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find Keyword "寿命" 24 results
  • Analysis of NAD(P)H Fluorescence Components in Cardiomyocyte to Detect Allograft Rejection in Heart Transplantation

    Objective To insure early detection and hence efficient prevention of allograft rejection in transplanted heart, investigate possible applications of NAD(P)H fluorescence components analysis at the level of living cardiac cells to propose new approaches for diagnosis of rejection. Methods NAD(P)H was studied for noninvasive fluorescent probing of the mitochondrial function. Human cardiomyocyte were isolated from one additional endomyocardial biopsy (EMB) of 14 pediatric patients with heart ransplantation. Rat cardiomyocyte (n=5, 13-14 week old) were also isolated by the same approach for human myocytes. Autofluorescence(AF) was recorded in living cardiomyocytes following excitation with 375 nm UVlight and detection by spectrallyresolved time correlated single photon counting (TCSPC), based on the simultaneous measurement of the fluorescence spectra and lifetimes. Rat cardiac cells were divided into four groups: normoxic condition, normoxia with Rotenone, ischemic condition and ischemia with Rotenone. Comparison of cardiomyocyte AF between human and rat; compared kinetics of rat cardiomyocytes AF in normoxic conditions to ischemiamimicking ones, induced at physiological temperatures by reducing cell pH and oxygen content; comparison of cardiomyocyte AF dynamic changes in transplanted pediatric patients presenting either no rejection (R0) or mild rejection (R1). Results We have achieved appropriate isolation of living cardiomyocytes from human biopsies, as well as from rat cardiac tissues and determined their AF. At least a 3-exponential decay with 0.5-0.7ns, 1.9-2.4 ns and 9.0-15.0 ns lifetime pools is necessary to describe human cardiomyocyte AF within 420560 nm spectral range. Rat cardiomyocyte steadystate AF in ischemiamimicking condition was significantly increased when compared normoxic ones (Plt;0.05); application of Rotenone induced a significant increase in AF intensity in ischemic and normoxic condition, however no significant difference between the two groups (Plt;0.05).Human cardiomyocyte AF was found significantly lower in comparison to experimental rat model in the same condition(Plt;0.05). A correlation between changes in steadystate NAD(P)H fluorescence and rejection grades was found when comparison of R1 to R0. R1 showed significantly increased fluorescence intensity (Plt;0.05), without change in the spectra shape, results can be comparable to the effect of ischemiamimic conditions. Conclusion Our studies clearly demonstrated that spectrallyresolved fluorescence spectral analysis coupled to fluorescence lifetime are high sensitive approaches to examine mitochondrial metabolic oxidative state directly in living human cardiomyocytes with good reproducibility. Human cardiomyocytes are more metabolically active than the rat ones, while this activity (and thus ATP production) seems lowered during rejection process. In perspective, the advantage of this method is the possibility of its combination to multiphoton confocal microscopy, which can result in the adaptation of this approach directly to tissue biopsy, as well as in vivo directly via cardiac catheterization without the necessity of cell isolation. This approach provides promising new tool for clinical diagnosis and treatment of allograft rejection, and will enhance our knowledge about cardiomyocyte oxidative metabolism and/or its dysfunction at a cellular level.

    Release date:2016-08-30 06:06 Export PDF Favorites Scan

    OBJECTIVE: To elongate the proliferation life-span of human umbilicus vein endothelial cell (HUVEC). METHODS: We synthesized the human telomerase reverse transcriptase mRNA (hTERT mRNA) by in vitro transcription, then transferred the hTERT mRNA into HUVEC in quicent stage by lipofect introduction. RESULTS: Telomerase expressed transiently in HUVEC, and the cell life-span was elongated for 7 population doublings. CONCLUSION: Telomerase can be reconstructed controllably and transiently in HUVEC by hTERT mRNA introduction, this method has the potential to be used to elongate the lifespan of cells cultured in vitro.

    Release date:2016-09-01 09:35 Export PDF Favorites Scan
  • Epidemiological Analysis on Injury-Related Deaths of Residents in Zigong City from 2001 to 2009

    Objective To analyze the causes of injury-related deaths of permanent residents in Zigong city, so as to provide scientific references for the prevention and control of injury deaths and for putting forward to relevant health policies as well. Methods Based on the death surveillance data of Zigong from 2001 to 2009, following indicators were analyzed, such as cause specific mortality, age specific mortality and potential years of life lost (PYLL). Results An accumulative total of 10 957 people died of injury from 2001 to 2009, and the crude mortality was 38.13/100 thousands, while the standardized mortality was 36.07/100 thousands. The highest mortality was at the age of more than 65 years of age. The first six injury death causes were as follows: drowning, transport accidents except motor vehicle, suicide, motor vehicle accidents, accidental falling and accidental poisoning. The PYLL of injury death was 334 325.50 person year, APYLL was 34.67 year, and the PYLL rate was 11.63‰ which was higher in male than that of female. Conclusion The epidemiological analysis of injury-related deaths shows an ascending trend, which is the main reason resulting in the loss of residents’ life. Injury has become one of the most serious problems of public health, and it should be prevented and controlled by formulating effective measures and strategies aiming at the injury death spectrum and the target population of Zigong city.

    Release date:2016-09-07 11:00 Export PDF Favorites Scan
  • Analysis on All Death Cause of Residents in Zigong City of Sichuan Province from 1985 to 2009

    Objective To analyze the death cause of residents in Zigong from 1985 to 2009, so as to provide the government with scientific information of health strategies, and disease prevention and control. Methods The death surveillance data in Zigong residents from 1985 to 2009 were collected, and the indexes such as all death mortality rate, infant mortality rate, maternal mortality rate, disease-specific mortality rate, age-specific mortality rate, and life expectancy were analyzed. Results The all death mortality rate had fluctuation of plus or minus 6‰, and the male mortality rate was higher than the female (χ2=8 059.769, P=0.000). The six main influencing factors of the death of Zigong residents were as follows: respiratory system diseases, circulatory system diseases, tumour, injury and poisoning regarded as external cause diseases, digestive system diseases, and infectious diseases and parasitic diseases. The mortality rates of different districts were statistically different (χ2=1 643.926, P=0.000), and Fushun County was the highest among them after standardization. The curve of mortality rate in different sex and age groups was changed alike letter “U”. The mortality rate was ascending with the age in the group of over 15 years old, the ascending trend was more evident especially after 50 years old. The infant mortality declined steadily and was well controlled. The maternal mortality declined obviously. The average life expectancy for the whole city was 74.72, which showed an ascending trend. Conclusion The chronic diseases are the main death cause of residents in Zigong. The prevention and controlling of acute infectious diseases and parasitic diseases should be persistently performed for declining both incidence rate and mortality rate. The Zigong city is gradually stepping into aging society, which requires the great development of senior work.

    Release date:2016-09-07 11:03 Export PDF Favorites Scan
  • Relation between Randomized Clinical Trials of Traditional Chinese Medicine and Local Burden of Disease in China

    目的 评估中医药临床研究是否与我国主要疾病负担相关。 方法 首先从1999年-2004年出版的13种中医、中西医结合杂志中手工检索出随机对照试验(RCT),并提取出杂志名称、出版年限、治疗的疾病类别及样本含量等数据。然后采用死亡率和伤残调整寿命年(DALY)作为衡量标准,统计2002年我国疾病负担前30位病因的RCT数量,采用秩相关分析这些疾病负担与发表的中医药RCT及其受试者数量的关系。 结果 最终确认7 422个RCT,约38%的RCT来自于3种国家级杂志。这些RCT覆盖了我国疾病负担中的主要病种,其中4 280个RCT(57.7%)研究前30位病因合并产生的42个病种,只有3个病种(7%)没有任何RCT研究。采用DALY得到的相关系数分别是0.108(P=0.569)、0.092(P=0.628),通过死亡率产生的相关系数分别是0.453(P=0.012)、0.536(P=0.002)。 结论 中医药RCT与采用死亡率衡量的疾病负担明显相关,但采用DALY分析却未发现二者存在相关性。中医药临床研究可能更注重死亡率高的病种,一定程度上忽略了DALY衡量的疾病负担。

    Release date:2016-09-08 09:13 Export PDF Favorites Scan
  • Assessment of Mitochondrial Metabolic Oxidative State in Living Cardiomyocytes with Cardiomyocyte Autofluorescence

    目的:应用心肌自发荧光(AF)研究心肌线粒体氧化代谢状态,监测线粒体功能改变的早期信号。方法:烟酰胺腺嘌呤(磷酸)二核苷酸[NAD(P)H]作为荧光探针,用光谱分辨的时间相关单光子计数(TCSPC)记录375nm紫外激光激发的心肌AF光谱和荧光寿命,测试影响线粒体呼吸时AF动态衰减。结果:在420~560nm光谱区域,至少需用3个荧光寿命池0.4~0.7ns,1.2~1.9ns和8.0~13.0ns描述细胞AF。线粒体呼吸阻断剂鱼藤酮可显著增加AF强度,缩短平均荧光寿命。氧化磷酸化解偶联剂二硝基酚可显著降低AF强度,在520nm处增宽荧光光谱,延长平均荧光寿命。这些结果和NADH荧光动力学离体实验(in vitro)有可比性。结论:光谱分辨的荧光寿命技术测定心肌NAD(P)H荧光有很好的重复性,在细胞水平上增加了心肌氧化代谢或线粒体功能障碍的知识,为临床诊断和治疗线粒体功能障碍开拓了新视野。

    Release date:2016-09-08 10:01 Export PDF Favorites Scan
  • Disease Burden of Diabetes Mellitus in Chinese Population: A Systematic Review

    ObjectiveTo systematically review the disease burden and epidemiological characteristics of diabetes mellitus in Chinese population, and to provide references for health resources allocation and health policy making. MethodsDatabases such as PubMed, EMbase, CNKI, VIP and WanFang Data were searched for studies investigating disease burden of diabetes mellitus in Chinese population up to January 1st, 2014. According to the inclusion and exclusion criteria, two researchers screened literature, exacted data, and assessed methodological quality of included studies. Statistical analysis was performed with the data of diabetes associated population, mortality and disease burden were analyzed. ResultsA total of 39 studies were included, one of which was not included for further qualitative analysis due to low quality. The results of qualitative analysis involving 38 studies showed that, since 1980, the prevalence of diabetes increased rapidly in China, especially in the younger age group. The disease burden of woman was higher than that of man; it was slightly higher in the city than in the countryside; but the gap between urban and rural areas was gradually narrowed. Disease burdens in Eastern, Central and Western regions orderly decreased, all of which were all at high levels. ConclusionThe disease burden of diabetes mellitus in China is seriously high and the prevention and control work is very hard. It is necessary to rationally and effectively allocate health resources based on different health demands in different regions among urban-rural and age groups; to reduce the burden in the elderly; and to pay more attention to the young age population at the same time. Besides, the emphasis of prevention should be placed on suppressing the increase of prevalence of diabetes mellitus and reducing disease burden due to its complications.

    Release date: Export PDF Favorites Scan
  • 饮食节制及营养敏感通路对生物寿命的影响


    Release date:2017-07-21 03:43 Export PDF Favorites Scan
  • Death causes and life lost analysis for residents in Xinjian district of Nanchang city: 2011 to 2015

    Objective To investigate the death rate and life lost of the Xinjian district residents in Nanchang city, and to provide scientific evidence for the health administrators to formulate relevant policies and improve the life expectancy of the residents. Methods Based on the population and the death data in this area from 2011 to 2015, the mortality, the cause of death spectrum, the life expectancy, the life expectancy for death causes, the potential years of life lost (PYLL), the potential years of life lost rate (PYLLR), the average potential years of life lost (APYLL), the standardized potential years of life lost (SPYLL), the standardized potential years of life lost rate (SPYLLR) were analyzed by SPSS 20.0 software. Results From 2011 to 2015, the crude death rate of Xinjian district was 538.38/10 million, the standardized mortality rate was 563.00/10 million, the crude death rate of males is higher than that of females (χ2=788.91, P<0.01); the causes of death in the top five were follows: circulatory system diseases, tumor, respiratory system diseases, injury, endocrine, nutrition and metabolic diseases. The causes of death were in the same order whether in male or female. Mortality rates of different age groups showed that the mortality rates began to rise substantially after the age of 30, the main causes of death were different between the low age group and the high age group. The life expectancy of residents was 78.38 years, the PYLL for all causes of death was 129 087.5 years, the PYLLR was 39.84‰, the APYLL was 17.44 years, the SPYLL was 134 057.00 years, the SPYLLR was 38.61‰. The PYLL caused by injury was 46 191.5 years, the PYLLR was 14.26‰, APYLL was 33.14 years, of which were all ranked first. The SPYLL caused by tumor was 48 414.95 years, the SPYLLR was 13.94‰, of which were ranked first. Conclusion The mortality rate of Xinjian district residents is higher than that of Nanchang urban residents, but lower than the average level of Jiangxi province and the whole country. Life reduction analysis shows that chronic non-communicable diseases and injuries are the main causes of death for residents in the area. The three levels prevention is of great significance to reduce the death of residents and improve their life expectancy.

    Release date:2018-03-20 03:48 Export PDF Favorites Scan
  • Nafamostat mesilate in anticoagulation of continuous renal replacement therapy

    In the intensive care units of Japan, nafamostat mesilate (NM) is the most used anticoagulant of continuous blood purification, with the rate of up to 85%. Its biggest characteristic is not to reduce the life of the filter in the group of patients with high risk of bleeding, and it can be safely used. However, there are not a few reports about severe anaphylaxis, when the symptoms of anaphylaxis is recognized after the start of continuous renal replacement therapy, it should be kept in mind that it is NM hypersensitivity. In addition, for an expensive drug, it may be required to be limited in the cases of risk of bleeding complications. NM has been developed for nearly 30 years, so it has high reliability in Japan. However, in the same case, regional citrate anticoagulation is recommended internationally. It may need a randomized controlled trial with regional citrate anticoagulation to prove the real effectiveness of NM.

    Release date:2018-07-27 09:54 Export PDF Favorites Scan
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