颅内海绵状血管瘤(Cerebral cavernous malformations, CCMs)是一种已被明确的, 最常见的单发病变, 约占人群的0.4%~0.9%。癫痫发作是CCMs患者最常见的症状, 并严重影响患者的社会功能和生活质量。然而在接受手术切除治疗的CCMs所致癫痫(CCMs related epilepsy, CRE)患者中仅有75%达到无癫痫发作。这是由于对致痫灶区域评估的不充分所致。国际抗癫痫联盟(ILAE)治疗方法委员会手术治疗协作组及受邀专家回顾了与CRE相关的文献资料, 提出以下观点:根据诊断评估及针对病因的特殊处理不同, 推荐使用"确定的CRE"与"可能的CRE"来描述诊断。未来需要前瞻性的临床研究来明确CRE的最佳手术时机及手术方案, 以及含铁血黄素沉积边缘与致痫灶之间的关系。
Citation: 郭佳南, 慕洁. 国际抗癫痫联盟治疗方法委员会手术治疗协作组报告——海绵状血管瘤所致癫痫治疗的回顾及推荐. Journal of Epilepsy, 2015, 1(3): 251-260. doi: 10.7507/2096-0247.20150043 Copy
Copyright © the editorial department of Journal of Epilepsy of West China Medical Publisher. All rights reserved
1. | Acciarri N, Giulioni M, Padovani R, et al. Surgical management of cerebral cavernous angiomas causing epilepsy. J Neurosurg Sci, 1995, 39(1):13-20. |
2. | Awad I, Jabbour P. Cerebral cavernous malformations and epilepsy. Neurosurg Focus, 2006, 21(3):e7. |
3. | Batra S, Lin D, Recinos PF, et al. Cavernous malformations:natural history, diagnosis and treatment. Nat Rev Neurol, 2009, 5(2):659-670. |
4. | Baumann CR, Schuknecht B, Lo RG, et al. Seizure outcome after resection of cavernous malformations is better when surrounding hemosiderin-stained brain also is removed. Epilepsia, 2006, 47(11):563-566. |
5. | Baumann CR, Acciarri N, Bertalanffy H, et al. Seizure outcome after resection of supratentorial cavernous malformations:a study of 168 patients. Epilepsia, 2007, 48(12):559-563. |
6. | Benbadis SR, Tatum WO, Murtagh FR, et al. MRI evidence of mesial temporal sclerosis in patients with psychogenic nonepileptic seizures. Neurology, 2000, 55(8):1061-1062. |
7. | Berg AT, Berkovic SF, Brodie MJ, et al. Revised terminology and concepts for organization of seizures and epilepsies:report of the ILAE Commission on Classification and Terminology, 2005-2009. Epilepsia, 2010, 51(3):676-685. |
8. | Bergametti F, Denier C, Labauge P, et al. Mutations within the programmed cell death 10 gene cause cerebral cavernous malformations. Am J Hum Genet, 2005, 76(10):42-51. |
9. | Bertalanffy H, Benes L, Miyazawa T, et al. Cerebral cavernomas in the adult. Review of the literature and analysis of 72 surgically treated patients. Neurosurg Rev, 2002, 25(9):1-53. |
10. | Blumcke I, Thom M, Aronica E, et al. The clinicopathologic spectrum of focal cortical dysplasias:a consensus classification proposed by an ad hoc Task Force of the ILAE Diagnostic Methods Commission. Epilepsia, 2011, 52(4):158-174. |
11. | Buhl R, Hempelmann RG, Stark AM, et al. Therapeutical considerations in patients with intracranial venous angiomas. Eur J Neurol, 2002, 9(1):165-169. |
12. | Cappabianca P, Alfieri A, Maiuri F, et al. Supratentorial cavernous malformations and epilepsy:seizure outcome after lesionectomy on a series of 35 patients. Clin Neurol Neurosurg, 1997, 99(12):179-183. |
13. | Casazza M, Broggi G, Franzini A, et al. Supratentorial cavernous angiomas and epileptic seizures:preoperative course and postoperative outcome. Neurosurgery, 1996, 39(7):26-32. |
14. | Casazza M, Avanzini G, Ciceri E, et al. Lesionectomy in epileptogenic temporal lobe lesions:preoperative seizure course and postoperative outcome. Acta Neurochir Suppl, 1997, 68(12):64-69. |
15. | Chahine LM, Berg MJ. Clinical Reasoning:cerebral cavernous malformations. Neurology, 2009, 73(8):44-49. |
16. | Chen DJ, Severson E, Prayson RA. Cavernous angiomas in chronicepilepsy associated with focal cortical dysplasia. Clin Neuropathol, 2013, 32(6):31-36. |
17. | Cohen DS, Zubay GP, Goodman RR. Seizure outcome after lesionectomy for cavernous malformations. J Neurosurg, 1995, 83(4):237-242. |
18. | Dammann P, Barth M, Zhu Y, et al. Susceptibility weighted magnetic resonance imaging of cerebral cavernous malformations:prospects, drawbacks, and first experience at ultra-high field strength (7-Tesla) magnetic resonance imaging. Neurosurg Focus, 2010, 29(8):5. |
19. | Del Curling O, Kelly DL, Elster AD, et al. An analysis of the natural history of cavernous angiomas. J Neurosurg, 1991, 75(10):702-708. |
20. | Di Gennaro G, Quarato PP, Sebastiano F, et al. Postoperative EEG and seizure outcome in temporal lobe epilepsy surgery. Clin Neurophysiol, 2004, 115(1):1212-1219. |
21. | Ding L, Worrell GA, Lagerlund TD, et al. 3D source localization of interictal spikes in epilepsy patients with MRI lesions. Phys Med Biol, 2006, 51(7):4047-4062. |
22. | Englot DJ, Han SJ, Lawton MT, et al. Predictors of seizure freedom in the surgical treatment of supratentorial cavernous malformations clinical article. J Neurosurg, 2010, 115(9):1169-1174. |
23. | Fedele DE, Gouder N, Guttinger M, et al. Astrogliosis in epilepsy leads to overexpression of adenosine kinase, resulting in seizure aggravation. Brain, 2005, 128(3):2383-2395. |
24. | Felbor U, Sure U, Grimm T, et al. Genetics of cerebral cavernous angioma. Zentralbl Neurochir, 2006, 67(12):110-116. |
25. | Ferrer I, Kaste M, Kalimo H. Vascular diseases//Love S, Louis DN, Ellison DW, ed. Greenfield's neuropathology. Edward Arnold, London, 2010:121-240. |
26. | Ferrier CH, Aronica E, Leijten FS, et al. Electrocorticography discharge patterns in patients with a cavernous hemangioma and pharmacoresistent epilepsy. J Neurosurg, 2007, 107(9):495-503. |
27. | Ferroli P, Casazza M, Marras C, et al. Cerebral cavernomas and seizures:a retrospective study on 163 patients who underwent pure lesionectomy. Neurol Sci, 2006, 26(8):390-394. |
28. | Fisher RS, van Emde BW, Blume W, et al. Epileptic seizures and epilepsy:definitions proposed by the International League Against Epilepsy (ILAE) and the International Bureau for Epilepsy (IBE). Epilepsia, 2005, 46(3):470-472. |
29. | Grant PE, Knake S.Magnetic resonance imaging techniques in the evaluation for epilepsy surgery//Wyllie E, Gupta A, Lachhwani DK, ed.The treatment of epilepsy:principles and practice. Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, Philadelphia, PA, 2005:1009-1022. |
30. | Hammen T, Romstock J, Dorfler A, et al. Prediction of postoperative outcome with special respect to removal of hemosiderin fringe:a study in patients with cavernous haemangiomas associated with symptomatic epilepsy. Seizure, 2007, 35(8):360-363. |
31. | Hsu PW, Chang CN, Tseng CK, et al.Treatment of epileptogenic cavernomas:surgery versus radiosurgery. Cerebrovasc Dis, 2007, 24(11):116-120. |
32. | Jackson JH, Taylor J, Holmes G, et al. Selected writings of John Hughlings Jackson, Volume 1:on epilepsy and epileptiform convulsions. Hodder and Stoughton, London, 1931. |
33. | Jin K, Nakasato N, Shamoto H, et al. Neuromagnetic localization of spike sources in perilesional, contralateral mirror and ipsilateral remote areas in patients with cavernoma. Epilepsia, 2007, 48(9):2160-2166. |
34. | Josephson C, Leach J, Duncan R, et al. Seizure risk from cavernous or arteriovenous malformations prospective population-based study. Neurology, 2011, 76(5):1548-1554. |
35. | Karlsson B, Kihlstrom L, Lindquist C, et al. Radiosurgery for cavernous malformations. J Neurosurg, 1998, 88(12):293-297. |
36. | Kim DS, Park YG, Choi JU, et al. An analysis of the natural history of cavernous malformations. Surg Neurol, 1997, 48(6):9-17. |
37. | King MA, Newton MR, Jackson GD, et al. Epileptology of the first-seizure presentation:a clinical, electroencephalographic, and magnetic resonance imaging study of 300 consecutive patients. Lancet, 1998, 352(6):1007-1011. |
38. | Kivelev J, Niemela M, Blomstedt G, et al. Microsurgical treatment of temporal lobe cavernomas. Acta Neurochir, 2011, 153(12):261-270. |
39. | Kufs H. Heredofamiliarangiomatosis of the brain and the retina, their connections with each other and the angiomatosis of the skin. Zschrges Neurol Psychiatr, 1928, 113(23):651-686. |
40. | Kwan P, Arzimanoglou A, Berg AT, et al. Definition of drug resistant epilepsy:consensus proposal by the ad hoc Task Force of the ILAE Commission on Therapeutic Strategies. Epilepsia, 2010, 51(6):1069-1077. |
41. | Laberge-le Couteulx S, Jung HH, Labauge P, et al. Truncating mutations in CCM1, encoding KRIT1, cause hereditary cavernous angiomas. Nat Genet, 1999, 23(11):189-193. |
42. | Liquori CL, Berg MJ, Siegel AM, et al. Mutations in a gene encoding a novel protein containing a phosphotyrosine-binding domain cause type 2 cerebral cavernous malformations. Am J Hum Genet, 2003, 73(5):1459-1464. |
43. | Lunsford L, Khan AA, NiranjanA, et al. Stereotactic radiosurgery for symptomatic solitary cerebral cavernous malformations considered high risk for resection. J Neurosurg, 2010, 113(6):23-29. |
44. | Maciunas JA, Syed TU, Cohen ML, et al. Triple pathology in epilepsy:coexistence of cavernous angiomas and cortical dysplasias with other lesions. Epilepsy Res, 2010, 91(9):106-110. |
45. | Maraire JN, Awad IA. Intracranial cavernous malformations:lesion behavior and management strategies. Neurosurgery, 1995, 37(8):591-605. |
46. | McCormick WF, Boulter TR. Vascular malformations ("angiomas") of the dura mater. J Neurosurg, 1966, 25(10):309-311. |
47. | Menzler K, Chen X, Thiel P, et al. Epileptogenicity of cavernomas depends on (archi-) cortical localization. Neurosurgery, 2010, 67(13):918-924. |
48. | Monaco EA, Khan AA, Niranjan A, et al. Stereotactic radiosurgery for the treatment of symptomatic brainstem cavernous malformations. Neurosurg Focus, 2010, 29(4):11. |
49. | Moran NF, Fish DR, Kitchen N, et al.Supratentorial cavernous haemangiomas and epilepsy:a review of the literature and case series. J Neurol Neurosurg Psychiatry, 1999, 66(2):561-568. |
50. | Moriarity JL, Wetzel M, Clatterbuck RE, et al. The natural history of cavernous malformations:a prospective study of 68 patients. Neurosurgery, 1999, 44(7):1166-1171. |
51. | Morrell F. Secondary epileptogenesis in man. Arch Neurol, 1985, 42(6):318-335. |
52. | Oehl B, Altenmueller DM, Schulze-Bonhage A. Presurgical video EEG monitoring of lesional epilepsy patients. Nervenarzt, 2009, 80(12):464-467. |
53. | Okujava M, Ebner A, Schmitt J, et al. Cavernous angioma associated with ipsilateral hippocampal sclerosis. Eur Radiol, 2002, 12(3):1840-1842. |
54. | Piepgras DG, Sundt TM, Ragoowansi AT, et al. Seizure outcome in patients with surgically treated cerebral arteriovenousmalformations. J Neurosurg, 1993, 78(6):5-11. |
55. | Rabinov JD. Diagnostic imaging of angiographicallyoccult vascular malformations. Neurosurg Clin N Am, 1999, 10(3):419. |
56. | Rammos SK, Maina R, Lanzino G. Developmental venous anomalies:current concepts and implications for management. Neurosurgery, 2009, 65(8):20-30. |
57. | Robinson JR, Awad IA, Little JR. Natural history of the cavernous angioma. J Neurosurg, 1991, 75(10):709-714. |
58. | Robinson JR, Awad IA, Magdinec M, et al. Factors predisposing to clinical disability in patients with cavernous malformations of the brain. Neurosurgery, 1993, 32(6):730-735. |
59. | Rocamora R, Mader I, Zentner J, et al. Epilepsy surgery in patients with multiple cerebral cavernous malformations. Seizure, 2009, 18(11):241-245. |
60. | Rosenow F, Luders H. Presurgical evaluation of epilepsy. Brain, 2001, 124(5):1683-1700. |
61. | Sage MR, Brophy BP, Sweeney C, et al. Cavernous haemangiomas (angiomas) of the brain:clinically significant lesions. Australas Radiol, 1993, 37(1):147-155. |
62. | Santoro A, Piccirilli M, Brunetto GMF, et al. Intramedullary cavernous angioma of the spinal cord in a pediatric patient, with multiple cavernomas familial occurrence and partial spontaneous regression:case report and review of the literature. Childs Nerv Syst, 2007, 23(12):1319-1326. |
63. | Schlamann M, Maderwald S, Becker W, et al. Cerebral cavernous hemangiomas at 7 Tesla:initial experience. Acad Radiol, 2010, 17(11):3-6. |
64. | Schneider BF, Eberhard DA, Steiner LE. Histopathology of arteriovenous malformations after gamma knife radiosurgery. J Neurosurg, 1997, 87(4):352-357. |
65. | Schroeder HWS, Gaab MR, Runge U. Supratentorial cavernous angiomas and epileptic seizures:preoperative course and postoperative outcome. Neurosurgery, 1997, 40(12):885. |
66. | Schwartz TH. Epilepsy surgeons, rather than vascular neurosurgeons, should operate on cavernous malformations that cause seizures-a modest proposal. Epilepsy Curr, 2010, 10(8):59-60. |
67. | Seifert G, Schilling K, Steinhauser C. Astrocyte dysfunction in neurological disorders:a molecular perspective. Nat Rev Neurosci, 2006, 7(2):194-206. |
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69. | Stavrou I, Baumgartner C, Frischer JM, et al. Longterm seizure control after resection of supratentorialcavernomas:a retrospective single-center study in 53 patients. Neurosurgery, 2008, 63(5):888-896. |
70. | Stefan H, Hammen T. Cavernous haemangiomas, epilepsy and treatment strategies. Acta Neurol Scand, 2004, 110(12):393-397. |
71. | Stefan H, Walter J, Kerling F, et al. Supratentorialcavernoma and epileptic seizures. Are there predictors for postoperative seizure control? Nervenarzt, 2004, 75(12):765-772. |
72. | Sure U, Butz N, Siegel AM, et al. Treatment-induced neoangiogenesis in cerebral arteriovenous alformations. Clin Neurol Neurosurg, 2001, 103(20):29-32. |
73. | Sure U, Freman S, Bozinov O, et al. Biological activity of adult cavernous malformations:a study of 56 patients. Neurosurg, 2005, 102(32):16-37. |
74. | Theysohn JM, Kraff O, Maderwald S, et al. 7 Tesla MRI of microbleeds and whitematter lesions as seen in vascular dementia. J Magn Reson Imaging, 2011, 33(8):782-791. |
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76. | van GompimJJ, Rubio J, Cascino GD, et al. Electrocorticography-guided resection of temporal cavernoma:iselectrocorticography warranted and does it alter the surgical approach? J Neurosurg, 2009, 110(8):1179-1185. |
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- 1. Acciarri N, Giulioni M, Padovani R, et al. Surgical management of cerebral cavernous angiomas causing epilepsy. J Neurosurg Sci, 1995, 39(1):13-20.
- 2. Awad I, Jabbour P. Cerebral cavernous malformations and epilepsy. Neurosurg Focus, 2006, 21(3):e7.
- 3. Batra S, Lin D, Recinos PF, et al. Cavernous malformations:natural history, diagnosis and treatment. Nat Rev Neurol, 2009, 5(2):659-670.
- 4. Baumann CR, Schuknecht B, Lo RG, et al. Seizure outcome after resection of cavernous malformations is better when surrounding hemosiderin-stained brain also is removed. Epilepsia, 2006, 47(11):563-566.
- 5. Baumann CR, Acciarri N, Bertalanffy H, et al. Seizure outcome after resection of supratentorial cavernous malformations:a study of 168 patients. Epilepsia, 2007, 48(12):559-563.
- 6. Benbadis SR, Tatum WO, Murtagh FR, et al. MRI evidence of mesial temporal sclerosis in patients with psychogenic nonepileptic seizures. Neurology, 2000, 55(8):1061-1062.
- 7. Berg AT, Berkovic SF, Brodie MJ, et al. Revised terminology and concepts for organization of seizures and epilepsies:report of the ILAE Commission on Classification and Terminology, 2005-2009. Epilepsia, 2010, 51(3):676-685.
- 8. Bergametti F, Denier C, Labauge P, et al. Mutations within the programmed cell death 10 gene cause cerebral cavernous malformations. Am J Hum Genet, 2005, 76(10):42-51.
- 9. Bertalanffy H, Benes L, Miyazawa T, et al. Cerebral cavernomas in the adult. Review of the literature and analysis of 72 surgically treated patients. Neurosurg Rev, 2002, 25(9):1-53.
- 10. Blumcke I, Thom M, Aronica E, et al. The clinicopathologic spectrum of focal cortical dysplasias:a consensus classification proposed by an ad hoc Task Force of the ILAE Diagnostic Methods Commission. Epilepsia, 2011, 52(4):158-174.
- 11. Buhl R, Hempelmann RG, Stark AM, et al. Therapeutical considerations in patients with intracranial venous angiomas. Eur J Neurol, 2002, 9(1):165-169.
- 12. Cappabianca P, Alfieri A, Maiuri F, et al. Supratentorial cavernous malformations and epilepsy:seizure outcome after lesionectomy on a series of 35 patients. Clin Neurol Neurosurg, 1997, 99(12):179-183.
- 13. Casazza M, Broggi G, Franzini A, et al. Supratentorial cavernous angiomas and epileptic seizures:preoperative course and postoperative outcome. Neurosurgery, 1996, 39(7):26-32.
- 14. Casazza M, Avanzini G, Ciceri E, et al. Lesionectomy in epileptogenic temporal lobe lesions:preoperative seizure course and postoperative outcome. Acta Neurochir Suppl, 1997, 68(12):64-69.
- 15. Chahine LM, Berg MJ. Clinical Reasoning:cerebral cavernous malformations. Neurology, 2009, 73(8):44-49.
- 16. Chen DJ, Severson E, Prayson RA. Cavernous angiomas in chronicepilepsy associated with focal cortical dysplasia. Clin Neuropathol, 2013, 32(6):31-36.
- 17. Cohen DS, Zubay GP, Goodman RR. Seizure outcome after lesionectomy for cavernous malformations. J Neurosurg, 1995, 83(4):237-242.
- 18. Dammann P, Barth M, Zhu Y, et al. Susceptibility weighted magnetic resonance imaging of cerebral cavernous malformations:prospects, drawbacks, and first experience at ultra-high field strength (7-Tesla) magnetic resonance imaging. Neurosurg Focus, 2010, 29(8):5.
- 19. Del Curling O, Kelly DL, Elster AD, et al. An analysis of the natural history of cavernous angiomas. J Neurosurg, 1991, 75(10):702-708.
- 20. Di Gennaro G, Quarato PP, Sebastiano F, et al. Postoperative EEG and seizure outcome in temporal lobe epilepsy surgery. Clin Neurophysiol, 2004, 115(1):1212-1219.
- 21. Ding L, Worrell GA, Lagerlund TD, et al. 3D source localization of interictal spikes in epilepsy patients with MRI lesions. Phys Med Biol, 2006, 51(7):4047-4062.
- 22. Englot DJ, Han SJ, Lawton MT, et al. Predictors of seizure freedom in the surgical treatment of supratentorial cavernous malformations clinical article. J Neurosurg, 2010, 115(9):1169-1174.
- 23. Fedele DE, Gouder N, Guttinger M, et al. Astrogliosis in epilepsy leads to overexpression of adenosine kinase, resulting in seizure aggravation. Brain, 2005, 128(3):2383-2395.
- 24. Felbor U, Sure U, Grimm T, et al. Genetics of cerebral cavernous angioma. Zentralbl Neurochir, 2006, 67(12):110-116.
- 25. Ferrer I, Kaste M, Kalimo H. Vascular diseases//Love S, Louis DN, Ellison DW, ed. Greenfield's neuropathology. Edward Arnold, London, 2010:121-240.
- 26. Ferrier CH, Aronica E, Leijten FS, et al. Electrocorticography discharge patterns in patients with a cavernous hemangioma and pharmacoresistent epilepsy. J Neurosurg, 2007, 107(9):495-503.
- 27. Ferroli P, Casazza M, Marras C, et al. Cerebral cavernomas and seizures:a retrospective study on 163 patients who underwent pure lesionectomy. Neurol Sci, 2006, 26(8):390-394.
- 28. Fisher RS, van Emde BW, Blume W, et al. Epileptic seizures and epilepsy:definitions proposed by the International League Against Epilepsy (ILAE) and the International Bureau for Epilepsy (IBE). Epilepsia, 2005, 46(3):470-472.
- 29. Grant PE, Knake S.Magnetic resonance imaging techniques in the evaluation for epilepsy surgery//Wyllie E, Gupta A, Lachhwani DK, ed.The treatment of epilepsy:principles and practice. Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, Philadelphia, PA, 2005:1009-1022.
- 30. Hammen T, Romstock J, Dorfler A, et al. Prediction of postoperative outcome with special respect to removal of hemosiderin fringe:a study in patients with cavernous haemangiomas associated with symptomatic epilepsy. Seizure, 2007, 35(8):360-363.
- 31. Hsu PW, Chang CN, Tseng CK, et al.Treatment of epileptogenic cavernomas:surgery versus radiosurgery. Cerebrovasc Dis, 2007, 24(11):116-120.
- 32. Jackson JH, Taylor J, Holmes G, et al. Selected writings of John Hughlings Jackson, Volume 1:on epilepsy and epileptiform convulsions. Hodder and Stoughton, London, 1931.
- 33. Jin K, Nakasato N, Shamoto H, et al. Neuromagnetic localization of spike sources in perilesional, contralateral mirror and ipsilateral remote areas in patients with cavernoma. Epilepsia, 2007, 48(9):2160-2166.
- 34. Josephson C, Leach J, Duncan R, et al. Seizure risk from cavernous or arteriovenous malformations prospective population-based study. Neurology, 2011, 76(5):1548-1554.
- 35. Karlsson B, Kihlstrom L, Lindquist C, et al. Radiosurgery for cavernous malformations. J Neurosurg, 1998, 88(12):293-297.
- 36. Kim DS, Park YG, Choi JU, et al. An analysis of the natural history of cavernous malformations. Surg Neurol, 1997, 48(6):9-17.
- 37. King MA, Newton MR, Jackson GD, et al. Epileptology of the first-seizure presentation:a clinical, electroencephalographic, and magnetic resonance imaging study of 300 consecutive patients. Lancet, 1998, 352(6):1007-1011.
- 38. Kivelev J, Niemela M, Blomstedt G, et al. Microsurgical treatment of temporal lobe cavernomas. Acta Neurochir, 2011, 153(12):261-270.
- 39. Kufs H. Heredofamiliarangiomatosis of the brain and the retina, their connections with each other and the angiomatosis of the skin. Zschrges Neurol Psychiatr, 1928, 113(23):651-686.
- 40. Kwan P, Arzimanoglou A, Berg AT, et al. Definition of drug resistant epilepsy:consensus proposal by the ad hoc Task Force of the ILAE Commission on Therapeutic Strategies. Epilepsia, 2010, 51(6):1069-1077.
- 41. Laberge-le Couteulx S, Jung HH, Labauge P, et al. Truncating mutations in CCM1, encoding KRIT1, cause hereditary cavernous angiomas. Nat Genet, 1999, 23(11):189-193.
- 42. Liquori CL, Berg MJ, Siegel AM, et al. Mutations in a gene encoding a novel protein containing a phosphotyrosine-binding domain cause type 2 cerebral cavernous malformations. Am J Hum Genet, 2003, 73(5):1459-1464.
- 43. Lunsford L, Khan AA, NiranjanA, et al. Stereotactic radiosurgery for symptomatic solitary cerebral cavernous malformations considered high risk for resection. J Neurosurg, 2010, 113(6):23-29.
- 44. Maciunas JA, Syed TU, Cohen ML, et al. Triple pathology in epilepsy:coexistence of cavernous angiomas and cortical dysplasias with other lesions. Epilepsy Res, 2010, 91(9):106-110.
- 45. Maraire JN, Awad IA. Intracranial cavernous malformations:lesion behavior and management strategies. Neurosurgery, 1995, 37(8):591-605.
- 46. McCormick WF, Boulter TR. Vascular malformations ("angiomas") of the dura mater. J Neurosurg, 1966, 25(10):309-311.
- 47. Menzler K, Chen X, Thiel P, et al. Epileptogenicity of cavernomas depends on (archi-) cortical localization. Neurosurgery, 2010, 67(13):918-924.
- 48. Monaco EA, Khan AA, Niranjan A, et al. Stereotactic radiosurgery for the treatment of symptomatic brainstem cavernous malformations. Neurosurg Focus, 2010, 29(4):11.
- 49. Moran NF, Fish DR, Kitchen N, et al.Supratentorial cavernous haemangiomas and epilepsy:a review of the literature and case series. J Neurol Neurosurg Psychiatry, 1999, 66(2):561-568.
- 50. Moriarity JL, Wetzel M, Clatterbuck RE, et al. The natural history of cavernous malformations:a prospective study of 68 patients. Neurosurgery, 1999, 44(7):1166-1171.
- 51. Morrell F. Secondary epileptogenesis in man. Arch Neurol, 1985, 42(6):318-335.
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