dani K, Stewart W, et al. Mitochondrialmyopathy, encephalopathy, lactic acidosis and stroke-like episodes:an important cause of stroke in young people. Postgrad Med J, 2012, 88(1040):326-334.
- 20. Abbott JA, Francklyn CS, Robey-Bond SM, et al. Transfer RNA and human disease. Front Genet, 2014, 3(5):158.
- 21. Khurana DS, Valencia DM, Goldenthal MJ, et al. Mitochondrial dysfunction in epilepsy. Semin Pediatr Neurol, 2013, 20(3):176-187.
- 22. Martinc B, Grabnar I, Vovk T, et al. The role of reactive species in epileptogenesis and influence of anti drug therapy on oxdative stress. Curr Neuropharmacol, 2012, 10(8):328-343.
- 23. Folbergrová J, Kunz WS. Mitochondrial dysfunction in epilepsy. Mitochondrion, 2012, 12(1):35-40.
- 24. Kunz WS, Kudin AP, Vielhaber S, et al. Mitochondrial complex I deficiency in the epileptic focus of patients with temporal lobe epilepsy. Ann Neurol, 2000, 48(5):766-773.
- 25. Rowley S, Patel M. Mitochondrial involvement and oxidative stress in temporal lobe epilepsy. Free Radic Biol Med, 2013, 62(33):121-131.
- 26. Kovac S, Domijan AM, Walker MC, et al. Prolonged seizure activity impairs mitochondrial bioenergetics and induces cell death. J Cell Sci, 2011, 125(Pt7):1796-1806.
- 27. Venditti P, Di Stefano L, Di Meo S, et al. Mitochondrial metabolism and oxygen species. Mitochondrion, 2013, 13(2):71-82.
- 28. Yamamoto H, Tang HW. Preventive effect of melatonin against cyanide-induced seizures and lipid peroxidation in mice. Neurosci Lett, 1996, 207(2):89-92.
- 29. Kang HC, Lee YM, Kim HD, et al. Mitochondrial disease and epilepsy. Brain Dev, 2013, 35(8):757-761.
- 30. Folbergrová J, Kunz WS. Mitochondrial dysfunction in epilepsy. Mitochondrion, 2012, 12(1):35-40.
- 31. Hsu Lisa, T Emrick, Patel M, et al. Mitochondrial involvement and oxidative stress in temporal lobe epilepsy. Biol Med, 2014, 12(3):120-126.
- 32. Liang LP, Waldbaum S, Rowley S, et al. Mitochondrial oxidative stress in SOD2 deficient mice:attenuationbya lipophilic metal loporphyrin. Neurobiol Dis, 2012, 45(3):1068-1076.
- 33. Gao J, Chi ZF, Liu XW, et al. Mitochondrial dysfunction and ultra structural damage in the hippocampus of pilocarpine-induced epileptic rat. Neurosci Lett, 2007, 41(1):152-157.
- 34. Folbergrová J, Ješina P, N Au.G sková H, et al. Antioxidant enzymes in cerebral cortex of immature rats followingexperimentally-induced seizures:upregulation of mitochondrial MnSOD (SOD2). Int J Dev Neurosci, 2013, 31(10):123-130.
- 35. Mueller SG, Trabesinger AH, Boesiger P, et al. Brain glutathione elevelsin patients with epilepsy measured by in vivo H-MRS. Neurology, 2001, 57(26):1422-1427.
- 36. Vielhaber S, Niessen HG, Debska-Vielhaber G, et al. Subfield-specific loss of hippocampal N-acetylaspartate in temporal lobe epilepsy. Epilepsia, 2008, 49(23):40-50.
- 37. Hämäläinen RH, Manninen T, Koivumäki H, et al. Tissue-and cell-typy specific manifestations of hetero plasmic mtDNA 3243A>G mutation in human induced pluripotent stem cell-derived disease model. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA, 2013, 110(38):E3622-3630.
- 38. Ayman W, Hattab E, Jean W, et al. Restoration of impaired nitric oxide production in MELAS syndrome with citrulline and argin in supplementation. Mol Genet Metab, 2012, 105(4):607-614.
- 39. 刘健康, 王学敏, 龙建纲, 等.线粒体医学与健康.北京:科学出版社, 2012:260-285.
- 40. Chen CY, Chen HF, Gi SJ, et al. Decreased heat shock protein 27 expression and altered autophagy in human cells harboring A8344G mitochondrial DNA mutation. Mitochondrion, 2011, 11(5):739-749.
- 41. Pineda M, Ormazabal A, Lopez-Gallardo E, et al. Cerebral folate deficiency and leukoence phalopathy caused by a mitochondrial DNA deletion. Ann Neurol, 2006, 59(2):394-398.
- 42. Harris MO, Walsh LE, Hattab EM, et al. Is it ADEM, POLG, or both? Arch Neurol, 2010, 67(4):493-496.
- 43. Wu SB, Ma YS, Wu YT, et al. Mitochondrial DNA mutation-elicited oxidative stress, oxidative damage, and altered gene expression in cultured cells of patients with MERRF syndrome. Mol Neurobiol, 2010, 41(2-3):256-266.
- 44. Azakli H, Gurses C, Arikan M, et al. Whole mitochondrial DNA variations in hippocampal specimens and blood samples with high-throughput sequencing:a case of mesial temporal lobe epilepsy with hippocampal sclerosis. Gene, 2013, 529(1):190-194.
- 45. Zhang X, Chen G, Lu Y, et al. Association of mitochondrial Letm1 with epileptic seizures. Cereb Cortex, 2014, 24(10):2533-2540.
- 46. Tzoulis C, Bindoff LA. Acute mitochondrial encephalopathy reflects neuronal energy failure irrespective of which genome the genetic defect affects. Brain, 2012, 135(12):3627-3634.
- 47. Kunz WS. The role of mitochondria in epileptogenesis. Curr Opin Neurol, 2002, 15(2):179-184.
- 48. Fujikawa DG, Zhao S, Ke X, et al. Mild as well as severe insults produce necrotic, not apoptotic cells:evidence from 60 min seizures. Neurosci Lett, 2010, 469(36):333-337.
- 49. Bengzon J, Kokaia Z, Elmer E, et al. Apoptosis and proliferation of dentate gyrus neurons after single and intermittent limbic seizures. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA, 1997, 94(19):10432-10437.
- 50. 赵忠礼, 宋从磊, 杨斌, 等.中国人MELAS型线粒体脑肌病一例报告及文献复习.中国优生与遗传杂志, 2015, 231(1):122-125.
- 51. Canafoglia L, Franceschetti S, Antozzi C, et al. Epileptic phenotypes asscociated with mitochondrial disorders. Neurology, 2001, 56(10):1340-1346.
- 52. 迟兆富.线粒体脑肌病与癫痫.神经损伤与功能重建, 2007, 2(5):257-261.
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